Friday 30 August 2013

(2) 練氣養氣《氣功篇》(2) ON "YOUR OWN VITAL ENERGY"

(2) 練氣養氣《氣功篇》 (2) ON "YOUR                                  OWN VITAL ENERGY":
Train and Nourish Bio-Energy 'Qi' 

養生練武詩                         Poems on Healthcare and                                                                   Martial Arts
三篇之二  -- 羨魚原創              Poem No. 2 of 3 
                                                    -- by Frank C Yue

養氣以悠,                        With a calm meditative mind,
息悠心清。                        You're wholly relaxed and                                                          you'll find
心平神寧,                        Qi flows continuous and easy,
神寧息柔。                        You're care-free, thankful and                                                          happy.
形正氣順,                        With correct posture, qi flows                                                         smoothly;
氣順心靜。                        The breath's soft, the heart, in                                                                     harmony.
心靜息柔,                        When the mind and breath are                                                          serene
高壓請走!                        High blood pressure is seldom                                                         seen.
有無意間,                        Between the states "Have-" and                                                             "No-Intention",
三調環扣。                        One's Mind, Breath and                                                        Posture are in connection. 

'三調'                                                 兼修
1.  調 心 (神、意) :   「意念關」       意 (和神)

2.  調 身 (形勢子) :「鬆靜關」      身 (行氣)
3.  調 息 (呼吸) :        「調關」      氣 (調)
     [ 用腹式呼吸: 柔細慢勻長  悠圓深靜]

The Three Regulations:    'Gate' of:       Simultaneously Training:

1. Regulating The Mind:      Intentions              The Mind

2. Regulating The Posture:  Relaxation             The Body  

3. Regulating The Breath:   Breath         Your Vital Energy        

Qigong is NOT for everyone to train, especially if one wants to do it on his own, without the guidance and supervision by an experienced instructor/teacher.

A beginner simply doesn't know which style/method is best for her conditions and what are the DO's and DON'Ts, the basic requirements, the beginning and ending procedures, and  potential pitfalls, etc. If you have ADHD and are often emotional and mentally unstable, or your family has a history of mental illness, for example, you should not practise (since at some stage you
would use lively visualization to aid in your training and you might well experience hallucinations, vivid daydreams, or "uncontrollable" involuntary vigorous body movements as if you were a seasoned martial artist though you never knew a thing in this regard,  etc.)  In short, if you don't feel comfortable about it, just don't do it.

(At the highest levels after a number of years of consistent practice, those weak in willpower and with less than pure thoughts might be led unconsciously towards the supernatural and the occult. You have been warned.) 


1.  氣功並不適合任何人隨便自行演練!

2.  如果某君 情緒不穩定,精神恍惚、生性多疑、自閉多動、極度迷信、疑神疑鬼、至親又有精神病病歷的話,切勿試練任何形式的 靜功 (如入靜、入定、坐禪、站樁等) 動功 (如鶴翔樁。初學應視太極拳為普通柔身運動,淺嘗輒止。有云 太極「五年有小成,十年不出門。」)、或 動靜功 (如香功等)。初學者對「走火入魔」應時刻保持戒心;只問耕耘,不問收穫,順其自然,循步漸進,無欲無求,習之欣然,就不會衍生大問題。

3.  因為 ... 學練氣功前,一定要深入了解該門功法是否名門正派,源遠流長,功効顯著,口碑載道,更 掌握練法禁忌 (如慎防驚功、功後不可馬上喝冰涼飲品、作凍水淋浴); 注意場地、方向、時辰、天氣、空氣質素、衣著等問題;要跟隨經驗豐富的師父或師兄師姊學練,有疑難就不恥下問。 某個時,日復一日,習者不知不覺間會「打開」部份主要穴位經脈,打通更多指掌的微血管,氣血更為流暢,呼吸柔順深長,神態安祥,自然而然地進入「氣功態」,會自覺有輕微或强烈「氣感」、「氣流」、「氣場」等,在不同階段又有可能體驗幻覺、幻聽、幻象等,切忌盲目追求,見怪不怪,心中坦蕩蕩;更可能誘發(治病)「自發功」,或者甚至可能進入「特異功能態」... 真是無奇不有,令人不可置信。

4.  氣功與宗教並無直接的必然關係 (雖然氣功可以區分為醫、武、儒、道、釋、民間幾大類)。小心不要因為好奇,為名利,物慾引誘,去追求「超自然力量」或嘗試與「靈」(實為 邪靈! ) 打交道,自蹈「瘋人」的不歸路!

