上回 “影武” (8) 最後一段提到:
每當兩人互相擺出 “備戰勢”
(或稱 “格鬥勢”;見下面示範圖:鄧傑江 編著 “一招制敵” 第17, 53頁),雙方嚴陣以待之時,大家總是不約而同地
“中缐對形” (詠春拳 術語:) 即是以自身 “中缐”對凖 對手身體 “中缐”)。See page 13 of "Advanced Wing Chun Kung Fu" by Dunn Wah 鄧華師傅。
武學新進 須知:
(10) 搏鬥擺出備戰勢時,要與兇徒 “中缐對形”:防閃來攻,乘機反擊,護弱襲虛,順勢借力,出其不意,攻其不備,發聲驚怪,以氣催勁! (應該是城中熱議話題:[佔中]與[反佔中]之爭![佔中]者在此,是為[侵占對手“中缐”]之謂。)
"Dynamic Tension -- The power derived in the offensive and defensive movements in karate is accomplished by the dynamic tension (squeezing together as tightly as possible) of the muscles of the entire body at the moment of impact. This must be accomplished in the fastest possible time (split second during an attack). The movements of the body are controlled by the breathing. Any fast movement done by the body can only be performed by a quick exhalation of air from the lungs. In karate this exhalation is brought out very quickly by a loud scream or yell. This serves three purposes:
1. It instantly brings one's ribs closer together, forming a tight protective shield for the internal organs against possible injury.
2. More important, it momentarily numbs the opponent's senses by the surprise of the loud scream or yell.
3. It concentrates all the power of the body to a striking point of not more than
four or five inches in radius, whether it be a block, strike, or kick.
When properly applied, dynamic tension involves every muscle of the body."
-- "Shoto-Kan Karate" by Peter Ventresca, pages 18-19.
1. 嘻嘿!... 武藝高強之 [哼哈二將] 花名,想來應是由此而來吧。

武學新進 須知:
(10) 搏鬥擺出備戰勢時,要與兇徒 “中缐對形”:防閃來攻,乘機反擊,護弱襲虛,順勢借力,出其不意,攻其不備,發聲驚怪,以氣催勁! (應該是城中熱議話題:[佔中]與[反佔中]之爭![佔中]者在此,是為[侵占對手“中缐”]之謂。)
"Dynamic Tension -- The power derived in the offensive and defensive movements in karate is accomplished by the dynamic tension (squeezing together as tightly as possible) of the muscles of the entire body at the moment of impact. This must be accomplished in the fastest possible time (split second during an attack). The movements of the body are controlled by the breathing. Any fast movement done by the body can only be performed by a quick exhalation of air from the lungs. In karate this exhalation is brought out very quickly by a loud scream or yell. This serves three purposes:
1. It instantly brings one's ribs closer together, forming a tight protective shield for the internal organs against possible injury.
2. More important, it momentarily numbs the opponent's senses by the surprise of the loud scream or yell.
3. It concentrates all the power of the body to a striking point of not more than
four or five inches in radius, whether it be a block, strike, or kick.
When properly applied, dynamic tension involves every muscle of the body."
-- "Shoto-Kan Karate" by Peter Ventresca, pages 18-19.
1. 嘻嘿!... 武藝高強之 [哼哈二將] 花名,想來應是由此而來吧。
(1) 人身 “中缐” 從頭至下腹,正是身體 最脆弱部位或主要內臟 所在,乃兵家必爭之地!
例如 –
例如 –
中缐部位 攻擊手法
1. 頭部 眼睛 直拳,直掌,摽指 直揷單眼!(切勿嘗試用 '二龍爭珠':二指分插雙目,你決不會有這樣強勁指力!只會給強徒奪拆單戓雙指,自棄右手,慘哉!慘哉!如兇徒想側頭避開,就馬上變招!)
2. 太陽穴 擺拳,拳,掌根(掌後部),肘
3. 腦部 耳根穴 後頸 砸拳,拳,掌根,肘
4. 喉部 氣管 勾拳,拳,八字掌,直掌,摽指
5. 頸左右側動脈 掌,勾拳,肘
6. 胸部 左胸 ** 直拳,勾拳,肘,膝
7. 心臟 拳,肘,膝
8. 肋部 右肋 ** 勾拳,肘,腿,膝
9. 腹部 上腹部 ** 勾拳,肘,腿,膝
10. 襠部 生殖器 手,膝,腳 (用足背:從後方也可悄無聲息用 instep 由下至上,力踢兇徒下陰,一招制敵!)
