Thursday, 31 July 2014

辛棄疾 少年不識愁滋味 愛上層樓 In my youth I knew not what were grief and woe




說還 ;

TUNE: Chou Nu Er “Ugly Boy-Servant”/
             Cai Sang Zi “Picking Mulberries”
TITLE: "Written on a Wall on the Way to Boshan"
-- by Xin Qiji (1140-1207)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

In my youth I knew not what were grief and woe --
Up the storeys I loved to go.
Up the storeys  I loved to go,
For my new songs I just feigned my grief and woe!

Of grief and woe I’ve tasted the flavours today –
I'd like to talk but just wouldn’t say;
I’d like to talk but just wouldn’t say,
O! What a chilly Autumn, what a fine day!

and a fine rendition by -- 夜月星河'Night Moon Starry River':

While young I failed to know the taste of woe.
I climbed upstairs with gusto;
I climbed upstairs with gusto.
I used to write new songs with fake sorrow.

Now I know the taste of grief as I grow.
Try to speak but I stall though;
Try to speak but I stall though.

" A cool fall day!"  I finally say so.

The following explanatory information is culled from the net:

… < 譯文:


… < 詞的故事




now, for a better appreciation of this famous xin qiji long-and-short verse, let's see how some of the masters of translation do their own rendition. 

Rendition 1
-- by 林語堂 Lin Yutang  (1895 - 1976)

In my young days, 
I had tasted only gladness,
But loved to mount the top floor,    
But loved to mount the top floor,    
To write a song pretending sadness.

And now I have tasted 
Sorrow's flavours, bitter and sour,
And can't find a word, 
And can't find a word. 
But merely say, "What a golden autumn hour!

Rendition 2
-- by 楊憲益 Yang Xianyi (1915-2009

"Written on the Wall on My Way to Boshan -- to the Melody Chou Nu Er"

As a lad I never knew the taste of sorrow,
But loved to climb towers,
Loved to climb towers,
And drag sorrow into each new song I sung.

Now I know well the taste of sorrow,
It is on the tip of my tongue,
On the tip of my tongue,
But instead I say, "What a fine, cool autumn day!"

Rendition 3
-- by 唐安石神父 Fr. John A.Turner (? -1971) 


In youth, ere Grief to me was known
I loved to climb on high, I loved to climb on high:
In many a laboured lay
Grief would I there portray.

But now, with Grief familiar grown,
Slower to speak am I, slower to speak am I.
At most, I pause and say,
"What a fine autumn day!"
Rendition 4
-- by 許淵沖 Xu Yuanchong(1921- )

Tune: "Song of Ugly Slave --Written on the Wall on My Way to Boshan"

While young, I knew no grief I could not bear;
I'd like to go upstair.
I'd like to go upstair
To write new verses with a false despair.

I know what grief is now that I am old;
I would not have it told.  
I would not have it told,      

But only say I'm glad that autumn's cold.  

Rendition 5
-- Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 譯者黃宏發
23 May 2007 (revised 18.7.07; 5.12.07; further revised... 30.11.10)

Xin Qiji (1140-1207)
Tune: "Chou Nu Er (The Ugly Page)"/ 

          "Cai Sang Zi (Picking Mulberries)"
Title: "Written on a Wall on the Way to Boshan"

1  When young I never did know the taste of woe or sorrow,
2  To the top floor upstairs, I loved to go;

3  To the top floor upstairs, I loved to go,
4  For to compose new verses, I feigned my sorrow and woe.

5  Now that sorrow and woe I've tasted, and the bitterness withal,
6  To speak, I wish, and yet I stall;
7  To speak, I wish, and yet I stall,
8  What a beautifully chilly autumn! I say, after all.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

老人 春盡落花隨水流 朱顏到老白哀頭 When Spring bids adieu, fallen flow’rs

324. 《七珍惜》一老年人



Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain):
 “Precious Treasure”
-- by 一老年人  ‘A Man of Advanced Years’

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

When Spring bids adieu, fallen flow’rs left with waters running;
The fair Beauty in white-hair age can’t help sadly frowning.
Even at the golden Sunset hour, it’s still not too late –
Don’t Wait! When soulmate’s gone, your grieving shadow you’ll berate!

七月星 天晴碧海綠汪洋 鷗鳥傲遊翔 In between the clear skies






TUNE:'My Inner Feelings Outpoured'

TITLE: "Inconstancy"

-- by  七月星 'Seven Star Moon'

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

In between the clear skies and the 

deep green ocean,

The proud sea-gulls glide slowly in 

graceful motion.

In the horizon, of white sails there are 

dots and dots;

The sea breeze is so warm and the bright 

Sun, so hot!

But, all of a sudden, thunders and 

lightnings strike!

Frightened, all the birds swiftly fly out of 


It just keeps on raining cats and dogs -- 


The in-coming sky-high waves are 


In a twinkling, the weather a-changing!

Life's quite unpredictable as it ought.  