5.  以上只是一己之管見。

... (3) 恆常練武《功夫篇》   

No. 1:「治未病,弘養生。」

    --香港 廣華醫院中醫診所 普通科門診部 橫額

No. 1:

Nip all latent "Illness buds" well before                       they germinate;
Exercise, and a healthy lifestyle always                       cultivate.

An 'Abridged' Quote from Huáng Dì Nèi Jīng‧Sù Wèn:
"The Yellow Emperor's 
Classic of Internal Medicine"
     -- as written on a plaque at the Kwong Wah Hospital
          Chinese Medicine Out-Patient Department in Hong Kong.


... “ 陰陽四時者,萬物之終始也、死生之本也,逆之則災害生、從之則苛疾不起,是謂得道。道者、聖人行之,愚者佩之。從陰陽則生、逆之則死,從之則治、逆之則亂,反順為逆,是為內格。 是故、聖人不治己病、治未病,不治己亂、治未亂,此之謂也。夫病已成而後藥之,亂己成而後治之,譬猶渴而穿井、鬪而鑄兵,不亦晚乎!”

曰: 其知道者,法於陰陽合於術數,食飲有節、起居有常、不妄作勞,故能形與神俱而盡終其天年,度百歲乃去。” 

... 四季養生 “ 春夏養陽、秋冬養陰。”




"扁鵲 過齊,齊桓侯客之。入朝見,曰:「君有疾在腠理,不治將深。」桓侯曰:「寡人無疾。」扁鵲出,桓侯謂左右曰:「醫之好利也,欲以不疾者為功。」後五日,扁鵲復見,曰:「君有疾在血脈,不治恐深。」桓侯曰:「寡人無疾。」扁鵲出,桓侯不悅。後五日,扁鵲復見,曰:「君有疾在腸胃閑,不治將深。」桓侯不應。扁鵲出,桓侯不悅。後五日,扁鵲復見,望見桓侯而退走。……使人問其故。扁鵲曰:「疾之居腠理也,湯熨之所及也;在血脈,針石之所及也;其在腸胃,酒醪之所及也;其在骨髓,雖司命無柰之何。今在骨髓,臣是以無請也。」後五日,桓侯體病,使人召扁鵲,扁鵲已逃去。桓侯遂死。"

No. 2: 調心調調息 歌

中醫簡易自行保健怯病法   -- 羨魚 (二次創作)

N0. 2:

Simple Self-help Health-care Techniques 
(based on Traditional Chinese Medicine principles)  -- by Frank C Yue

前 言                Prologue

無意無念          No thoughts -- shut out monkey                                                            chatters quietly;

無懼無求          Be not afraid -- have no desire, no care.

腹式呼吸          Into the abdomen breathe naturally;

息靈輕柔          The breath should be soft, light,                                                     deep, slow and fair.

相互為用          The "Three Regulations" are inter-link'd

三調環扣          One runs into the others, like a chain.

(1)  調心 ()    (1)  REGULATING THE MIND  
                              (Consciousness/Mental State)

    心安神清      When the heart is truly at ease

    大腦入靜      Then your mind will follow in peace.

   良性意念       Fill you mind with good intentions;

   知足欣然       You'll enjoy joyful satisfaction.

   神寧息柔       With a calm meditative mind

   氣行連悠       Qi flows continuous and easy.

   愉悅自然       You'll naturally find

   性命相修       You're thankful and happy.

(2)  調身 (形)    (2)  REGULATING THE POSTURE

身體放鬆          Relax muscles, joints and the whole                                                       body;

輕柔舒          You'll feel lightness, comfort and easy.

鬆而不怠          The body is relaxed but not sloppy; 

挺而不僵          The skeletal frame's firm but not rigid. 

形正氣順          With correct posture, qi flows smoothly --

氣順神揚          The spirit's bright; qi flow isn't choppy.  

