影武者言 (10) 如何作出最有效最勁的反擊!
The Shadow
Warrior 10 : The Most Effective Counterattacks!
學而時習之:請觀摩一下(北京某搏擊俱樂部) 王智慧總教練 給大家示範(大同小異)的 左側 "實戰姿勢" 或稱 "準備姿勢" ,也是各個不同武術門派禦敵的基本姿勢 。(詳見 王智慧 著 "實用防身制敵術" 第15頁。)
為什麽 叫 "基本姿勢"?在街頭血戰之際,拳來腳往,刀光劍影,那還有半秒時間(0.5秒)給你看個清楚!然後思考拆招之方法!?擺出好看十足的招式嗎?
請記著:[書不盡言,言不盡意。]學有定式,用無定法 !一理通百理明,活學活用! 融會貫通,變化莫測!寸秒方吋之間定生死!
又請看看以作參考,空手道的幾款基本實戰勢,其中 '長橋大馬(長拳大架)作雙手刀式' 為正宗 松濤舘空手道 招式。以下第一圖右邊是轉胯挺腰向前用掌根 Palm-heel 進攻之勢。但是 學武初手 出右拳右掌時,左手切勿回收胸側或腰間,要作為護手或者亁脆雙手齊出,增強攻勢! 第三,四圖 所示之年輕黑帶武者就是右手收回腰間(伺機出手) ,以致瞬間 (0.5秒內) 被對手以一招 "左中貫手" 刺穿咽喉,遭重創而慘敗!(Photos from "Karate Breaking Techniques" by J. Hibbard; "Official
Karate" by David Mithell; and "Shoto-Kan Karate" by Peter Ventresca
這一招簡易實用的(左側) "實戰勢" 容易學容易記,和太極拳的 左獨立步 (即左金雞獨立勢),旗鼓相當,也有相似之處,即是左手左腳在前;右側則反之。
正確的實戰勢譲你可以 --
1. 暫時立於不敗之地,應該快速審時度勢(但不露痕跡): 先認定可供逃生的方向及路徑,那些周圍環境物件可供利用,助你一臂之力,增加勝算:例如地上的沙土磚石(作暗器伺機擲出),長柄器具,竹籮,垃圾桶蓋(作護身盾)等;
2. 趁機用手機撥電警方求援;
3. 有效地防御兇徒進攻;
4. 以最大限度地衛護自身的薄弱部位;
5. 迅速地避開,進攻或反擊來敵。

左面圖片顕示這位 跆拳道教練 ( From“The Ultimate Reference Guide to the World’s Most Popular Martial Art TAE KWON DO” by Yeon Hee Park & Co.) 所擊出之右中貫手之下,伴以左護手,用於推擋抓拿兇徒可能同時攻到的拳腳器械!左腿當然也可以 '高踢腿' 飛射而出,攻防縝密,小心了!
上回 “影武” (9) 提到:
(10) 搏鬥擺出"戰鬥勢"時,要與兇徒 “中軸缐對形”,這是個嚴緊的 防身自衛姿勢:防閃來攻,乘機反擊,護弱襲虛,順勢借力,出其不意,攻其不備,發聲驚怪,以氣催勁!
"發聲驚怪,以氣催勁!" 作何解釋?
為什麽 叫 "基本姿勢"?在街頭血戰之際,拳來腳往,刀光劍影,那還有半秒時間(0.5秒)給你看個清楚!然後思考拆招之方法!?擺出好看十足的招式嗎?
請記著:[書不盡言,言不盡意。]學有定式,用無定法 !一理通百理明,活學活用! 融會貫通,變化莫測!寸秒方吋之間定生死!
