Friday, 29 August 2014

影武者言 (2) 心志為先 決戰心勁 氣在人中!The Shadow Warrior 2

影武者言 (2)  The Shadow Warrior (2)
心志為先  決戰心勁!人在氣中 氣在人中!

[6]  心靜神寜  集中意念:發自身潛能! 

在下尚未正式學習武術前幾年(年壯時才初練 松濤舘空手道Shotokan Karate 教練是黑帶二段 Sensei Nabil H.),在公司會議室一群同事面前,已經嘗到在幾分鐘內,用砸拳(拳底) Hammer Fist 連續破兩塊木板的樂趣!(Or was it a "karate chop"? Of course, either will do!)

因為好奇,在下是那隻一馬當先,勇者無懼的"小白鼠";聽到我說完全不覺手痛,又笑容可掬,跟著三五位女同事 Office Ladies 搶著相繼站出來,依樣畫葫蘆,只見手起落,嘭然有聲,一塊一吋厚,十吋乘吋木板,都應聲而斷,人人大樂不已。大家頓時信心十足,從此自覺真正式聚焦專注力,發揮本身潛在智力能,也不是十分困難的事 !

當時是公司贊助,給咱們部門員工舉辦,由專家主持"自我增值"講座 Seminar on "The Power of Concentration! ": [意念集中之威力!]其中一個互動示範環節。可以免費聽講,自助茶啡招待,更加不用工作半日,為此座無虛席。講者是位中年加國男仕,講座後我特意和他攀談,悉他竟然絲毫不識武功或氣 

說實在的,小玩意兒而已,不過極具戲劇性,即使不懂武術的仕女,即學即曉,即場[真人秀],更加效果懾人,令觀眾和參與者印象深刻。只要有人肯告訴你其中法門奧妙,任何成年人,不論體質,跟著照做,都可以輕易辦到!  各位請看:
(Details on pages 58-59 'Wood Breaking' of Jack Hibbard's "KARATE Breaking Techniques -- with Practical Applications for Self-Defense")  

1. 用的木板是松木板,軟木而已。

2. 木板是"一吋厚",但只木廠習慣説法,其實只有四份三吋厚。

3. 擺放木板方塊要小心細看[木紋走向],不曉武功,就要"順"放著。(即是木紋走向要和你下砸的拳頭平行;若是"橫"放著,你就要花上很大很大的氣力去[破板]了,手還會疼痛呢若然木板有木廇,木節,就不宜作板練習,或表演道具。不但難破,更易傷手!)


4. 採"砸拳" Hammer Fist 木板,毫無疑問,絕妙高招,是最安全的拳式
("手刀" karate chop 又如何?若果未受過訓練,在這裏用"掌",有相當大危險性:一不小心,你下的手腕或者尾指關就會被木板邊緣的鋭角弄傷。) 原因:拳拳底有厚肉部位護著手指關節,大力向下穿一吋厚木板 -- 者猛力瘋狂反擊兇徒頭面額,眼耳鼻喉-- 都絕不會令你手部受傷。因此,是在下要向各位 武學新手 推薦採用的第三個拳式種類。

5. 表演[空破板]時  ,你的助手要大力抓緊木板兩邊,在你身前腰胸間位置斜放。要先用模擬慢拳試好試準位置,確保你的"砸拳"打下時,是穿木板正中點,此外
         一.   你的拳底以直角角度(90) -- 即是最猛受力角度!-- 擊穿木板 (或者兇徒要害!切記!)。
        二.   同時,你的助手一定要力挺木板不動。(若果他用力不足,或者雙手向下或向後向側移動,這樣就會瀉去你大部份的猛力打擊! 切記!)
(同樣比喻:若果你向強敵打出拳,拳至中途因你出拳不夠快,已見他開始擡手來擋架或者把頭面閃避,就不要把這一招用老了,算是虛招影上打下!要馬上轉招轉腰用肘撞!其時強敵已剛發動新動作,要回手就要晚了一點點,奇兵突出!繼續狂攻!打到兇徒自退,或者倒下, 或者援手到來為止! )

