Sunday 14 June 2015

張九齡 自君之出矣 不復理殘機 Since the day you left, my Love

以下英譯承蒙吾友吾師 黃宏發先生 修飾,真箇脫胎換骨,謹此致謝。
the following rendition has been polished up by my friend and mentor Andrew W.F. Wong, to whom I am grateful.



"Since The Day You Left, My Love"
-- by Zhang Jiuling (678-740)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Since the day you left, my Love,
I've ceased to weave the piece I was weaving.
I yearn for you like the full Moon above,
Nightly it wanes while I waste grieving.

from the net:
殘機:機是織布機,殘機是布 ... 

then of course, one should see Sifu Wong's masterpiece, made in the same classical style and rhyming scheme (XAXA) a la the little lovely original Tang poem:

Zhang Jiuling (678-740):  Since from Home You Departed

E'er since from home my lord departed,
I’ve left untouched my weaving loom.
Like the full moon, O I long for you,  
Nightly it wanes while I waste in gloom.

Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa)     
譯者: 黃宏發
18th June 2012 (revised 19.6.12; 9.8.12)
Translated from the original - 

張九齡:  自君之出矣

1        自君之出矣
2        不復理殘機
3        思君如滿月
4        夜夜減清輝

if interested, please visit Mr. Andrew Wong's blog:

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