Thursday 23 February 2017

My Sister: She Means Home to Me.

-- by JC
(Age 10, Grade 5 student, written in 2013)
-- Transcribed by Frank C Yue
I am writing about my sister because she means home to me.
Her name is C and she is seven.
With my sister, I learn about love, patience and encourageement. I learn about love because one time, I had a really bad stomachahe and she wrote me a "get well soon" card. I felt very happy and loved when I needed it most. I learn to love her by taking care of her, especially when she was small. (79)
I learn about patience because when I was three and she was only a few months old, she saw me playing with a toy. All of a sudden she ran up, grabbed it, and ran away. After a while, she came to grab another toy from me. I learned to be patient because I understood that she was still really small. (140)
I learned about encouragement when she told me not to be nervous for my (154) first piano exam. She told me I would be all right and do pretty good, and I did! Her words warmed my heart and I got good marks in my first piano exam! 
I also really wanted a brother or sister because before she was born, I had no one to play with. That is why I love my sister and she means home to me. 
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note by grandpa typist:

one late afternoon this week, i was delighted to find a photocopy of three pages of a stapled manuscript, written in pencil, of the above short essay lying on my 14-year old grandson's desk -- as my "cook" and i went to his house, bearing delicious, steaming home-made dishes for their family dinner. this copy was obviously meant for the eyes of the parents. (as there was no one in the house at that hour yet, i smuggled the piece back home and did some typing on my laptop. the manuscript will be returned to its original abode on our next visit.)( -- pardon? as always of course, i'm the designated long-time, faithful, kungfu-trained "chauffeur-and-body guard" for the VIP cook.)
to be truthful, the original article was just one long continuous paragraph. and the figures shown within brackets above are presumably word counts. (for school work, a minimum length of the essay is mandatory.)  

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