Friday 27 September 2013

杜甫 素練風霜起,蒼鷹畫作殊。One could feel the biting wind and frost drawn on silk white

                          《畫鷹》 唐  杜甫

                 素練風霜起,  蒼鷹畫作殊。
                      聳身思狡兔,  側目似愁胡。
                   絛镟光堪擿,  軒楹勢可呼。
                      何當擊凡鳥,  毛血灑平蕪。

画鹰》 唐 杜甫
素练风霜起,         苍鹰画作殊。
耸()身思狡兔,   侧目似愁胡。
绦镟光堪摘,         轩楹势可呼。
何当击凡鸟,         毛血洒平芜。

Huà Yīng: "The Painted Falcon"
-- by DU FU (712-770)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

One could feel the biting wind and frost drawn on silk white;
Alert, the painted dark-blue falcon perks to take flight.
The cunning rabbit, the peregrine's posed to find;
Gazing sideways, like a thoughtful monkey's are its eyes.
Wearing a ring, radiant is the raptor on tether;
Perched on a pillar, it's almost alive to the touch.
When the preying bird's called to hunt the common feathers,
Blood and loose plumage on the plain, there shall be much!

Once an endangered species in the United States, North American peregrine falcon populations have made a great comeback due to bans on usage of DDT and similar pesticides. Photograph by Michael Melford

from the 'National Georgraphic':

  • <These falcons (see pic) are formidable hunters that prey on other birds (and  bats) in mid-flight. Peregrines hunt from above and, after sighting their  prey, drop into a steep, swift dive that can top 200 miles an hour (320 kilometres per hour).> ... 

Translator's Note:
As a bird-watcher, I'm v confident the young Du Fu was depicting vividly a majestic, ultra-swift Peregrine Falcon while projecting his own soaring aspirations onto the awe-inspiring powerful bird of prey.

To wit: "Peregrine  n. Falco peregrinus, fam. Faconidae, a bird of prey used in falconry. It is dark with a whitish breast, and has long pointed wings and tail. It is very swift in flight." ... 
-- The New Lexicon Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language (Canadian Ed.)

from the net:


(㧐身:同 “竦身”,耸起身子。)
(-- 譯者愁胡可解釋做:发愁神态的猢狲 。)


洁白的画绢上腾起了一片风霜肃杀之气,   原来是画鹰矫健不凡仿佛挟风带霜而起。
耸起身子好像是在想攫取狡猾兔子似的,   苍鹰的眼睛侧目而视和猢狲的眼睛相似。
苍鹰神采飞扬可摘除系着私绳的铜环,       悬挂在杆楹上的画鹰气势灵动能呼出。
何时让这样卓然不凡的苍鹰展翅搏击,       将那些 “凡鸟” 的毛血洒落在原野上。>
... <画上题诗,是我国绘画艺术特有的一种民族风格。古代文人画家,为了阐发画意,寄托感慨,往往于作品完成以后,在画面 上题诗,收到了诗情画意相得益彰的效果。为画题诗自唐代始,但当时只是以诗赞画,真正把诗题在画上,是宋代以后的事。不过,唐代诗人的题画诗,对后世画上 题诗产生了极大影响。其中,杜甫 的题画诗数量之多与影响之大,在整个唐代没有超过他的人。 
这首题画诗大概写于713年--741年(开元年间)的末期,是 杜甫  早期的作品。此时诗人正当年少,富于理想,也过着“快意”的生活,充满着青春活力,富有积极进取之心。诗人通过对画鹰的描绘,抒发了他那嫉恶如仇的激情和凌云的壮志。>...

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