The Shadow Warrior (5) Come, Feel your own Qi or Life-Energy!
首先,何謂真氣? 真氣何來?
何謂 "氣"?
以字論字,"氣" 字部首出於"气",字尾添上"米",所謂"氣"者: 即意指由煮米而生出之"米气" ,或 "水蒸氣",本意謂於人体是由食物而來之 "能量動力" !
( 亦可伸引為一種特有的 "氣体狀態",如自然界的水蒸氣, 天氣,氧氣,氣候等,又或者是指某埸合或某人之 "特有精神面貌,剛正的氣節",如 氣勢,人氣,氣焰等。)
"氣" 字古字寫法是 "炁":
'旡' = 無; '四點' = 火。"炁" 意指 "無火", 意謂是宇宙中存在的能量,像空中的太陽"沒有明火",但是能像核爆炸所產生的極高温烈 "火" 一樣地遙距發放輻射光能熱能,幫助大地生物生存生長 !
何謂 "真氣"?
真氣又叫元氣, 或原氣,正氣,是由母胎帶來的"先天之氣"。
常理而言,人通常是看不到,摸不到,和感受不到這種中医所謂人體內 "真氣" 的。所以,不相信有"真氣"這一回事的人,大有人在,這也是理所當然。
當然啦,對"氣"異常敏感之人士(大約十人中會有一二位),或者正在習練氣功(包括靜坐,站樁,太極拳等)而已"得氣",或 指掌間已有 "氣感"者,則作別論。
為什麽會這樣呢?原因非常簡單: 很可憐地,人類雙眼只能夠看到整個 電磁波頻譜 中一點點的東西而已!(這"一點點的東西" 正是下圖粉紅色的小格﹗左下角橙色小格是人類腦電波频率。 "Brain wave frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 35 cycles/second." See page 21 of "THE UNSEEN SELF -- Kirlian Photography Explained" by Brian Snellgrove.)
[以上該書封面是用 "克里安(高频高壓電場)照相術" 所拍出來的一名健康正常人的右掌照片,淺藍色如閃電狀物體就是人體內存的 "真氣" 影象! 這是時刻轉變的,因為人是活的。]
普通人通常都可以感受到自身雙手的 "氣",做法如下:
安靜地坐著,全身放鬆,自然呼吸,大力搓熱雙掌掌心 (這是打開你雙掌中心之內勞宮穴,大大增加指掌間的氣血運行),把雙手輕輕放在胸前,雙掌掌心相對,兩掌間留著約二至三吋空位,然後慢慢把雙掌拉開至四吋空間,再慢慢合攏,(但是不可令雙掌相碰,柤碰的話,你掌心的氣自然地又從另一隻手跑回你体內,你就不會感受到氣的輻射!) 你只管用心靜静地去感受你自身的氣,不需用腦去想。再做多幾次,你會發覺雙掌間不但有熱能感覺 (這是正常物理現象:磨擦生熱),也好像微微有壓力感和磁力性! 記得在下說過 "氣主要是電磁波嗎?" (哈哈,你找到了!)
另外,根據本人體現, 練氣習武有小成之人,知曉發送內氣(例如在下),經過訓練,是可以約略地看到和感受到自身和他人部份真氣,即便是"人体生物氣埸" : the body's "aura" or auric surround '慧光' 或者 '輝光',or the "bio-energetic fields"。The Soviets called this the "bio-plasma".
想看看自身真氣,可在沒有外間光線照射之暗室內,(當然,伸手不見五指的話,就什麽都看不到了。) 在可以朦朧地看到自己雙手的情況下,運氣到雙掌,或者大力搓熱掌心 (打開雙掌之勞宮穴),把雙手放在胸前,雙手手指相對,雙手間留著約八吋空位,然後慢慢把雙掌拉合至四,五吋空間,再慢慢拉開,你只管用心靜静地去感受你自身指掌間的氣,你會發覺雙掌或者只是一掌一指有"針刺"感,或者是有"痺,麻,痒,熱"等感覺,或者你可能看到掌指間發出微微淡綠色的 "霧氣"!
(page 33, ibid.)
"This is an experiment which can be performed by anyone. Sit quietly in a chair. Place your hands about 20 cm. (8 inches) apart. Move your hands towards each other and then slightly from side to side. Do not 'think' about this action but concentrate on any feelings. You may feel prickles in the fingers of one or both hands. They will vary as you move your hands."
"The reality of the energy field. An experiment anyone can perform."
"Sit down with a friend. Get them to remove rings, watches, etc. and place their left palm upwards, in front of them, supported if necessary by a cushion. Place your right hand, palm upwards, beneath their hand; your left hand on top. Move your hands slowly towards the hand of your partner. It is important to suspend any judgemental activity and try to keep the mind blank. Simply 'listen' to your hands.Take notice of any tingles, warmth, images, body impressions, impulses. ... Imagine that there is going to be an electrical dialogue -- or silent talking -- between your hands and the hand of the other." (page 108, ibid.)
"克里安(高频高壓電場)照相術" -- Kirlian photography was named after Semyon and Valentina Kirilan, a Russian (Ukrainian, to be exact) husband-and-wife team. Semyon was an electrical and mechanical jack of all trades. In 1939 whilst repairing a high-voltage machine he noticed a spark jump between the machine and his hand. Putting a sheet of photo-sensitive material in the path of this spark, he obtained a streamer-like pattern now found in Kirlian photographs, samples of which are reproduced below to show there is indeed qi "氣" or "energy" in living and non-living things. The colour photo below is a slice of fresh wholewheat bread that is full of nutritious energy.
This is the same piece, as a control, shown in black-and-white in the second photo. Now, the third photo below shows the piece of wholewheat bread "after being touched for a few seconds by a healer." (page 44, ibid.)
(A healer is simply a trained person with good intentions sending loving and healing energy to someone in need. I consider myself a qualified "healer" as I had learned (twice) all three levels of "Therapeutic Touch" or TT. This is a kind of 'energy work' developed jointly in the 1970s in North America by Dr. Delores Krieger, a professor of nursing at New York University and Dora Kunz, a natural healer. No physical contact is required; TT is based on the belief that because the patient's energy field is out of whack, this causes illness and pain, and that the energy field can be unruffled and rebalanced by a healer's excess energy. Just open your mind to 'new' things that may have escaped your notice, and you can probably use the new-found knowledge to your own advantage, especially in self-health care, martial art and for a fitter, healthier and happier YOU! More on this later, if I have the time and patience.)
Examples of Kirlian photographs of:
(A) "An apple cut in half. The gaps in the corona were not understood until a few days later when the relevant areas were seen to be bruised." (page 95, ibid.)
(B) "Feet before (on left below, lower photo) and after (right) acupuncture treatment. Note the marked change in configuration and extent of energy." (page 101, ibid.)
(C) "The hand being used to detect the radiations (of another person's bio-energy)." (page 112, ibid.) This simple technique is also being used in Therapeutic Touch.
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