6.  動作由上順勢而下,自然流暢,要快要準要有力,威力極其強大 ! 要先扭腰向前挺胯,串連帶動肩肘下砸,大喝一聲,迅速穿過木板,中間有半點阻滯停留,然後拳頭依照原來的弧形軌跡,繼續往下打 "follow-through!" 完成好像打網球和高爾夫球的手法一樣。 

Similarly, Hideyuki Ashihara says, "The Ashihara karate basic (fighting) stance closely resembles batting form in baseball. (好像打壘球手法一樣!)  Though the sports are very different, the basic principles of most effective movement and maximum power are identical..."Always be flexible..."

(And the following Bottle Cut must NOT be attempted except by the expert. Accuracy and speed are extremely important here... You can easily cut yourself!)

這主要是你的心志為先,專注力,智力,勇力,體力,潛能 -- 全部聚焦一瞬,拼爆而出,直似火山爆發,雷霆萬鈞,無堅不摧!但是你一定強大自信心和決心!也好像爆發中的火山一樣:You must be FULLY COMMITTED and have a fiercely-burning FIRE IN YOUR BELLY!

試想想:樣快速高效一拳打透兇徒天靈蓋(當他頭向前)後頸,眼耳鼻唇,咽喉鎖骨等要害,不是 一招制敵 嗎?

7. 出拳出掌越快,勁道越大兇徒越難閃避擋架!

8. 為什麽想要"集中意念" "心靜神寜"先決條件
若果你煩躁不安,心神恍惚,或者驚慌失措,心慌意亂:二者都會令你心亂如麻,心亂則氣散!氣散的話,你又怎樣可以集中意念,集中智力, 集中勇力,集中潛能,在瞬間焦,作雷霆萬鈞之反擊呢?

想起多年前在美國曾有這樣報導過的個案(以下內容只是大約如此),一位年輕貌美的女仕,也是運動健兒,更愛上習練空手道,一有空就到道場,學練散打,勤奮鍛錬,只消幾年光景,已經考上黑帶初段。她打起高級套路時,手眼身步相隨 ,手腳上下相應,跳躂靈動,出手如電,拳風虎虎,吆喝有聲,英氣勃發!不只打得強勁無倫,也是打得悅目賞心,嬴來熱烈的掌聲喝彩聲!
..... 有一天,[怪事]發生了,就在道場附近,她被一名大膽狂徒從後偷襲,緊箍著她的頸項,就半拉半拖的進入了一條深巷,還來不及反應,滛賊大施祿山之爪,把她上衣扯到片片碎,上體裸露 ,頭部跟著吃了兩三記重拳,就此暈厥。... 到醒來時,強徒已飽食遠揚。苦主哭訴說,她自持武藝高強,經常昂首闊步,自信心極高,但環境警惕性意識奇低 ,萬料不到有人敢向她打主意。毫無心理凖備之下,突生鉅變,她只會驚惶失措,羞憤交襲,腦中只有一片空白!身心受此重創,可憐連兇徒的容貌身材,也不知道。警方認為,苦主最終還保有性命已是不幸中之大幸。我想,倘若她早有穩定頑強心理凖備,處變不驚, 事件的結局肯定大不相同!

Famous British ASA Special Ops. Teams motto: "He who dares, wins!" 

A popular karate motto is: "Expect the unexpected!"  
For self-entertainment, I played out the myriad attack-and-counterattack combos (against one or more assailants) in my mind and act it out sometimes in slow motion at a quiet corner of the park. In combat, sometimes you can't afford to wait and see or feel (when your fore-arm/s is/are in contact with the assailant's) what specific move or strikes are coming at you. You have to "perceive it" and trust your intuition or gut feeling and act or react in a flash. This is where sensitive qi perceptions come in and make a difference.