這一招簡易實用的(左側) "實戰勢" 容易學容易記,和太極拳的 左獨立步 (即左金雞獨立勢),旗鼓相當,也有相似之處,即是左手左腳在前;右側則反之。
正確的實戰勢譲你可以 --
1. 暫時立於不敗之地,應該快速審時度勢(但不露痕跡): 先認定可供逃生的方向及路徑,那些周圍環境物件可供利用,助你一臂之力,增加勝算:例如地上的沙土磚石(作暗器伺機擲出),長柄器具,竹籮,垃圾桶蓋(作護身盾)等;
2. 趁機用手機撥電警方求援;
3. 有效地防御兇徒進攻;
4. 以最大限度地衛護自身的薄弱部位;
5. 迅速地避開,進攻或反擊來敵。
上回 “影武” (9) 提到:
(10) 搏鬥擺出"戰鬥勢"時,要與兇徒 “中軸缐對形”,這是個嚴緊的 防身自衛姿勢:防閃來攻,乘機反擊,護弱襲虛,順勢借力,出其不意,攻其不備,發聲驚怪,以氣催勁!
"發聲驚怪,以氣催勁!" 作何解釋?
1. 極速從口中把肺部(及下丹田)餘下空氣噴出,使肋骨靠攏,堅實腹肌,加強抗擊力,保護內臟。
2. 猛然發聲,瞬間擾亂敵手心神及專注力。[古人"聲擊"之說,即此之謂也。]
3. 同一時間,聚焦全身勁力於一拳一腳,趁機出擊!
"聲擊": "發聲驚怪" 在空手道稱為 "ki-ai"。ki 在日語是 '氣'。
" Kiai -- Breath control, as a martial arts technique, has been adopted from various Oriental teachings. The kiai (yell) is a variation of this breath control. Ancient masters taught that the kiai should be sharp and loud enough to kill a bird by causing it to go into shock. Today in dojos, its purpose is to cause an opponent to hesitate and lose his train of thought. To the student of breaking, the kiai is an important phase of training, as a way to increase strength." -- "Karate Breaking Techniques" by Jack Hibbard, page 28.
"The kiai comes from the stomach (no, not exactly!) and possesses a violence of sound that can shatter the opponent's composure. It is only genuine when there is total fusion of spirit with the body. Its rhythmic usage as an adjunct to basic training in some dojos shows a misunderstanding of its role within karate."
-- "Official Karate" by David Mitchell, pages 37-28.
"Dynamic Tension -- The power derived in the offensive and defensive movements in karate is accomplished by the dynamic tension (squeezing together as tightly as possible) of the muscles of the entire body at the moment of impact. This must be accomplished in the fastest possible time (split second during an attack). The movements of the body are controlled by the breathing. Any fast movement done by the body can only be performed by a quick exhalation of air from the lungs. In karate this exhalation is brought out very quickly by a loud scream or yell. This serves three purposes:
1. It instantly brings one's ribs closer together, forming a tight protective shield for the internal organs against possible injury.
2. More important, it momentarily numbs the opponent's senses by the surprise of the loud scream or yell.
3. It concentrates all the power of the body to a striking point of not more than
four or five inches in radius, whether it be a block, strike, or kick.
When properly applied, dynamic tension involves every muscle of the body."
-- "Shoto-Kan Karate" by Peter Ventresca, pages 18-19.
意拳始創人 王薌齋宗師 說:[發手應敵, 開聲吐氣,亂敵心意,以張我之氣勢,須合時機,不用力不變勢,只此一聲,而使敵心敗膽寒。古人"聲擊"之說,即此之謂也。但未與敵接,故意來張我威,而開聲吐氣者,實出於畏怯,而先示人以弱。應知禁忌。豈可輕於開聲自餒其氣,以致敗於人耶?] -- 王玉芳等編著 "王薌齋意拳站樁功" 第113頁
1. 嘻嘿!... 武藝高強之 [哼哈二將] 花名,想來應是由此而來吧。
1. 極速從口中把肺部(及下丹田)餘下空氣噴出,使肋骨靠攏,堅實腹肌,加強抗擊力,保護內臟。
2. 猛然發聲,瞬間擾亂敵手心神及專注力。[古人"聲擊"之說,即此之謂也。]
3. 同一時間,聚焦全身勁力於一拳一腳,趁機出擊!
