Saturday 28 September 2013

周家驊 夕陽漸下餘暉照, 老伴兒孫繞膝前. Shining with ling'ring beams, the Sun goes down

打油詩首  -- 周家
          年華巳過學詩歌 ,
          空餘歲月嘆嗟跎 ,
          舊友良朋莫笑我 ,
          學步獻醜奉君前 .


          踏遍江湖逾五旬 ,
          甘苦甜酸各異同 ,
          有緣香江能再聚 ,
          莫道成敗論英雄 .
          皎皎明月天上天 ,
          悠悠我心年復年 ,
          夕陽漸下餘暉照 ,
          老伴兒孫繞膝前 .

2 Poems by Arthur Chau Ka-Wah
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Poem (1):

"After my prime, I am now into writing poems and verse"
After my prime, I am now into writing poems and verse;
How many years and months are truly left? One shan't tarry!
O My old friends, my good friends! Don't mock me, make fun of me --
Just starting to walk, come and savour my toddler poems first.

Poem (2):

"For over five decades, countless rivers and lakes we've roam'd"

For over five decades, countless rivers and lakes we've roam'd,
Each drinking his set of bitter cups, with sweet, sour tastes much.
Destined to meet in Hong Kong soon in an extra large room,
We'll drink, we'll talk, we'll sing, but will not judge.

So clear the bright Moon in the Sky of skies,
Year after year, peace in my heart resides.
Shining with ling'ring beams, the Sun goes down --
M'soulmate and I, our grandkids play around.

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