Alas! Hideyuki Ashihara in his book 'Fighting KARATE' says (back in 1985!), "... the (US) traditional karate schools ... over-emphasize 'acrobatic' techniques and sheer destructive power." 

Very true. Nowadays, many dojos are so commercialized too, catering mainly for flashy performance show-pieces and personal glorification. Can you imagine? A 12-year-old can be graded as a black belt first-dan? Well, this "trained" child can easily and impressively break a few clear pine boards with his/her bare hand or foot. Yea. But how street smart is he/she? What are his/her chances of surviving a real street fight, I wonder? (My concern is he/she may be lulled into thinking he/she is highly proficient in self-defence , thus giving him/herself a false sense of a very high level of personal safety.)   

Bruce Lee, truly a martial arts master, once said something like, "So you can break several boards with one punch!? So what? Boards don't move around! Never strike back!"

一老年人 - 2014年09月02日 00:19


沒有多大分別! 但你不會覺得痛,因為:
1. 全神貫注,集中意念,畜勁於拳掌之 nano-second  '半瞬間'! 你已由正常之[醒覺態]"waking state" 自動不覺地快速進入 [危機態]"critical crisis state"! -- the famous "fight or flight response"!  (恕不在此解釋)

2. 其實一定...有一點點痛,只是在[危機態]下,痛感大減。加上你的英雄心作用 ,興高采烈,那還有 '小痛' 的感覚!

Sunday, 24 August 2014

影武者言 (1) 引玉篇:不一樣的時空感知能耐!The Shadow Warrior 1

影武者言 (1)  引玉篇:The Shadow Warrior 1

[影武者]新篇 不談風月,宗教,政治,特異功能。只論武術,氣功。盍興乎來!



"Life-o-Death Self-Defence 4 Dummies!"

敬獻給對自衛術毫無認識,手無寸鐵,可能被迫至無路可逃,又不曉得如何作自衛反擊 媒體介每一位正義自由鬥士。這是沒有辦法中辦法!企望僥可以逃出生天,[盲拳打死老師傅!信不由你。但是信者在絕境,只要此這般簡單做法(無需理會什麽拳法,腳法,身法,步),忘命打出連串不停之 lucky punch/strike, 尚有可能抓得一線生機,所以不由你信。撫自問,易地而處,難道你不會這樣做嗎?

有人胡言亂語?誹謗言論,各人自負法律責任,自有公理公論 。不容動輒掄拳動刀!

可是事實上,隔一段或長或短的時日,歴史在重演不絕... 某傳媒工作者受不明
身份人仕  (an "unsub": unknown subject恐嚇不果,然後可能在街頭,飯店,或公車上被人辱罵強搶,借酒行兇,拳腳相加。更有甚者,表面上是不幸被劫,被毒打一頓,或者好像是交通意外,被揰傷頭破血流,者直接追斬以至血肉橫飛,慘不忍睹!

天下不公不義之事,俯拾皆是,就此不置可否?不聞不問 ?置之度外?

如不能認同所說 -- 或更認為 < 學功夫必需從實戰學習,如詠春黐手,太極推手,龍形摸橋...> 哈哈, 說得對! 但是那可需要最小數年苦功,又尋得名師才行...!-- 大可把本篇視作 天方夜談 ,一笑置之。([不大笑不已]不以為道耶?)

在下沒有街頭實戰浴血經驗,不是師傅,更不是德高望重之大師。(所以請不要稱在下為[師傅,大師]。)  因二十餘年前,期望離休後,再欣賞閱讀全部金庸武俠著作時,要看得更上層樓,更加津津有味,全看得懂 -- 是真個完全明白! -- 小說內所述有關真實的武術招數,步法,身法,腳法,經脈穴位,氣血運行等,令個人有更深刻體驗,嘗工餘潛心 習武練氣看醫書易經等 -- 有謂[練武不練功,到老一場空!]

