"A Wildflower" (written in January 1929)
-- by Chen Mengjia (1911-1966)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue
A wildflower in the wilderness bloomed and died,
This little life unexpectedly
At the Sun was smiling.
God gave him wisdom, he knew why --
His joy, his poetry,
In the wind gently swaying.
A wildflower in the wilderness bloomed and died,
He saw the blue skies,
But not his own tiny-ness.
He was used to the wind's tenderness,
And the wind's angry prowess.
His dreams turned into forgetfulness.
"A Wild Flower"
-- by Ch’en Meng-Chia
-- by Ch’en Meng-Chia
-- Translated by 陈世骧、Harold Acton
A wild flower opened and faded in the desert.
Smiled to the sun, this particle of life,
Perfectly knowing the wisdom God had given him,
His joys, his poesy frolicked on the breeze.
Smiled to the sun, this particle of life,
Perfectly knowing the wisdom God had given him,
His joys, his poesy frolicked on the breeze.
A wild flower opened and faded in the desert.
He could watch the blue though blind to his own minuteness—
Inured to tender breeze and blast alike,
His private dreams were easily forgot.
He could watch the blue though blind to his own minuteness—
Inured to tender breeze and blast alike,
His private dreams were easily forgot.
from the net:

新月派詩人 (-- 1931年1月20日,由徐志摩主編、陳夢家擔負實際編輯工作的《詩刊》季刊在上海以「詩社」名義出版,撰稿人有聞一多、徐志摩、饒孟侃、林徽因、卞之琳、孫毓堂、曹葆華、方緯德、梁鎮、沈祖牟等人,標誌後期新月詩派(新月社)的正式形成。),考古學家,中國科學院考古研究所研究員。中共建政後被定為右派 (-- 不贊成廢除繁體字實行簡化字,以及實行漢字拉丁化),飽受虐待,文革初期自殺身亡。陈梦家的诗集:《梦家诗集》,《不开花的春》,《铁马集》等。
《一朵野花》是一首清新流畅的咏物抒情短诗。诗人陈梦家在一朵野花的世界里发现了生命的自然、自在、自信的纯美,并以优美的笔调歌咏它。... 是通過對一朵野花的孤獨而短暫的生命的觀察,領悟到一種充滿詩意的人生真諦,讓我們一起去體會這首詩給我們帶來的生命的思考。... 英国诗人威廉·布莱克 William Blake 有一首很有名的诗:"一粒沙子也可以看到世界/一朵野花也可以看到天堂/从你的手心里能够了解无限/从一瞬间知道永恒。" 这是我读到陈梦家的诗《一朵野花》后首先想到的。一片风景便是一种心境,在大自然中,我们可以到处看到姹紫嫣红的鲜花,古往今来的文人墨客根据自己的独特观察和感受,做出了很多别致的咏叹 ...