Tuesday 4 March 2014

‘3 Shadowless Kicks’ vs ‘6 Chops’! A 'DIY Life-Saver'

‘3 Shadowless Kicks’ vs ‘6 Chops’!
A 'DIY Life-Saver' at the Receiving End of a Slashing Machete.
(Version 1.1 ... to be continued, time permitting)

Simple and Effective Self-Defence Techniques by a Fool of Little Faith.


1. The author, thoan experienced long-time kung fu and qigong practitioner, is not a professional MMA fighter, bouncer, past hacker (with double meat cleavers), etc.  Nor a qualified black-belt martial arts instructor/sifu. So, carry on reading at your own risk!

(On the other hand, you may be, just may be, laughing to death!)

2. The author and publisher of this brief material, which is no child's play, are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any personal injury that may occur through reading or following any advice or technique offered herein.

3. The training activities and techniques, physical or otherwise, described in this short material may be 'over-simplified', particularly for the uninitiated, martially speaking. They may be too strenuous or even dangerous to some individuals. The reader should consult his or her doctor before attempting to engage in such practice.  


           In a brutal and very recent

          High-profile stabbing incident
          A righteous Hong Kong editor --
          Of the Free Press a protector --
          Was mercilessly hacked six times;
          To the ICU he was confine’ .
          He had gone to the gates of Hell;
          Thankfully, hes back doing quite well.

          With my old pen for now, away --

          Hear! Hear what I have to say,
          Freedom Fighters you all are:
          Might save your life these simple tips here!

The 'knifers' don't come for the money;
This is not funny, nor phony.
That's right! They will sever 
                                           your 'write' hand!
There, will you just stare, shake and stand?
       Away from the mouth of Hell take flight,
     At the first chance run for your dear life!

THE LEGS are your weapon longest;
Also, they’re your weapon strongest!
Stop armed assailants in-coming,
At the knee, groin, shin -- by hard kicking!
     Stall the attacker, yell and take flight,
     At the first chance run for your dear life!

Like Bruce Lee, kick quickly three times,
'Re-cock' mid-air your same leg fine.
Raise cross'd-arms with outward-facing palms,
Grab his knife-hand wrist, yell, twist 
                                                          and 'Wham'!
      Taken unawares, fight and take flight,
      At the first chance run for your dear life!

If you miss the first target there
Don't just put your raised leg down:
Keep stomping his knee in mid-air!
Trample his foot, kick him to the ground!
     Stun the attacker, yell and take flight,
     At the first chance run for your dear life!

To save yourself always rush in!

This is real close-quarters fightin':
Block or grab his 'cocked' (bent) weapon arm,
Punch his eye, chin -- he's doing you harm!
     Away from the mouth of Hell take flight,
     At the first chance run for your dear life!

When you are punching or striking

Repeat the action without stopping!
Strike 'super-fast' and hard three, five times,
Kick hard, stomp him hard with your foot fine!
     Stall the attacker, yell and take flight,
     At the first chance run for your dear life!

Smartly snap your knee or leg up --
Take this, and this, and this! You thug!
Your powerful elbow and knee
From serious harm can set you free!
     Away from the mouth of Hell take flight,
     At the first chance run for your dear life!

Of course it goes without saying,
If you're into techniques defending --
The 'leg work' helps avoid a close call
For on-the-beat Law Enforc'ment all.
     Stall the attack, kick again with might,
     Take out your weapon, fight for dear life!



-- A Restricted Overview

「愚子」護身訣孔見-- by Frank C Yue 

氣定神閒   沉肩垂肘   氣沉丹田   形態自然
目視三塔   耳聽八方   當避險境   免戰慎警
斷言解難   靜如處子   受辱不慍   處變不昏

知己知彼   動若驚雷   以圓導方   以柔制剛
酌暴制宜   窮寇莫追   强推屈指   後發先至
雙爪封喉   上下標指   捶碎鎖骨   飛踢敵膝

冲拳刺喉   左拉右推   後砸敵頸   弓步墜後
前倒貼掌   下腭連胸   彎臂滾圓   後踢還原
拳毋鎖肘   踢不過胸   近肘遠腿   順勢入虛

敵志奪命   智勇無心   義正我身   置死後生
身步相符   手足肘膝   肩胯六合   意氣力洽
連消帶打   速戰速決   順鬆準緊   尾指脅堅

剛消柔現   快準狠勁   絕不容情   虛實分明
影上打下   開隙入空   連珠銳襲   柔發剛達
發聲驚怪   緩疾莫測   敵倒我踏   走為上策

腰如車軸   手足即回   胯轉肩順   聚焦一瞬
八二攻防   切忌忍氣   口吐鼻納   收張腰立
防援突擊   負傷奮戰   招妙癲毫   一式敵耗

招招如末   洞悉先機   柔注敵睛   三尖相應
腳趾抓地   雙掌拉鋸   離力體重   氣吐力送
時間敵距   恰到好處   拳入四吋   堅催肋斷

步輕靈穩   以両撥斤   閃躍交接   矯靜灑脫
驀然回首   嚴護中軸   手轉身隨   虛步欲踩
拳不離手   勤練套路   幻鬭群英   功夫運應

頭齒眼涎   聲拳背捶   身體武道   貫背手刀
橋肘膝腳   背底踝刀   腿如彈簧   巧防跌蕩
擦膝護陰   急踢即回   提膝脆蹴   目標變奏

空手奪刃   必避來鋒   抓拆直臂   撩陰塌鼻
敵衝棒喝   飛扭曲臂   十字反手   穿心貫喉
拉彼失重   屈膝後仰   撑敵過頂   招變莫停


-- Chinese poem and English rendition by Frank C Yue


          The best defence is no offence --
          Win without fighting if you can.
          Failing that,
          Don't be there!
          Never find yourself in
          Any dangerous scene.