在下習練氣功略有小成,學藝期間亦曾經歷一點點[奇遇]:偶遇幾位前輩有能之士,如已經仙遊之吳家太極 黃宜炎老師傅 (在下與慈祥老人家有一面之緣,求賜演示半招於吾身
**,印象難忘!),和 在兩次不同場合,在遠在近,身歷現今已經金盤洗手,汪棣賢師傅 的強勁[真氣外放]!  -- 機緣真個遇而不可求,令人大開眼界!在此暫且按下不表,有空再說有趣事兒。

(**為什麽是 "半招"?我不想在年近八十高齡的老前輩家中大廰內,被激彈至淩空飛起。結果半招也用不上!在五六名大弟子面前,他只是笑吟吟的伸出右手食指,在我緩緩而來的右虛拳前約六吋空間,慢吞吞的圈了個小半圓形, 我就... 哈哈!厲害!厲害得緊!)


紙上談兵,不傷和氣,只是一己愚見而已, -- 見笑了!

在下先 抱拳為禮!-- 嘿 ... 請!

                                                                           洪門式[ 請手!][敬禮!]
                                                         溫錦聯師傅 示範

(噢,順便向 各位新手師兄師姐 一提:洪門式[抱拳為禮!]有別於佛門或者道家的胸前[合什為禮!]前者也有個小故事,習武之人不可不知。作跪馬虛步,在胸前緩慢地 左掌五指 (彎””) 合抱/或四指向天(””也) 輕貼 右手握拳 (四指”字拳) : 意謂 [在下敬禮!五湖四海之內皆兄弟也!]也是[反清復地下義士行走江湖的暗號手勢。)(見第53頁 溫錦聯 "(少林真傳)譚家三輾手")


[1] [武]字何解?
        武 = 止二弋!

[2]  學武以德為本。

[3]  心理百份武裝,信念積極堅強!人體相當脆弱,但是如果鍛煉得法,也可以變得非常堅硬。少林硬氣功就是很好的例子,武僧恒久苦練,主要目的是[從武入禪],從肉身意志的刻苦磨煉,步入精神上的彿門靈修境介。同樣,學武新進定要清楚明白未動手前剎那的必要心理意念變化!為何而戰?何而戰?奮不顧身,勇戰莫停,乃決勝之條件!所以武學新手一早要做好充足心理裝備,有極堅強之信心信念。

[4]  當陷險境,面對強徒,孰退孰降孰戰?  錢財外物,走為上計!不只求財!?拿我快活?口術無靈,無計可施,無路可逃!要我性命?暴侵在即,命懸一線!

千萬要定!保持鎮定,不憂不懼,[舉頭三尺有神明!] 義正我身,列祖列宗,愛侶親情,絕不孤身!

毋忘深長呼吸,全身放鬆,置之死地而後生,作背水一戰,出手快狠凖巧靈,招招辣勁,貫穿敵體(4至6吋),反擊不停,狂擊休停!無隙予敵,你停敵攻!絕不留情!心意既決,從而心安神寧,思路敏銳,明察秋毫,使身心從先前的[警覺態],快速進入[危機態],心如止水,盡釋潛能!你才可能 (... 只是可能) 感受到 ... (以下) ...

[5]  不一樣的時空感知能耐速度節奏:(不是[特異功能]!) 要以極強意念(可以說是"自我催眠"),全心意相信,自覺"自身觀感動作超快極速!",出手似電,總要比對手快了半拍!這里想預先吿訴你一個必然現象: 全神專汪力對付強敵的時候, "生死對決時間與時速" 會大幅拖慢下來!只要保持鎮定,敵不停一招應手,譲你擊傷或倒強敵挫其鋭氣,在兇徒驚疑不定,或者略感暈眩之剎那,繼續不停狂攻,然後馬上乘機逃生,突然拔腿狂奔!

