元好問 (1190-1257) ,字裕之,號遺山。
問世間情為何物,直教生死相許。 1
天南地北雙飛客,老翅幾回寒暑。 2
歡樂趣,離別苦,就中更有癡兒女。 3
千山暮雪,只影向誰去。 4
橫汾路,寂寞當年簫鼓,荒煙依舊平楚。 5
招魂楚些何嗟及,山鬼暗啼風雨。 6
天也妒,未信與,鶯兒燕子俱黃土。 7
狂歌痛飲,來訪雁邱處。 8
1 問世間情為何物:有版本為…'問世間情是何物'。
2 雙飛客:大雁雙宿雙飛。
3 就中:當中。
4 君:指大雁。
5 橫汾:葬雁的汾水。
漢武帝«秋風辭»: ˹泛樓船兮濟汾問,橫中流兮
6 招魂:為雁招魂。
楚些:«楚辭•招魂»: 句尾皆有‘些’字。
山鬼:«楚辭•九歌•山鬼»: 指山神,此指雁魂。
7 天也妒,未信與,鶯兒燕子俱黃土:
未信與: (與,同歟) 不相信嗎? (請看...)
鶯兒燕子俱黃土:殉情雁子不 與普通鶯燕寂寂無名變為黃
8 騷人:詩人。
Song of the "Wild Geese Mound"
-- by Yuan Haowen (1190-1257)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue
In the fifth year of Tai He (1205), on my way to the official
examination at Pengzhou, I chanced upon a wild-geese
hunter who said, "I caught a goose this morning and killed it.
The other goose that escaped from my net wailed sadly and
would not leave. Then it committed suicide by crashing onto
the ground." So I bought the dead fowls, buried them by the
Feng River, piled rocks on the site as a marker and called it
the wild geese mound. At the time, most of my companions
wrote poems about this incident. I also wrote the "Wild-
Geese Mound Ci (Song)" as follows:
"The Wild-Geese Mound Song"
I ask of the world, "What is love" and why
Love just moves some creatures to live or die?
To the north and to the south too,
The pair of travellers flying --
Many a winter and summer through,
The loving old couple been winging.
O Such joy and fun,
But sorrow follows when the parting's done.
These are obsessed soul-mates also.
The surviving fowl would ask (with a bitter smile) --
Through cloud layers stretching thousands of miles,
Above myriad hills and evening snow,
To whom should this lonely shadow go?
By the Feng River (where they're buried),
Gone are the songs and music merry;
Above the woods on the plain rolling,
Desolate smoke still a-rising.
Calling forth the ghosts of the geese dead,
I sigh and sigh in vain instead.
Amidst the wind and rain,
I seem to hear the geese cries again.
Heaven may be jealous too,
Won't you believe it? (I'll tell you true):
When orioles, swallows die they'd never
Gain anything like glory;
But the lover-geese shall live forever
In our hearts and our stories.
From here to eternity,
Poets would come to the Wild Geese Mound
To drink and sing praises mighty
To the Faithful Couple by great Love bound.