心平氣從          With a mind serene, you're completely at                                             rest;

血行脉暢         With blood and qi flowing free, you are                                blest.


息勻若絲         Breathe deep, evenly, slowly and softly; 

調節呼吸         To make adjustments to your breathing. 
柔長慢細         Lengthening your soft breath makes                                                      you free

至踵無聲        Of stress and gives you back a                                                                 "care-free me"!

深息怡神        Breathing long and slow, you feel leisurely;

和氣平心        Smooth breath snuffs monkey chatters 

息靜神和        With soft deep breath, Harmony is won;

天人一合        Nature and Man are united as One.

'三調':                                                   兼修

1.  調 心 (神、意)    :「意念關」             意

2.  調 身 (形、勢子):「鬆靜關」            

3.  調 息 (呼吸) :        「調 關」          氣
       [ 用腹式呼吸: 柔細慢勻長  悠圓深靜]

The Three Regulations:    `Gate` of         Simultaneously Training

1. Regulating The Mind      Intentions           The Mind

2. Regulating The Posture   Relaxation          The Body

3. Regulating The Breath    Breath                Your Vital Energy

Qigong is NOT for everyone to train, especially if one wants to do it on his own, without the guidance and supervision by an experienced instructor/teacher.

A beginner simply doesn't know which style/method is best for her conditions and what are the DO's and DON'Ts, the basic requirements, the beginning and ending procedures, and  potential pitfalls, etc. If you have ADHD and are often emotional and mentally unstable, or your family has a history of mental illness, for example, you should not practise (since at some stage you might experience hallucinations, vivid daydreams, or "uncontrollable" involuntary vigorous body movements, etc.)
In short, if you don't feel comfortable about it, just don't do it.

(At the highest levels after a number of years of consistent practice, those weak in willpower and with less than pure thoughts might be led unconsciously towards the supernatural and the occult.
You have been warned.)

No. 3:
"Good-bye, My 7-Minute Friend!"
-- A True Life Story by Frank C Yue

     Good-bye, my 7-minute Friend!
     Of yourself take care.
     You – I should dare,
     To do “Zhan Zhuang” each day, till we meet again!

At the Baptist U Chinese Medicine Clinic waiting room,
On some faces an air of Hope prevails than just Gloom.
I notice the crowd's much bigger than usual today;
They're here for moxibustion to keep their healthy way.

While waiting for my friend (who's in the ladies' room), I stand
Near the pharmacy and hold a “taiji ball” in my hands.
To stand “like a stake” behind the seated crowd I thought it's 'safe';
Still, a middle-age patient steals curious glances this way.

On an extra chair placed at the corner, the man's sitting;
From the looks on his face, I know he knows what I'm doing.
I approach him and ask, Want to learn some simple qigong?
His reply: “Why? I'm busy. Don't have the time, I don't...”

Most guys don't realize the flowing 'life-energy' in the body
Can be trained and strengthened for our good, and it's quite easy.
But one has to be persistent and do it every day!
Don't go overboard, on a healthy path you'll be on your way.

Here, just show me your hand, please.
Without touching, I put mine above his.
Your hand radiates heat, is very warm:
Your blood qi circulation's still quite strong.

Now, rub your hands vigorously, man --
Relax, let your palms face each other then.
Between your hands, in the space small,
Could you feel anything at all?

“Nooo, there's nothing. Nothing at all... No!”
Don't give up! Rub your hands more, and more,
To boost up your life-energy flow.
Right! Try it again, now, as before.

“Funny! Something's 'pulling' between my hands.”
That's your own qi,
Your vital energy!

Now, nourish your qi,
For a healthier “Me”!

With your feet shoulder-width apart (like so) – Just stand ... !
“I can feel the 'wind' coming from your hand ... !”
That's energy sent from mine, s
o more on qi you'd understand.
But ne'er do this you'self, do you comprehend?

Smiling, the man asks me to teach him “standing like a tree”.
My friend will be out, and we'll have only a few minutes more.
(We have another engagement, soon we will have to leave.)
He then remembers: “O! My Cousin once taught me this before!”

“Years ago, he was weak and suffered from some severe pain.
Someone taught him this very simple technique;
After training and months later -- it's so neat!
My Cousin's not just pain-free, but can lift weights again.”