在大學時,在下曾經跟南華會總教練 蔡德培師傅 學練柔道一段日子,記得在對外比賽中,兩分鐘中的過程,自覺猶如漫長三十分鐘!原因:你的全神專汪力把時間大幅拖慢拖長了!這正是愛因斯坦的[相對論]體現。必須親身演練體驗!最好在實戦中做出同樣效果! (在同級友誼賽中,你懂得的招式,人家也懂,更懂得如何迴避解破,乘機作出反擊!這絕大部分是鬥智鬥快鬥沈著鬥技巧純熟。)
"鬥智鬥快鬥沈著鬥技巧純熟"? 哈哈,可能猝然發生的事變絕對不是一場友誼搏擊賽,只有"鬥快,技巧純熟" 才可以和絕境求生自衛術!扯上點關系。


一位男仕要枯坐在熱辣辣的爐灶上一分鐘,他感覺上竟是很辛苦地捱了一小時!另一位則與美女同座談心一小時,他只覺飄飄然時間飛逝,只消 [一分鐘光景],竟然就[喔!時間到了嗎?])

(... 待續) (... 可能無期:在下尚在閉關,恕不回應。)


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

星河 歲月催人漸白頭 Ceaseless, away the years



Qi Jue (28-Character Quatrain)
Freedom Guy and Gal
-- by 月星河 'Night Moon Starry River'
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Ceaseless, away the years just go;
Our heads slowly turn white like so.
Myriad miles of hills and rills I tour
With my sweet soulmate, my Love dear.

The scenes and colours of Nature fair --
Better than the masters' paintings fine.
Without anxiety, without care --
Free, of our life we enjoy the time!

Thursday, 14 August 2014

習拳練棍 健體防身! (1) 奉獻 真需 解惑 描容 武德 EFFECTIVE SELF-DEFENCE! (1)

   習拳練棍  健體防身 (1)  

奉獻   真需   解惑   描容   武德   免責




1.  奉獻

在下謹以至誠 敬獻本篇給所有有良知的 媒體自由鬥士!


希望文質彬彬,手無縛雞之力,對自衛武術毫無認識媒體正義鬥士,不論男女老少,從今日起,決心首先鍛煉調校好身體,要有充足睡眠,適當飲食,勤加運動,練力練腿,習拳弄棍,思考鑽硏,融會貫通,精益求精, 培養攻防和戦術意識處變不驚,冷靜明察,呼吸深長修為;提高自信不亂,勇氣膽色,能耐力,個人安全及環境警覺性意識!


「強中更有中手,一山還有一山高。」-- 中國諺語

正的街頭搏鬥並無規章可言,永遠是速戰速決,最好一招 制敵!

2.  真需


好吧,請先看看 以下<附 > 的「愚子」護身訣孔見。

3.  解惑



最好的選擇: 自己馬上用手機報警,一邊步迴避,一邊瘋狂自衛反擊!且戦且走奪路而逃,大喊[失火了!救命!失火了!]逃走時,要奔向警員/警車將會飛馳而來的方向!或跑進附近大型商場(內有保安員及錄像機)。

兵不厭詐: 若是手機沒有電了,或者接收訊號不良就佯作報警好了!

4.  描容

一旦用手機聯絡上警方,切勿掛斷電話,清楚說明地點,(有空時)要描述兇徒的容貌,任何特徵 (如紋身,刀疤,胎記,口音等) ,身材, 身高,膚色,服飾,鞋襪,髪型等。

5.  武德


         (一) 擺脫歹徒的纏;
         (二) 逃到安全的地方。


6.  免責



應該用掌(掌根),'虎口叉掌' (Y-hand or Web-hand Strike) 貫喉,或 標指 插喉,插鼻,插眼!   