Breathe normally, be still and calm;
Loosely hang shoulders and wrists down.
     Direct Qi to two inches below your navel;
     Your expressions and postures 

                                                should be natural.
Take in assailant's whole image 

                                                    in your vision,
With all ears to sounds from all direction.
To shun hazardous situations, it's imperative --
Always be alert, prepared and non-combative.
Against hostility, assertiveness apportion,
Yet be quiet as a maiden before action.
Walk away from insults, douse 

                                       any teething anger;
Don't be bewildered when suddenly  

                                                 facing danger!

Of your own strengths and your enemy's, be sure;
But move like lightning when fighting is assured.
        Circles re-direct linear force;
        Compliance controls violence.
Apply minimal force to match the mug;
Ne'er blindly pursue a desperate thug.
        When shoved, just bend his little finger;
        Leave the first strike to your attacker.
When your assailant chokes you with both arms --
Block strongly with up-and-down ripping palms,
        SHUTO his collar-bone with speed,
        While kicking into his knee!

When your assailant starts a punching attack --
Side-step, deflect and spear his neck.
         Pull him in with left hand and push with your right;
         While leaning forward with might
Apply rear-arm choke plus hand lock,
And a forward bow stance adopt.
          When you're thrown, place palm inward on the ground,
          Bend your elbow, roll along forward round;
Chuck in your chin during your mid-air flight,
Push under-foot, back-kick, turn round upright.
          Never punch with locked elbow or just in jest;
          Use the leg to block, but kick no higher than the chest.
Elbows for in-fighting, kicks for longest reach;
Smoothly flow into and through openings breach!

When assailant means to kill --
Be sharp, brave and intuitive.
         On your side then rightly with Right --
         Presume you're dead and fight for Life!
With body and footwork in accord:
Your shoulders and hips should all afford
         Your hands, wrists, elbows, knees and feet
        For your will, Qi and power to meet.
Strike out at the same time you block --
Fight like lightning to beat the clock.
        Be smooth, relaxed, accurate; on connecting
        Your small finger, under-arm and fist tensing!

After impact, release tenseness: be supple;
Be fast, decisive, ruthless and forcible --
       Never hold back when fully assaulting;
       Use substantive and non-substantive footing.
Do employ many a feint --
Create openings and go in!
      Attack persistently, each time a new target;
      Relax limbs to strike but tense muscles on contact!
With each finishing strike, give out "KAI-AI" shout;
When enemy is down, don't stop the assault.
      Vary tempos of attack --
      The best plan: Run while you can!

Retrieve your legs and fists like lightning;
Turn your hips and shoulders while striking,
       And focus your ALL at the punch --
       Like a wheel, your waist should be spun!
Expense eighty percent strength in attack, the rest, defence.
Exhale through your mouth, inhale through your nose;
       To withhold your breath, howe'er, is not right.
       Your body extending or contracting: 

                                                     Keep your back upright.
From enemy helper, stealth attacks you may attract --
Though you're injured, you MUST carry on the combat!
        With perfect technique and might --
        "Knock-Out!" with a single strike!

Strike each blow as though it were your very last!
Anticipate your adversary's every move; cast
         Your eyes with soft vision round him and at his.
         When strike-kicking, align your nose with foot and fist!
In kicking, supporting toes grip the ground;
In punching, the pairing fists come around.
         Use own weight and centrifugal force to strike out;
         Exhale into your TAN-TIAN and force a hit stout!
In fine timing and distancing,
With accuracy and no lapses,
         And the four-finger spear-hand slicing
         Through four inches, soft target collapses!

Move swiftly, lightly, flexibly and unpredictably --
Shifting in-coming force with ease and harmony.
         Evade strikes, leap, deflect, intercept and pound
         Agilely like lightning but without a sound.
Turn head round to check behind,
And protect your centre-line!
        About turn with outstretched palm,
        Ready to gouge the eyes and "Wham!"
Abruptly attack vital points in chain --
Rain or shine, you should yourself train, train, train.
        Fighting at once many opponents visualize;
        Sharpening your skills further you would realize!

Our natural weapons -- the head,
Eyes, teeth, saliva, sound and spear-hand,
        The fist, URAKEN, hammer-fist and palm,
         HAITO, SHUTO and fore-arm,
The elbow, knee, ball-of-foot,
The in-step, heel and sword-foot.
         Like coiled-spring, the kicking leg thrusts fast forth,
         Do balance well to avoid a fall.
Before you are swarmed, promptly crush the gang leader,
Soften up nearest fighter, throw him at another.
          Apply flying kicks, hand thrusts and lunge punch --
          Quickly retreat when it comes to the crunch!

To over-power an edged fray,
Avoid always the cutting blade!
         Grab, straighten and break the knife-arm,
         Flatten his nose and take him down.
Attacker yells with club wielding --
Rush in and twist the arm bending,
         Block and grab weapon hand with cross-palm,
         Elbow the head and spear under-arm.
Pull enemy in off the floor:
With foot on his stomach, backward fall,
         Throw him over your head wide --
         Changing techniques all the while!


"拉彼失重    屈膝後仰   撑敵過頂"

是 Judo 柔道 的 '真捨身技' Sutemi-waza (Sacrifice techniques) 之一,
名為 Ma-sutemi-waza (Stomach throw, a k a the round throw, rear sacrifice throw -- you sacrifice your own standing posture to go down to the ground with your aggressor). 

-- "The Judo Handbook (from Beginner to Black Belt)" by Brian Caffary, pages 90-91, Gallery Books, NYC, 1989.

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