Thursday, 29 August 2013

(1) 健身修心《養生篇》(1) ON "LIFE WITH QUALITY TIME": Exercise Body and Mind --

(1) 健身修心《養生篇   (1) ON "LIFE                                               WITH QUALITY  
                                                            Exercise Body and Mind --

養生練武詩                     Poems on Heathcare and                                                                             Martial Arts
三篇之   羨魚原創            Poem No. 1 of 3 
                                                -- by Frank C Yue

健體强身,                     Exercise for a strong body;
修心養性。                     Meditate to experience Harmony.
天地行健,                     Heav'n and Earth move in                                                        space ocean;
自強不息。                     Man, likewise, in constant                                                       motion.
三運暢通,                     When your qi, blood, air and                                                      wastes circulations are good,
髮煥                        Your vibrant hair and complexion                                                        will glow as they should.
日新又新,                    Train today, and more, each new                                                      day;
立信恆心。                    Establish a daily routine.
心平氣寧,                    With your qi flowing strong and mind                                                        serene,
卻病延年。                    One just lives long and keeps Illness                                                      at bay.


1.  呼吸鉅微循環暢順,心礦神怡。
2.  氣血暢運,舒筋活絡。
3.  二便通利,水清宿便。


... (2) 練氣養氣 《氣功篇》  

... (3) 恆常練武《功夫篇》   

No. 1: 


    -- 香港 廣華醫院中醫診所 普通科門診部 橫額

Nip all latent "Illness buds" well before                         they germinate;
Exercise, and a healthy lifestyle always                       cultivate.

An 'Abridged' Quote from Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng‧Sù Wèn:
"The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine"

     -- as written on a plaque at the Kwong Wah Hospital
        Chinese Medicine Out-Patient Department in Hong Kong.


... “ 陰陽四時者,萬物之終始也、死生之本也,逆之則災害生、從之則苛疾不起,是謂得道。道者、聖人行之,愚者佩之。從陰陽則生、逆之則死,從之則治、逆之則亂,反順為逆,是為內格。 是故、聖人不治己病、治未病,不治己亂、治未亂,此之謂也。夫病已成而後藥之,亂己成而後治之,譬猶渴而穿井、鬪而鑄兵,不亦晚乎!”

曰: 其知道者,法於陰陽合於術數,食飲有節、起居有常、不妄作勞,故能形與神俱而盡終其天年,度百歲乃去。” 

... 四季養生 “ 春夏養陽、秋冬養陰。”




"扁鵲 過齊,齊桓侯客之。入朝見,曰:「君有疾在腠理,不治將深。」桓侯曰:「寡人無疾。」扁鵲出,桓侯謂左右曰:「醫之好利也,欲以不疾者為功。」後五日,扁鵲復見,曰:「君有疾在血脈,不治恐深。」桓侯曰:「寡人無疾。」扁鵲出,桓侯不悅。後五日,扁鵲復見,曰:「君有疾在腸胃閑,不治將深。」桓侯不應。扁鵲出,桓侯不悅。後五日,扁鵲復見,望見桓侯而退走。……使人問其故。扁鵲曰:「疾之居腠理也,湯熨之所及也;在血脈,針石之所及也;其在腸胃,酒醪之所及也;其在骨髓,雖司命無柰之何。今在骨髓,臣是以無請也。」後五日,桓侯體病,使人召扁鵲,扁鵲已逃去。桓侯遂死。"

No. 2: 

Some popular Chinese folk sayings on Ageing: Beware! (Tr. by F C Yue)

Old age grows from your foot! 


For the trees growing too old, first to rot is                       their root;
For people growing too old, first to fail is                        their foot. 

Why is this so?

Your feet (and knees too: they support your whole body weight every day!) are located farthest from the heart that pumps out oxygenated-blood carrying the essential nutrients out to (and helping eliminate the toxic wastes from) all the tissues and organs...  With the heart muscles inevitably weakening over time, the efficiency of the heart functions drops and then the extremities of the body will first suffer.

(that's why long ago i taught my grandchildren, for fun and friendly competition in the park, to "stand on one leg".  the one-leg stance  forces each leg to become stronger by supporting the whole weight of the body.  it's not just training the leg muscles per se. with suitable encouragement and incentives, the young child gains eye-body co-ordination, stability, confidence and slowly learns how to persevere in one's pursuits ...)

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