                                           -- 穆罕默德 阿里 

附 > :「愚子」護身訣孔見  

   -- by Frank C Yue 

氣定神閒   沉肩垂肘   氣沉丹田   形態自然
目視三塔   耳聽八方   當避險境   免戰慎警
斷言解難   靜如處子   受辱不慍   處變不昏

知己知彼   動若驚雷   以圓導方   以柔制剛
酌暴制宜   窮寇莫追   强推屈指   後發先至
雙爪封喉   上下標指   捶碎鎖骨   飛踢敵膝

冲拳刺喉   左拉右推   後砸敵頸   弓步墜後
前倒貼掌   下腭連胸   彎臂滾圓   後踢還原
拳毋鎖肘   踢不過胸   近肘遠腿   順勢入虛

敵志奪命   智勇無心   義正我身   置死後生
身步相符   手足肘膝   肩胯六合   意氣力洽
連消帶打   速戰速決   順鬆準緊   尾指脅堅

剛消柔現   快準狠勁   絕不容情   虛實分明
影上打下   開隙入空   連珠銳襲   柔發剛達
發聲驚怪   緩疾莫測   敵倒我踏   走為上策

腰如車軸   手足即回   胯轉肩順   聚焦一瞬
八二攻防   切忌忍氣   口吐鼻納   收張腰立
防援突擊   負傷奮戰   招妙癲毫   一式敵耗

招招如末   洞悉先機   柔注敵睛   三尖相應
腳趾抓地   雙掌拉鋸   離力體重   氣吐力送
時間敵距   恰到好處   拳入四吋   堅催肋斷

步輕靈穩   以両撥斤   閃躍交接   矯靜灑脫
驀然回首   嚴護中軸   手轉身隨   虛步欲踩
拳不離手   勤練套路   幻鬭群英   功夫運應

頭齒眼涎   聲拳背捶   身體武道   貫背手刀
橋肘膝腳   背底踝刀   腿如彈簧   巧防跌蕩
擦膝護陰   急踢即回   提膝脆蹴   目標變奏

空手奪刃   必避來鋒   抓拆直臂   撩陰塌鼻
敵衝棒喝   飛扭曲臂   十字反手   穿心貫喉
拉彼失重   屈膝後仰   撑敵過頂   招變莫停

(Who Know Nothing about Martial Art)!

1. Dedication

This special series of "DIY Self-Defence Quickie" is respectfully dedicated to all the Righteous MEDIA GUYS Who Know Nothing about Martial Art!

Freedom of Expression, the land-mark and bottom-line of any democratic society, matters! 

This series would also empower women (including men) and children who are the Victims of Domestic Violence!

Effective and simple fist- and stick-fighting techniques
for dummies!
-- For personal safety, greater confidence, strength training, peace of mind! (Not your usual run-of-the-mill stuff.) 

     Train day-in day-out in fist- and stick-fighting
     For self-defence, fitness, clarity, good health;
     Nurture your spirit and a shall-not-want self --
     A contented long life you shall be living!

"There's always someone stronger than you;
There's another mountain higher than that one, too!"
                                                  -- old Chinese saying

In a real street fight, there are no rules! It is always a rapid-fire affair; ferocious and repeated attacks are launched lightning-fast
without mercy. It is best to knock out your assailants ASAP and in a single disabling strike, if you can!

2. How Audacious!

Now, who's this 'jester and dummy' writing this type of garbage?
Is he a hit man, ninja, bouncer, sifu, sensi or master of some kinds of martial arts?

O.K. You want some credentials, just browse through what I wrote in Appendix 'A' below. (That was some 18 years ago. Amendments to the martial piece are needed. But I do believe I have made some progress, however incremental, in seeking martial proficiency, if not excellence.)

3. Y? Tell Me Why!

In this day and age of e-technology when virtually everyone carries a cell phone, do we really need a "silly" new series like this? The police is just a phone call away. 

Yes, within the urban areas the police will usually show up in a crime scene where the crime is in progress within 10-15 minutes. But, violent crimes may happen anywhere. If and when you were attacked, it takes less than a minute or two for you to be seriously maimed or killed!    