“When I tried this years ago I used to sweat quite a lot,
And, also, my inside quickly became quite hot.”

Congratulations! These indeed are very good signs.
Your body's healing itself!! But you stopped long ago -- Why?

He just shrugs his shoulders and gives me no reply.
Having been there m'self, I know how enthusiasm died...
(My friend comes out refreshed and it's time to say Good-bye.)
Find your Cousin! Do it each day and 'Never Say Die'!

I wasn't talking here to you without a reason good;
Be accountable for your actions or non-actions, you should.
If you choose not to do anything, just rub your hands each day!
That's the least you should do to help yourself in a small way.

On my way out -- I look at my watch, 7 minutes gone;
I see the man's still standing, “wuji” style, with a broad smile.
Keep on standing... by other distractions don't be beguiled.
From here, you have a long way to go -- 
Standing, just keep on...

Be persevering, my 7-minute Friend!
You'll be better if we e'er meet again.
(From each other, as we part

I say a prayer for him in my heart.)

A word of caution:
Doing “Zhan Zhuang”, a passive, mindless form of very powerful martial arts as well as internal-energy training technique, is usually quite safe. However, beginners should be fore-warned that even at the beginner's level one might be drawn, on very rare occasions, unknowingly to the supernatural, if one is not careful and too eager to obtain extraordinary results within a short period of time.

There are basic "Do's and Don't's". Do not try to practise just on your own. You should learn the basics and start practising in a proper class or small group under the guidance and instructions of a competent and qualified teacher or sifu.

        In reality,
        Who will, who may, who can, who would,
        Who shall, who might, who should, who could
        Write such a trivial thing
        Like the above happening?
        -- O Probably, on one but me!
        (Just don't take this too seriously.)

The above short true-story, as told, does not of course cover everything that transpired in the clinic that morning. In fact --

1. The man did tell me his family name (towards the end, for he knew I know something and was there to try to help him). He is Mr. Lau; we spoke in Cantonese. He asked for mine. My reply: My name's not important. What I'm going to tell you and show you in person is.

2. Why was I so keen to grab his attention (-- transmitting in public my own precious energy to force open, time and again, his 'slumbering' palm-centre acupoints -- ) and teach him the simple but v powerful and effective "standing like a stake" qigong?  Because... he's a rather sick man. He badly needed to learn the technique to boost up his already weakened, damaged lung functions and immunity system...

3. When I walked towards Mr. Lau and breached his personal space (of about 3 feet in radius) I was at once attacked by a v strong, pungent odour and a wave of highly toxic (though invisible) tobacco smoke that surrenders him all the time! It doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to guess that he must be a chain smoker for many years and he was coughing, too, rather badly!

4. So, my first words to him were: You should really cut down on your smokes! But I could almost see the words come out straight from his other ear. He had hardened his heart for all advice given on this particular issue.

5. My 7-minute friend had wanted to exchange phone numbers to follow-up. I told him somewhat apologetically I won't be sticking around for long; as a visitor, I'll be flying out of the city. I simply bounced the ball back to his court and his Zhan Zhuang practising Cousin.

6. I was glad the 'primer' qi I sent him resonated with his, giving him a strong motive to get himself re-acquainted with Zhan Zhuang. With perseverance, sustained efforts and regular practice, this will bring out his full potential physically and mentally and be beneficial for his health.

No. 4:
The Whispering Stranger Seated Next
to Carla on the Plane   (Part 1 of 2 …)

After a long cruise and a week in Rome,
My wife and I were glad to return home.
High in the sky, "giant roc" hurled itself forth
From Barcelona to (Toronto via) Montreal.
On a very crowded TRANSAT plane
Most of the passengers tried to sleep in vain. 

To keep at bay possible deep-vein blood clot,
With an "imagined assailant" I fought.  
It would be an eight-hour long flight, you see;
I "sparred" with the air in extreme slow motion --
Not to raise any 'fearful emotion'
From the young woman seated next to me.

Reading a book, my quiet "next-seat lady"
Surprised me somewhat as I was not ready
To answer her sudden question: "Why your hand
 Was shaking like so when you had it extend'd?" 
Training my 'internal energy' I've been --
And I was impressed by her perception keen.

