"I am Wang Weilin (the 'Tiananmen Tank Man')" Poem No. 9 (of 9)
-- by 北明 'Northern Brightness'
-- Translated by Frank C Yue
Tragically romantic and cold,
I am in your midst in blowing snow --
The "Ode to Joy" also I'll be conducting
When the 'Bradenburg Gate in China' is unlocking!
I have bought my ticket for
The "World History Show", that's in existence fore'ermore,
Since that fateful Never-Fading ("June 4") Morning.
Notes by Translator:
1. 我也將指揮 "歡樂頌" : ("Ode to Joy" is originally "Ode to Freedom"!)
the following excerpted from 'wikipedia':
"歡樂頌" or "Ode to Joy" is written in 1785 by Friedrich Schiller, German poet, playwright and historian. Best known for its use by Ludwig van Beethoven in (the final movement of) his Ninth Symphony, Beethoven's tune was adopted as the Anthem of Europe (by the Council of Europe in 1972), and subsequently the European Union.
... <Despite the lasting popularity of the ode, Schiller himself regarded it as a failure later in his life, going so far as calling it "detached from reality" and "of value maybe for us two, but not for the world, nor for the art of poetry" in a 1800 letter to his long-time friend and patron Christian Gottfried Körner (whose friendship had originally inspired him to write the ode).
To the extent the foregoing account is true, it may be due to Schiller's having changed a key word out of fear. "Leonard Bernstein reminded his audiences, the poem was originally an 'Ode to Freedom' and the word 'Joy' (Freude instead of Freiheit, added to the third pillar, Freundschaft) came as a substitute for the more overtly political theme.">
2. 開啟中國的 "勃蘭登堡門" the "Bradenburg Gate of China" :
the following excerpted from 'wikipedia':
... <Despite the lasting popularity of the ode, Schiller himself regarded it as a failure later in his life, going so far as calling it "detached from reality" and "of value maybe for us two, but not for the world, nor for the art of poetry" in a 1800 letter to his long-time friend and patron Christian Gottfried Körner (whose friendship had originally inspired him to write the ode).
To the extent the foregoing account is true, it may be due to Schiller's having changed a key word out of fear. "Leonard Bernstein reminded his audiences, the poem was originally an 'Ode to Freedom' and the word 'Joy' (Freude instead of Freiheit, added to the third pillar, Freundschaft) came as a substitute for the more overtly political theme.">
2. 開啟中國的 "勃蘭登堡門" the "Bradenburg Gate of China" :

< 勃蘭登堡門(Brandenburger Tor)位于柏林市中心菩提樹大街和6月17日大街的交匯處,是柏林市區著名的遊覽勝地和德國統一的象徵。 ... (勃蘭登堡門西側的三月十八日廣場,以紀念1848年3月18日的德國三月革命和1990年3月18日民主德國的第一次人民議會自由選舉而命名。六月十七日大街,則是為了紀念1953年6月17日發生在民主德國的人民起義) ...
此門頂端設計了一套青銅裝飾雕像:四匹飛馳的駿馬拉著一輛雙輪戰車,戰車上站著一位背插雙翅的女神,她一手執杖一手提轡,一只展翅欲飛的普魯士飛鷹 鷲立在女神手執的飾有月桂花環的權杖上。在各通道內側的石壁上鑲嵌著沙多創作的20幅描繪古希臘神話中大力神海格拉英雄事跡的大理石浮雕畫。30幅反映古 希臘和平神話 “和平徵戰” 的大理石浮雕裝飾在城門正面的石門楣上。此門建成之後曾被命名為“和平之門”,戰車上的女神被稱為 “和平女神”。…
1961年8月13日,民主德國政府圍繞西柏林修築了一道圍墻,封鎖了勃蘭登堡門,並在東、西柏林分界處建起“柏林墻”,勃蘭登堡門處在東、西柏林的交界點上,成了柏林墻的一部分。柏林墻在勃蘭登堡門後劃了一道弧形並向左右兩邊延伸將整個柏林隔成兩半。作為德意志統一象徵的勃蘭登堡門成了軍事禁區,也成了德國分裂的標志。> ...
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