Tuesday, 17 December 2013

毛澤東 钟山风雨起苍黄 百万雄师过大江 A huge colour-changing storm Zhongshan delivers

【七律 ·人民解放军占领南京】 毛澤東
钟山风雨起苍黄,    百万雄师过大江。
虎踞龙盘今胜昔,    天翻地覆慨而慷。

宜将剩勇追穷寇,    不可沽名学霸王。
天若有情天亦老,    人间正道是沧桑。

On the Occupation of Nanking (Capital of Nationalist China) by the (Communist) People's Liberation Army
-- by Mao Tsetung (1893-1976)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

A huge colour-changing storm Zhongshan delivers             
As a million gallant troops cross the great river.
Dragon-and-tiger flank'd, the city's beauty is unsurpassed,
Heaven-and-Earth churn'ng, the red army's spirit is strong and vast.
The fleeing bandits, we should press on to pursue.
Unlike Shangyi, the desire for fame we should subdue.
Had the Heav'ns any sentiments they now, too, would be quite old;
Change is the Way: Great seas have turned into fields (and rocky folds).


  1. Wind and rain at Zhongshan storms dark and bright,
    Million gallant troops cross the great river to strike.
    Tiger crouches against dragon has never been better,
    Heaven changes and earth collapses, red army’s spirit stronger than ever.
    Better spare some courage to chase the fleeting foe,
    Do not claim too much fame, but conquer and go.
    Had the Heavn had sentiment, it’s getting old couldn’t refrain,
    Green fields became vast sea, so they exclaim!

    translated by Alan Ma, Dec. 24, 2013
    Email: omega@hkftp.com

  2. Wind howl and rain pour upon the Zhongshan Hills in twilight
    A million gallant men shall cross the river tonight
    The crouching tiger, the coiled dragon we shall win our victory
    Heaven turns and Earth churns, we decide our destiny
    South we go we will chase our foe in our relentless advance,
    No place to celebrate, no complacency, no time for song and dance
    If the Heavens above had a Heart and Soul, then Heaven itself shall age
    In the Green fields and Blue Seas, Mankind has turned a page!