O? You could boost your energy just like that?"
First, know that you can feel your own energy!
Rub your palms vigorously together -- like so --
Place them close to each other, but don't forget                           
If they touch you won’t feel your flow of energy -- 
For then the 'qi' flows inside and you won't know. 

As soon as she felt the warmth and strong tingling
In her palms, her jaws dropped down, her eyes op'ned.
Her face lit up with amazement and awe,
Her mouth assumed the shape of an oval ‘O’:
"How does this work? Can you teach me at all?"
Yes, I can but it'll take you years of training. 

Einstien 'shows' that balls of energy we all are,
With his famous E= mc2** formula... 
However, before I could say anything more, 
My Love -- who was seated in front of me
Turned her head and -- gave us a BIG "Sheee!!"

Not to disturb my wife, I could talk no more.

M'wife put on the eye-covers, tried to have a nap.
The young woman looked at me again in the eyes;
I looked back at hers and simply shook my head. 
But then something just ‘clicked’ in my mind --
O! The three English articles in my net-book
Which, from beneath my own seat, out I took.  

I opened the files on the true Hong Kong stories:
They are "Good-bye, My 7-Minute Friend!"
And "Chance Encounter with a Three-Legged Man",
Depicting man's fighting spirits and glory --
How to train and walk till one's feet are weary,
How the path to success is rather teary.
Without a sound, she slowly read the stories long,
Line by line, patiently, stopping here and there.
But in English comprehension she wasn’t so strong;
She'd pause and look this way with a question in her eyes.
I motioned to her: Let the vocabularies pass by 

--One could only take in so much somehow, somewhere.

                                                                                                     (... to be Continued)
 ** E= mc2:
1. This most famous formula stands for "E(negery) = M(ass) x the Speed of Light (C) squared."
2. This means that if one takes the Mass of an object and multiplies it by the Speed of Light (2.9 x 10^8 metres per second), one will then have calculated the amount of tremendous Energy released.

3. In short, Matter = Energy.

The Whispering Stranger Seated Next to
Carla on the Plane (… Part 2 of 2)

I leaned towards her and whispered in her ear:
If you want to hear, me you’ll have to move near. 
(I ne’er dreamt I would whisper in a woman’s ear
On the same plane in the presence of my wife dear!)
She obliged and ignored her personal space --
My lips were a couple of inches from her face.

“What are those hand movements you were doing?”
They are entirely two different things –
Martial arts, and health-enhancing technique.
For yourself, choose one for me to ‘teach’:
Some self-defence tricks to ease your mind night and day,       Or, some effective health-care maintenance ways.
With her questions, she fired away;
There couldn’t be a more eager student these days.
I answered them best as I could;
Like to learn some health-enhancing exercise, she would.
In her late twenties, she is a smart young lady.
In her mind, there was still one ‘curiosity’.

“Now, why are you so keen to teach all this to me?”
I’d promised to share these good stuffs to all who ask me.
Why are you so interested in Chinese medicine?
“My Mom once suffered from a certain ailment;
The doctors couldn’t help her but after treatment
By acupuncture her condition saw some improvement.”              

Before we started, were you reading a novel in Spanish?
“Right, I was. And I speak Spanish, French and English.
I come from Brazil, am visiting friends in Montreal.
My name is Carla. What’s yours?” 
I pointed to the name appearing in my article.
She gave me a funny face and let out a chuckle.

No, I am not kidding, Carla.
I am “him”, the “poet-author”.
I could see some doubts in her eyes.
I am not flirting with you; why should I lie?
I produced my boarding-pass stub with THE name.
Then, Carla’s attitude was not quite the same.

I showed Carla “The Ten Skilful Hands” forms just once;
She repeated the 10 movements flawlessly after I’d done!
And in the correct order, too,
In tune with the ‘qi flow’ in me and you.
(Ah! I was quite happy: I had chosen well --)
Teach your parents and friends for better health.

