Thursday 27 June 2013

张廷玉:万里长城万里空, 百世英雄百世梦 Along the thousand-miles Great Wall, Now. where gone have the soldiers all?

万里长城万里空  清张廷玉

南来北往走西东,  人生杳杳在其中;

天也来空地也空,  换了多少主人公。

夜静听得三更鼓,  翻身不觉五更钟;

从头仔细思量起,  便是南柯一梦中。

一场辛苦一场空,  死后还归泥土中。


身归泥土气随风,  一片顽皮化臭胧;

在身置得万倾田,  死后只得三步地。

埋骨何须桑梓地,  人生无处不青山。

万里长城万里空,  百世英雄百世梦;

沉舟侧畔轻帆过,  病树前头万木春!

"Along the thousand-miles Great Wall,
Now. where gone have the soldiers all?"

-- by ZHANG TINGYU (1672 - 1755)  
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Going to the South and the North,
From East and West people come forth.
Like a mary-go-round -- day in
Day out -- labouring they are seen.
From the start, empty were the Earth
And Skies: How many owners at birth?
In the still of the night deep,
The clear third-watch drum I hear;
Turning about, trying to sleep,
Sounds of the fifth-watch bell are near.

In a mood for meditation,
Pondering how we first began --
Everything is just illusion,
An elaborate dream in vain.
After all the toil and suffering,
Nothing to show for one's offering.
After death, all of us must
Return to the earth as dust.
When buried is our body
Gone with the wind our energy.

Our large stretch of thin skin naughty
Becomes pungent goo in potty.
You could have bought fine fields and mines,
Before you own final demise.
When the Great Leveller comes along
Your plot is only three-strides long!
In the end, all people must die;
Bury bones in fertile land -- Why?
Live life to the full, it's advice sound;
Everywhere green hills may be found.

Along the thousand-miles Great Wall,
Now, where gone have the soldiers all?
For hundreds of generation,
The Hero's dream is mere delusion.
Of the sunken boat, by the side,
Many other sails lightly glide.
Beyond this single tree ailing,
Myriad woods thrive without failing!

from the net:

张廷玉 是康熙三十九年进士,曾擔任《康熙字典》、《雍正实录》、《明史》、《清会典》的总纂官。張廷玉 和 鄂爾泰 同事十餘年,兩人在同一屋中辦公,“往往竟日不交一語”。乾隆 即位之后,决心要减除 張鄂 朋黨,鄂爾泰 及其黨羽首先受到懲治。乾隆十年 鄂爾泰 去世,鄂黨實力消退,在 胡中藻 文字狱中,鄂党徹底被消滅。乾隆 開始對 張廷玉有計劃的打擊。乾隆十四年,张廷玉 请求退休,折子里说 “以世宗遗诏许配享太庙,乞上一言为券” 之語,乾隆 同意请求。军机大臣 汪由敦 提前给张 廷玉通風 報信。第二天 张廷玉 便已入朝谢恩。乾隆 下令革去 张廷玉 爵位。張廷玉 鎮日呆坐家中,終日沉默不語。... >

万里长城万里空,  百世英雄百世梦;

... <长城向来被视为中华民族的象征,它也的确发挥了相当的防御能力,但是当人们回顾历史,却发现,长城跟人们开了许多玩笑,秦朝始皇帝以全国之力修筑了宏伟长城,但是秦朝仅二世就土崩瓦解,不是输给了长城外的匈奴人而是输给了内患,开端于 陈胜 吴广 两个农民工的暴动,之后便是 刘邦 项羽 的大军破城。明王朝也不是毁于关外的草原枭雄,而是败在又一个农民工 李自成 的手下,之后 吴三桂 放满清入关。当年日寇突破山海关进军华北,正是 国共内战正酣之时,国力日衰,才有了日寇的可趁之机。所以,长城的防御功能是消极的,而往往是祸起萧墙之内,中华腐败衰弱之时,长城挡不住外敌的入侵,而中华强盛之时, 们实际上又不需要长城的保护,不战而屈人之兵。所以果然是万里长城万里空啊!
由此可见,防天下不如治天下,自己的强大才是永不可摧的万里长城。 >

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