"聲擊": "發聲驚怪" 在空手道稱為 "ki-ai"。ki 在日語是 '氣'。
" Kiai -- Breath control, as a martial arts technique, has been adopted from various Oriental teachings. The kiai (yell) is a variation of this breath control. Ancient masters taught that the kiai should be sharp and loud enough to kill a bird by causing it to go into shock. Today in dojos, its purpose is to cause an opponent to hesitate and lose his train of thought. To the student of breaking, the kiai is an important phase of training, as a way to increase strength." -- "Karate Breaking Techniques" by Jack Hibbard, page 28.
"The kiai comes from the stomach (no, not exactly!) and possesses a violence of sound that can shatter the opponent's composure. It is only genuine when there is total fusion of spirit with the body. Its rhythmic usage as an adjunct to basic training in some dojos shows a misunderstanding of its role within karate."
-- "Official Karate" by David Mitchell, pages 37-28.
"Dynamic Tension -- The power derived in the offensive and defensive movements in karate is accomplished by the dynamic tension (squeezing together as tightly as possible) of the muscles of the entire body at the moment of impact. This must be accomplished in the fastest possible time (split second during an attack). The movements of the body are controlled by the breathing. Any fast movement done by the body can only be performed by a quick exhalation of air from the lungs. In karate this exhalation is brought out very quickly by a loud scream or yell. This serves three purposes:
1. It instantly brings one's ribs closer together, forming a tight protective shield for the internal organs against possible injury.
2. More important, it momentarily numbs the opponent's senses by the surprise of the loud scream or yell.
3. It concentrates all the power of the body to a striking point of not more than
four or five inches in radius, whether it be a block, strike, or kick.
When properly applied, dynamic tension involves every muscle of the body."
-- "Shoto-Kan Karate" by Peter Ventresca, pages 18-19.
意拳始創人 王薌齋宗師 說:[發手應敵, 開聲吐氣,亂敵心意,以張我之氣勢,須合時機,不用力不變勢,只此一聲,而使敵心敗膽寒。古人"聲擊"之說,即此之謂也。但未與敵接,故意來張我威,而開聲吐氣者,實出於畏怯,而先示人以弱。應知禁忌。豈可輕於開聲自餒其氣,以致敗於人耶?] -- 王玉芳等編著 "王薌齋意拳站樁功" 第113頁
1. 嘻嘿!... 武藝高強之 [哼哈二將] 花名,想來應是由此而來吧。
2. "聲擊"和"長嘯" 都是以內氣由丹田發聲發勁,兩者間可有 什麼關聯嗎?
3. 兒時聽說的 "張飛喝斷長板橋" 之故事,應該是太過誇張了。羅貫中 在 "三國演義"(第四十二回)所詳細描述之 "張翼德大鬧長板橋" ,應該是較為可信。
4. "怒髪沖冠 仰天長嘯" 說明 岳飛 不祗是武藝高強,簡直是武藝絕倫!(有時間再談)
學武初手 須知:
(11) 如何作出最有效最勁的反擊!
這個暴侵在即 ,命懸一線 !關系 “生死存亡” 的重要課題 ,可以分以下四個不同層面討論 ,最終這四方面因素都要互相配合 ,融為一體,以達到最佳成果:
如何作出最有效最勁的反擊? 簡而言之,就是 --
“意強志專!以最堅決意志 ,鎮定敏銳之身手,
以最簡易有效技法 ,配合人體力學 ,
[1] 精神意志狀態:
心理方面 ,必須百份百武裝起來 ,以積極堅強之信念,要使心靜神寜,處變不驚,不憂不懼,決戰心勁 ,意強志專!勇敢無畏!與強敵對決,要馬上拋除”文質彬彬好好先生,或者淑女閒靜儀態”。一定要清楚明確了解:在生死關頭,對兇徒仁慈,就是對自己殘忍。(你甘愿束手待斃,受暴力淩辱,虐殺而死,或眼巴巴看著至愛被姦,甚至被殺嗎?)所以要全心全身全靈 ,決意奮戰到底 !不擊退或擊倒兇徒決不停手 !