另加 膝部 (不論前後左右側) 狠力用腳直蹬,猛踩,踢穿膝部 (那怕兇徒是七呎高巨無覇,祗要傷了他膝部,他也追不上你了!) ** 武學新進 因缺乏打沙包練習,出拳力度未純,不宜擊打此等目標,以免徒勞無功。
採用 “中缐對形” 姿勢 ,正是自我防衛最佳姿勢:你把自身可被對手擊到的範圍縮至最小 ,雙手提起 --即前鋒手與咀鼻同高,後護手放在下頷處-- 小臂與大臂約呈45-100度 ,緊貼上身,前肩,髖膝,前腳斜對兇徒,配合兩腳前後位置,給敵方造成巨大威脅!
(2) 如果你不用 “中缐對形” 姿勢 ,亦即是你不用鼻尖對準強敵鼻尖 (祗是不知何故,竟然面對敵人身旁的空間!) ,如下面圖左側 1 ,你雙手護衛的 “中缐”就如同虛設 ,你很難有效地擋架人家對你“中缐”發動的攻擊 。倘若對手以雙手猛攻你的左方身體 ,你的右手就鞭長莫及,伸不過左邊來 。實際上 ,你是變相地以 "單臂鬥雙拳"!無異自殺,何苦來哉?
請再看看下面圖右側 2 ,則情況大不相同 ,因為這是以己身 “中缐” 對凖 來敵之 “中缐” !(For details, see page 33, "Wing Chun Kung-Fu" by J. Yimm Lee.) 亦即是所謂 "三尖相應":自己鼻尖,拳尖,腳尖 與對手“中缐” 相互對應!

以下英文書 自衛術 "Self-Defense" by Joan Nelson 之封面彩圖可謂諷刺之極,看了一把火,袛可作反面教材!共有三大錯誤,你先猜一猜 (猜中沒有獎品)。
三大錯誤 :
1. 攻人者(男子) 對武術一竅不通:握拳打拳兩皆不當 !
2. 攻人者,不應打而打!(鞭長莫及,離目標太遠,荒謬絕倫!)
3. 防守者 (女子) 根本不用擋架,來拳祗打倒她頭部以外一呎之空氣 :理應猛攻打人者已暴露無遺之空隙!良機頓失!
下回談談 攻防基本原則。
採用 “中缐對形” 姿勢 ,正是自我防衛最佳姿勢:你把自身可被對手擊到的範圍縮至最小 ,雙手提起 --即前鋒手與咀鼻同高,後護手放在下頷處-- 小臂與大臂約呈45-100度 ,緊貼上身,前肩,髖膝,前腳斜對兇徒,配合兩腳前後位置,給敵方造成巨大威脅!
(2) 如果你不用 “中缐對形” 姿勢 ,亦即是你不用鼻尖對準強敵鼻尖 (祗是不知何故,竟然面對敵人身旁的空間!) ,如下面圖左側 1 ,你雙手護衛的 “中缐”就如同虛設 ,你很難有效地擋架人家對你“中缐”發動的攻擊 。倘若對手以雙手猛攻你的左方身體 ,你的右手就鞭長莫及,伸不過左邊來 。實際上 ,你是變相地以 "單臂鬥雙拳"!無異自殺,何苦來哉?
請再看看下面圖右側 2 ,則情況大不相同 ,因為這是以己身 “中缐” 對凖 來敵之 “中缐” !(For details, see page 33, "Wing Chun Kung-Fu" by J. Yimm Lee.) 亦即是所謂 "三尖相應":自己鼻尖,拳尖,腳尖 與對手“中缐” 相互對應!
以下英文書 自衛術 "Self-Defense" by Joan Nelson 之封面彩圖可謂諷刺之極,看了一把火,袛可作反面教材!共有三大錯誤,你先猜一猜 (猜中沒有獎品)。
三大錯誤 :
1. 攻人者(男子) 對武術一竅不通:握拳打拳兩皆不當 !
2. 攻人者,不應打而打!(鞭長莫及,離目標太遠,荒謬絕倫!)
3. 防守者 (女子) 根本不用擋架,來拳祗打倒她頭部以外一呎之空氣 :理應猛攻打人者已暴露無遺之空隙!良機頓失!
下回談談 攻防基本原則。
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