Monday, 28 July 2014

王昌齡 寒雨連江夜入吳 平明送客楚山孤 Cold rains blott'd out the Yangtze

芙蓉樓送辛漸其一  王昌齡


"At the Lotus Inn Bidding Goodbye to Xin Jian" – Verse No. 1 (of 2)  
--by Wang Changling (698?-757)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Cold rains blott'd out the Yangtze as I came to Wu at night;

Amid the Chu hills, we bid lonely Adieu at first light.
O, Should my Louyang friends and relatives ask about me –
Of clear ice in a jade bottle, my heart is like a piece. 

to aid in better appreciating this famous Tang poem, the following supplementary materials have been culled from the net: 

王昌齡(公元 ?─約756) 字少伯,盛唐大詩人,擅長七絕。其邊塞詩氣勢雄渾,格調高昂,而深厚優柔、舒緩自然則是其獨特風格。



自古送別詩多寫兩情依依,情是詩中主線。此詩卻跳出窠臼,從大處著眼,向親朋表白自己高潔清白的品格和堅持操守的信念。... > 

... < (淺釋):


天亮时,我就要与送行的客人分别了,这样的凄凉的心情,                                                     看着远处的楚山好像也同我现在一样,孤孤单单。



老人雪月風花詩景待 秋冬春夏好題材 The Snow, Moon, Wind and Flower all want



Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain)
“The Wind and the Flower”
-- by 一老年人  ‘A Man of Advanced Years’
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

The Snow, Moon, Wind and Flower all want to go into poetry,
And Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer are good subject matters.
At the Thatch’d Pavilion one can’t find any Escort pretty –
If you had lusty sex on your mind, please do not enter!

Sunday, 27 July 2014

老人 江河滾滾向東流 民主之心永不休 The River waters are rushing



Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain): “Wish”
-- by 一老年人 ‘A Man of Advanced Years’
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

The River waters are rushing toward the east;
The People's urge for Democracy will ne'er cease.
O Countless dreams -- gazing north at the Motherland!
In line to vote really freely, when may we stand?

Saturday, 26 July 2014

星河 渡頭舟泊 夕陽紅樹 寒鴉聲切 The moored boats by the ferry






TUNE: “Spring-Detention Ci

TITLE: “River Village”

-- by 夜月星河 ‘Night Moon Starry River’

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

The moored boats by the ferry at the country-side
And all the trees by the setting Sun are red dyed,
While the crows in the chilly evening loudly cry.
Reflected on the wavy waters some sails returning,
So bright the coloured clouds glowing!
The in-coming tide rising,
The lapping waves a-groaning.

Softly falling in all the four directions, Dusk’s shown;
The clouds and the mountains then join hands at this instance.
The fishermen’s lights are flickering in the distance.
Winds sweeping through the layers of woods – parting leaves blown
Into disarray and oblivion.
As wild geese arrow past the clear skies,
By the river mansion the Moon shines.

Friday, 25 July 2014

老人 炒風難擋 滔天巨浪 看誰無恙?When speculative winds blow




TUNE: “Spring-Detention Ci
TITLE: “Sea of Stocks and Shares”
-- by 一老年人  ‘A Man of Advanced Years’
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

When speculative winds blow
Giant waves rule in the choppy sea.
Who will then survive, O let’s see!
In the Stocks Sea one goes with the flow –
Be it rising,
Be it diving,
So brave in chasing
And quick in selling.

When the market keeps on climbing,
Up and up on its way,
Everyone, drugged, keeps on dreaming –
Ah, I’ll be filthy rich any day!
When it crashes the money’s gone –
It’s scary as scary can be!
So hurt is e’eryone’s proud bravery,
The spirit’s hijack’d by a sad song! 

Thursday, 24 July 2014

一老年人 刀勁呼呼箭疾輕 The broadsword cuts ferociously

《七 一老年人




Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain): "Fighting"

-- by 一老年人  ‘A Man of Advanced Years’

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

The broadsword cuts ferociously
As the fast arrows fly blithely.
After fighting several rounds,
Still there is (strangely) not a sound.
Each move, each strike, quick as lightning;
With their all they are focusing.  

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

夜月星河 久伴琴書世味輕 I am now oblivious of affairs worldly

 《七 夜月星河





Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain): “Night”
-- by 夜月星河 ‘Night Moon Starry River’

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

I am now oblivious of affairs worldly,
In the company of my lute and books for so long.
Who’d attend to my heart’s voice the long night throughout?
Drunk with wine and mutual yearning, I sigh lonely.
Like the candle weeping till all its tears are gone,

I have no more tears as the candle light goes out.

老人 又見山林滿樹紅 懷人天各遠西東 Again, seeing red trees covering






Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain): “Sending My Unilateral Love”

-- by 一老年人  ‘A Man of Advanced Years’

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Again, seeing red trees covering the hills and 

woods wild,  

I think of my Loved One at the other end of the sky.

O! Dear Autumn Wind, would you please, 

please have pity on me?

Blow, blow this piece of maple leave afar for 

her to see?