[2] 體力體能狀況:
因為平時留意飲食,不煙少酒,有充足睡眠,生活有紀律,恆常做筋腱拉舒運動,及鍛練肌肉 (如太極,瑜伽,俯臥撐,負重訓練),強化骨骼有氧運動 ,或休閑兢技(如快走,跑步,遊?泳,騎自行車,遠足,園藝,球類運動等), 最好習練跳繩,舉重,氣功,武術及”打沙包”,入靜冥想等,所以特別體力壯旺,耐力充沛,自信沈著。毋忘深長呼吸 ,全身放鬆 ,使思路更加敏銳 ,明察秋毫 ,自覺自身觀感動作反應超快極速!
[3] 人體力學概要:
1. 根基一定要堅實穩固。人體雙腿猶如建筑物之地基,無論建筑工程如何宏偉,地基必須要堅穩。為此,武學新手一定要先練站樁。與敵方進行搏斗,要時刻保持自身的平衡,而使對手失去平衡,是克敵致勝的重要法門!
2. 無論建筑物樓層多高 ,上身也要時刻保持平衡正直,頭正頸直,則精神貫注,雙目有神,側閃迴轉,才可以做到機靈矯捷。步法,即腳步移動的方法,要做到堅穩靈巧,快速利落。
[4] 武學新手 攻防基本原則:
1. 動作簡練,樸實無華,攻防兼備,專打要害,連環狂攻,瞬間不停,一招制勝!因此,新手祗需學會善用拳術中徒手格斗 "打,踢,摔,拿"!之前兩部份 (即 "打,踢") 就可以了!這樣不但即學即用,更因為"摔角,擒拿"之術,非兩三個月內可掌握之事。語雲:[擒拿不如拙打。] 武學新手 反擊目的,絕非是要制服擒獲兇徒 (這是非常危險,又辦不成,通常歹徒也不祗一人),唯一目的是速戰速決,擊傷擊退強徒,趁機火速逃之夭夭。(不斷打之不退,成膠著不贏不敗之狀態,又如何?繼續以戰斗勢與敵對峙,直到援兵到來。)
2. 先要做好防守嚴密 (擺出戰斗勢!嚴守中缐!),使敵方首先攻擊無效,側步迴閃,
同一時間作 "連消帶打,雙手齊出!順勢入虛,四両撥千斤"之迅速連環直線反擊!
3. [人行弓時 我行弦!] [來留去送 甩手直衝!] [應打則打 不應打則不打 不可打毋強打!] -- 詠春拳術語。
4. 如柳樹之鬆柔,詠春入門功法:肌肉力量鬆柔,勿與強敵硬碰!雙手雙臂在中軸缐上下移動,聚合全身整勁,身手眼法步協調一致;順應對手之力流,轉腰改變力流,通過雙腳導入地下,同時順勢借力反擊! 詠春一代宗師 葉問 之對聯:"處世樹為模本固任從枝葉動;立身錢作樣內方還要外邊圓"。樹應是指柳樹吧。"天圓地方"作何解?西漢<周髀算經> 蓋天論:[天圓如張蓋,地方如棋局。]用之於武術則為:身意發剛直,圓弧渡方勁,四両撥千斤,導力迴來者。柔順制剛直,剛柔必互濟。新進師兄師姊 務須參悟 其中 陰陽動靜,剛柔虛實 等相互關係,如何在實戰中發揮得淋漓盡致!共勉之!
5. 出手如軟鞭 (但要直線拋出) ,柔發剛達,剛猛穿敵:毋握拳直指,手部鬆柔而發,故此迅速無倫,不耗體力,久戰不累不懈。
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