Friday 19 July 2013

蘇軾:潮隨暗浪雪山頂 頂山雪浪暗隨潮 Several specks of slim sea-gull soar high above myriad peaks green; It seems that swaying with the tide's rhythm was the summit snow.

           《題金()寺》  北宋 • 蘇軾 

潮隨暗浪雪山頂,       遠浦漁舟釣月明。

橋對寺門山(松)徑小, 巷(檻)當泉眼石波清。

迢迢綠樹江天曉,       靄靄紅霞晚日晴。

遙望四邊雲接水,       碧峰千點數鷗輕。

    【题金山寺回文体】 北宋 • 苏轼

潮随暗浪雪山倾,  远浦渔舟钓月明。

桥对寺门松径小,  槛当泉眼石波清。

迢迢绿树江天晓,  霭霭红霞晚日晴。

遥望四边云接水,  碧峰千点数鸥轻。 

TI JIN SI: "Brushing a Poem at Jin Temple"
-- by SU SHI (1037-1101)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

(Poem Read in the Usual Manner: )

The tide follows imperceptible waves with snow caps in view;
Afar, fishermen are fishing in the Moon's silvery hue.
Bridges face the temple door, the winding path above is small;
At the lane's end lies a pure spring with water clearest of all.
Lush green trees in the distance greet the river and skies at dawn; 
Surrounded by crimson clouds, toward ev'ning the Sun still shines on.
The distant clouds in all four directions adjoin the water;
Against a thousand dots of blue peaks, a few gulls soar lighter.

北宋 • 蘇軾 
輕鷗數點千峰碧, 水接雲邊四望遙。

晴日晚霞紅靄靄, 曉天江樹綠迢迢。

清波石眼泉當巷, 小徑山門寺對橋。

明月釣舟漁浦遠, 頂()山雪浪暗隨潮。

霭霭,       晓绿迢迢。
明月,                  ()山雪浪暗隨潮。

(Poem Read in Reverse from the End character backwards: ) 
Several specks of slim sea-gull soar high above myriad peaks green;
Looking afar, in four directions, clouds on water are seen.
In a sunny late ev'ning, all the tattered clouds are stain'd red;
Then, at daybreak the trees by the river are all green instead.

Facing the lane are clear ripples from th' eye of the stone fountain;
Above the bridge and temple door snakes a path up the mountain.
Beneath a bright full Moon, fishing boats far and wide freely go;
It seems that swaying with the tide's rhythm was the summit snow. 


< 苏轼(1037年1月8日-1101年8月24日),字子瞻,一字和仲,号东坡居士,眉州眉山(今四川眉山市)人,中国北宋文豪。 其诗,词,赋,散文,均成就极高,且善书法和繪画,是中国文学艺术史上罕见的全才,也是中国数千年历史上被公认文学艺术造诣最杰出的大家之一。其散文與 歐陽修 並稱 歐蘇;詩與 黃庭堅 並稱 蘇黃,又与 陆游 并称 ;詞與 辛棄疾 並稱 蘇辛;書法名列 “蘇、黃、米、蔡” 北宋四大書法家「宋四家」之一;其畫則開創了湖州畫派。因其文、詞頗多於著作,宋代每逢科考常出現其文命題之考試。故時學者有曰:「蘇文熟,喫羊肉、蘇文生,吃菜羹」 之說。... > 

and from another net source:
<苏轼(1037年1月8日-1101年8月24日),字子瞻,又字和仲,号“东坡居士”,眉州眉山(即今四川眉州)人,是北宋著名文学家、书画家,散文家 和诗人。豪放派代表人物。他与他的父亲苏洵、弟弟苏辙皆以文学名世,世称 “三苏”;与汉末“三曹父子”(曹操、曹丕、曹植)齐名。他还是著名的唐宋八大家 之一。作品有《东坡七集》《东坡乐府 》等。>

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