4. Description of Culprit(s)  

Once you have called the Police, never hang up! Give your exact location. When you have the time, describe the characteristics of the attacker(s).

5. Ethics in Self-Defence

Use the least damaging techniques essential to deter
or disable the attacker in order that you may --

  (a) break free of the assailant/s ASAP! and
  (b) make good your escape to safety ASAP!

Self-defence against physical assault is the last resortafter your repeated attempts at de-escalation (while dealing with verbal threats and potential physical aggression) have failed. There is no one nearby to help you and you reckon you cannot make a safe, immediate retreat (without the stranger following you). The attacker is now moving quickly towards you with clenched teeth and fists -- breaching your immediate personal space! It is best to execute your self-defence moves now before the attacker has already pushed you onto the ground, or touched, shoved, grabbed or even punched you!  

6. Disclaimer

The writer and publisher of this material are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any possible damage to property and injury to any persons that may occur through reading or following the instructions in this series.

The activities described in this material may be too strenuous or dangerous for some individuals. Readers should consult their
physicians before engaging in them.  

Friendly Reminder:

Unless you have practised hitting a punch bag or makiwara (padded) board/post with your bare fists in the proper manner,  DO NOT hit your attacker with your fists! You will most likely hurt your own finger joints or wrist (unless you know exactly what you are doing)! As a novice, you should learn to use instead the Palm Heel, the 'Y-hand' (or Web-hand Strike) or, as a last resort, the fearsome Spear Hand (known as 'Thrusting Fingers' in Wing Chun and Bruce Lee called it 'Finger Jabs') in the most dangerous life-or-death situation -- for the lady's sharp finger nails can quite easily blind a vicious and violent attacker! 

(But don't worry -- you won't be able to do that just yet because of the lack of correct form, speed, power and practice. More on this when we come to 'Body Weapons in Counter-attacks' ... in due course. You must first learn the bio-dynamics of a powerful strike/blow and how not to hurt yourself when using your body weapons.)

Next in this series:

       "Dance like a butterfly, Sting like a bee!"   

                                             -- Mohammed Ali   

(This English version is not meant to be a direct translation of the Chinese article above.)

Appendix 'A'

--  by Frank C Yue


              The best defence is no offence --
              Win without fighting if you can.
              Failing that,
              Don't be there!
              Never find yourself in
              Any dangerous scene.

Breathe normally, be still and calm;
Loosely hang shoulders and wrists down.
         Direct Qi to two inches below your navel;
         Your expressions and postures should be natural.
Take in assailant's whole image in your vision,
With all ears to sounds from all direction.
        To shun hazardous situations, it's imperative --
        Always be alert, prepared and non-combative.
Against hostility, assertiveness apportion,
Yet be quiet as a maiden before action.
        Walk away from insults, douse any teething anger;
        Don't be bewildered when suddenly facing danger!

Of your own strengths and your enemy's, be sure;
But move like lightning when fighting is assured.
          Circles re-direct linear force;
          Compliance controls violence.
Apply minimal force to match the mug;
Ne'er blindly pursue a desperate thug.
          When shoved, just bend his little finger;
          Leave the first strike to your attacker.
When your assailant chokes you with both arms --
Block strongly with up-and-down ripping palms,
         SHUTO his collar-bone with speed,
         While kicking into his knee!

When your assailant starts a punching attack --
Side-step, deflect and spear his neck.
         Pull him in with left hand and push with your right;
         While leaning forward with might
Apply rear-arm choke plus hand lock,
And a forward bow stance adopt.
         When you're thrown, place palm inward on the ground,
         Bend your elbow, roll along forward round;
Chuck in your chin during your mid-air flight,
Push under-foot, back-kick, turn round upright.
         Never punch with locked elbow or just in jest;
         Use the leg to block, but kick no higher than the chest.
Elbows for in-fighting, kicks for longest reach;
Smoothly flow into and through openings breach!