As a responsible “tutor” under such conditions,
I wrote -- in English -- the brief instructions
On the inside of a cut-open blank envelope,    
While Carla was napping during the session-interlude.
She opened her eyes as her destination came “on-line”;
I handed the note to her and bade her Good-bye.
                                                                                                     Carla said “Adios!” and got off the plane;                        
Probably, I would never see her again.
Go, spread the good stuffs around you --  
Truth is Beauty, and Beauty, Truth.
Let’s all make this place a better World with Love,                
The gentle rain of Compassion from Above. 

No. 5:

“O Talk not to me of Jesus or qigong!
If you do, I'd listen no more -- No, I won't.”

-- A Poem by Frank C Yue

        “O Talk not to me of Jesus or qigong!         
          If you do, I'd listen no more -- No, I won't.”

These two subjects are full of contention;
Surely, not for everyone's discussion.

It was years ago when several families
Were enjoying a square meal, then quite suddenly
A friend of mine gave me a piece of his mind...
-- Certainly, I said softly, if you were so inclined.

And quite frankly, I was rather taken aback;
From m'self-adopted 'Do-Good Missions', I was sack'd.
I was taking care of his Well-being, physical --
As well as his everlasting Life, spiritual.

This seems rather 'sarcastical';
For the fact remains as follows --

A high achiever from a Christian high school fine,
His Biblical knowledge is far better than mine.

Yet, he chose to harden his heart,
To shut his ears to God's calling;
Thought in anything he's not wanting.

Now muted, I had tried my part.

As regards qigong, I have more to tell --
His wife suffered decades ago
A strange disease baffling so
That no western expert could make her well.

A herbalist they consulted,
As last resort, and resulted --

In an incredible speedy cure.
     'Your wife's
 qi and blood need boosting;'  “O dear!”

     'When you're in bed -- it's extremely simple, I'd say! --
      Put your palms in a hollow triangle
      O'er the 'Dantian' just below your navel;
      Breathe gently through the nose in a relaxed way.'

     'As you breathe in softly, and deeply,
      The chest and belly should come up slowly.
      As you breathe out it's almost effortless,
      And with every breath you are truly bless'd.'

When her health was nursed back to norm
The wife just forgot or ignore
The advice given for self-help.
But the man's been practising that since then!

Once in the hours wee,
The guy was awakened by a sharp pain
In his left (or right?) knee;
Baffled, feeling helpless, calm he remain'd.

Remembering the good old herbalist's advice
-- His name is You Long, the "Itinerant Dragon" --
Abdominal breathing he calmly tried.

From nowhere a 'mini-electric bolt' had gone
From within to 'strike' at the painful site;
Most of the pain then was gone, this despite.

You 'acted' like the hero of 'Kung Fu Hustle' in real life!
Wow! I could show you some advanced techniques, if you like.

“No, thank you! -- an accomplished 'sihing' though you are!
I'm happy right now; talk qigong to me -- just don't!
And learn any more qigong, I won't...”

So, when we meet we talk of other things: like his new car,
HDTV, the grand-kids... but not Jesus, nor qigong.

Helen Keller's most inspiring words just drift into mind:
  “Once you've learned to soar, you will never consent to crawl.”
Ev'ryone ages and suffers countless ailments, you shall find.
Be best prepared for a fruitful Pilgrimage, shouldn't we all?

Helen Keller actually said:
            "One can never consent to creep
              when one feels an impulse to soar."

(I've just twisted this a little to suit my story and rime here.)

What is so amazing with this story is that the Chinese herbalist, You Long, did not prescribe any herbal medicine to that particular patient (with a rather uncommon illness). He simply sent his powerful internal energy -- qi or chi -- to the patient, without touching, for healing purposes. (Classical Chinese medical texts show that a handful of well-known Master Healers/Herbalists in different dynasties had been doing this for over a thousand years with good effects.)

I was most impressed with his extremely simple and brief instructions for the patient to do the
easiest, safest and most comfortable form of qigong there is (if the practitioner is seated or lying in
bed) :

           "When you're in bed ... -- 
             Put your palms in a hollow triangle
             O'er the 'Dantian' just below your navel;
             Breathe gently through the nose in a relaxed way."

This is a v simple Taoist/Buddhist healing qigong for better health, to be performed standing, seated or lying in bed,  or even while strolling in the park.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all these wonderful shares, your compassion is quite clear, wishing you great luck in this path of Taoist alchemy of transfiguration.