When assailant means to kill --
Be sharp, brave and intuitive.
          On your side then rightly with Right --
          Presume you were dead: fight for Life!
With body and footwork in accord:
Your shoulders and hips should all afford
           Your hands, wrists, elbows, knees and feet
           For your will, Qi and power to meet.
Strike out at the same time you block --
Fight like lightning to beat the clock.
           Be smooth, relaxed, accurate; on connecting
           Your small finger, under-arm and fist tensing!

After impact, release tenseness: be supple;
Be fast, decisive, ruthless and forcible --
           Never hold back when fully assaulting;
           Use substantive and non-substantive footing.
Do employ many a feint --
Create openings and go in!
           Attack persistently, each time a new target;
           Relax limbs to strike but tense muscles on contact!
With each finishing strike, give out "KAI-AI" shout;
When enemy is down, don't stop the assault.
           Vary tempos of attack --
           The best plan: Run while you can!

Retrieve your legs and fists like lightning;
Turn your hips and shoulders while striking,
            And focus your ALL at the punch --
            Like a wheel, your waist should be spun!
Expense eighty percent strength in attack, the rest, defence.
Exhale through your mouth, inhale through your nose;
            To withhold your breath, howe'er, is not right.
            Your body extending or contracting: 

                                                          Keep your back upright.
From enemy helper, stealth attacks you may attract --
Though you're injured, you MUST carry on the combat!
             With perfect technique and might --
             "Knock-Out!" with a single strike!

Strike each blow as though it were your very last!
Anticipate your adversary's every move; cast
             Your eyes with soft vision round him and at his.
             When strike-kicking, align your nose with foot and fist!
In kicking, supporting toes grip the ground;
In punching, the pairing fists come around.
              Use own weight and centrifugal force to strike out;
              Exhale into your TAN-TIAN and force a hit stout!
In fine timing and distancing,
              With accuracy and no lapses,
And the four-finger spear-hand slicing
              Through four inches, soft target collapses!

Move swiftly, lightly, flexibly and unpredictably --
Shifting in-coming force with ease and harmony.
              Evade strikes, leap, deflect, intercept and pound
              Agilely like lightning but without a sound.
Turn head round to check behind,
And protect your centre-line!
          About turn with outstretched palm,
          Ready to gouge the eyes and "Wham!"
Abruptly attack vital points in chain --
Rain or shine, you should yourself train, train, train.
          Fighting at once many opponents visualize;
          Sharpening your skills further you would realize!

Our natural weapons -- the head,
Eyes, teeth, saliva, sound and spear-hand,
         The fist, URAKEN, hammer-fist and palm,
         HAITO, SHUTO and fore-arm,
The elbow, knee, ball-of-foot,
The in-step, heel and sword-foot.
         Like coiled-spring, the kicking leg thrusts fast forth,
         Do balance well to avoid a fall.
Before you are swarmed, promptly crush the gang leader,
Soften up nearest fighter, throw him at another.
         Apply flying kicks, hand thrusts and lunge punch --
         Quickly retreat when it comes to the crunch!

To over-power an edged fray,
Avoid always the cutting blade!
         Grab, straighten and break the knife-arm,
         Flatten his nose and take him down.
Attacker yells with club wielding --
Rush in and twist the arm bending,
         Block and grab weapon hand with cross-palm,
         Elbow the head and spear under-arm.
Pull enemy in off the floor:
With foot on his stomach, backward fall,
Throw him over your head wide --

          Changing techniques all the while!

<無求劍客> : 
<在下沒有羨魚師傅的絕世武功 - 網上神交搏擊法 (一笑 !)>

多謝 <無求劍客> 師兄 當頭一棒!
在下不是師傅,亦全無街頭搏斗經験可言! (只是好心做傻事?)

