Friday, 29 March 2013

賈島 松下问童子,言师采药去。 Beneath the pine, I asked of the child. "My master's gone for herbs grown wild;

【尋隱者不遇】 唐 賈島 

【寻隐者不遇】    唐 贾岛

松下问童子,    言师采药去。
只在此山中,    云深不知处。


XUN YIN ZHE BU YU ("Failing to Find the Hermit")    
-- by JIA DAO (779 - 843)  
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Beneath the pine, I asked of the child.
"My master's gone for herbs grown wild;
He should just be in the mountain there,
Deep, way deep in the clouds somewhere."

from the net:

<贾岛 (779~843),唐代诗人。字浪仙。范阳(今北京附近)人。早年出家为僧,号无本。元和五年(810)冬,至长安,见 张籍。次年春,至洛阳,始谒韩愈,以诗深得赏识。后还俗,屡举进士不第。文宗时, 因飞谤, 贬长江(今四川蓬溪)主簿。曾作《病蝉》诗 “以刺公卿”(《唐诗纪事》)。开成五年(840),迁普州司仓参军。武宗会昌三年(843),在普州去世。贾岛诗在晚唐形成流派,影响颇大。唐代 张为《诗人主客图》列为 “清奇雅正” 升堂七人之一。清代 李怀民《中晚唐诗人主客图》则称之为 “清奇僻苦主”,并列其“入室”、“及门”弟子多人。晚唐 李洞、五代 孙晟 等人十分尊崇 贾岛,甚至对他的画像及诗集焚香礼拜,事之如神(《唐才子传》、《郡斋读书志》)。贾岛  著有《长江集》10卷,通行有《四部丛刊》影印明翻宋本。李嘉言《长江集新校》,用《全唐诗》所收贾诗为底本,参校别本及有关总集、选集,附录所撰《贾岛年谱》、《贾岛交友考》以及所辑 贾岛诗评等,较为完备。>

... < 贾岛 是以“推敲”两字出名的苦吟诗人。一般认为他只是在用字方面下功夫,其实他的“推敲”不仅着眼于锤字炼句,在谋篇构思方面也是同样煞费苦心的。此诗就是一个例证。

  这首诗的特点是寓问于答。“松下问童子”,必有所问,而这里把问话省略了,只从童子所答“师采药去”这四个字而可想见当时松下所问是 “师往何处去”。接着又把“采药在何处”这一问句省掉,而以 “只在此山中” 的童子答辞,把问句隐括在内。最后一句 “云深不知处”,又是童子答复对方采药究竟在山前、山后、山顶、山脚的问题。明明三番问答,至少须六句方能表达的,贾岛采用了以答句包赅问句的手法,精简为二十字。这种 “推敲” 就不在一字一句间了。

  然而,这首诗的成功,不仅在于简炼;单言繁简,还不足以说明它的妙处。诗贵善于抒情。这首诗的抒情特色是在平淡中见深沉。一般访友,问知他出,也就自然扫兴而返了。但这首诗中,一问之后并不罢休,又继之以二问三问,其言甚繁,而其笔则简,以简笔写繁情,益见其情深与情切。而且这三番答问,逐层深入,表达感情有起有伏。“松下问童子” 时,心情轻快,满怀希望;“言师采药去”,答非所想,一坠而为失望;“只在此山中”,在失望中又萌生了一线希望;及至最后一答:“云深不知处”,就惘然若失,无可奈何了。

  诗中隐者采药为生,济世活人,是一个真隐士。所以 贾岛 对他有高山仰止的钦慕之情。诗中白云显其高洁,苍松赞其风骨,写景中也含有比兴之义。惟其如此,钦慕而不遇,就更突出其怅惘之情了。(沈熙乾)>

風過疏竹,竹不留聲。 雁過寒潭,潭不留影。 The wind whooshes through a thin cluster of bamboos; After the wind's gone, the bamboos retain no sound.

【雁过寒潭影无痕】 不名




"After the Goose is gone the Gorge retains no Reflection"
-- by Anon
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

The wind whooshes through a thin cluster of bamboos;
After the wind's gone, the bamboos retain no sound.

Over a still, deep, cold gorge, flies a lone wild goose;
After it's gone, the goose's reflection can't be found. 

無門慧開禪師 春有百花秋有月,夏有涼風冬有雪。 With the Autumn moon, hundreds of Spring flowers, The Winter snow, and breezy Summer air --

【春有百花】 宋 • 無門慧開禪師 




CHUN YOU BAI HAU ("Hundreds of Spring Flowers") 
-- by MONK 'No-Door' HUI KAI (1183-1260)(Song dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

With the Autumn moon, hundreds of Spring flowers,      
The Winter snow, and breezy Summer air --
If in your heart there's not a single care,
Any season will be the finest hours.

reproduced from "":

<星雲文集  星雲大師著


-- 宋 • 無門慧開





一個人光是要求世間好、環境好、朋友好,是沒有用的,要先求自己好。要能從心好起,才能感受到世界一切都美好。事好、人好、話好,無一不好,那便是人間好時節了!-- 星雲大師著>

Monday, 25 March 2013

李翱 我來問道無餘說,雲在青天水在瓶。 I'd come to seek the Way -- but no other words did you say! (Be like) "water in a bottle, a cloud in the sky blue."

我 來問道無餘說 雲在青天水在瓶 I'd come to seek the Way -- but no other words did you say! (Be like) water in a bottle, a cloud in the sky blue.

《贈藥山高僧惟儼二首》 唐 • 李翱






-- by LI AO (772-841)
-- This translation dedicated to Prof. Lee Sum-Ping
(Honorary Warden, 'Young-Woo-Yue Hall' and a die-hard 'Argonaut') by Frank C Yue (Sr. Fellow Argonaut)

I've trained my body to imitate the ageless Crane's way;
Under a thousand pines, I've digested the "Canons Two".
I'd come to seek the Way -- but no other words did you say!
(Be like) "water in a bottle, a cloud in the sky blue."

This fine, secluded lodge in the wilderness is m'choice now;
There's no coming and going here all year round, so to speak.
Sometimes, I do climb up to the top of the lonely peak,
Unleashing a long howl beneath the Moon amidst the clouds.

the following helpful interpretation of this Tang poem is quoted from the net:

<(一心修道,把個肉體修得似仙鶴般長壽,靠的是,長年流連在千棵松樹下,苦心研讀的兩部修練經書啊。我來尋佛問道時,您啥話也沒多說,只是伸手指 指天又指指地,無聲的傳達我“雲在青天水在瓶”的內涵而已。這坐落於鄉野的修行幽居,選得適性又愜意,因為一年到頭沒人干擾,也就無須送客與迎客啰。興緻 來時,可以一人直登孤峰頂端,在月光照耀下的山谷雲海里,盡情的仰天長嘯一聲。)>

the background information below is also culled from the net:

< 李翱(西元772-841年),字習之,唐朝趙郡人。... 韓愈 的弟子,貞元間進士,由國子博士、史館修撰,仕至山南東道節度使,卒謚文。其文學思想,與 韓愈 之“文以載道”說法相同,著有《李文公集》。>

...<唐德宗貞元年間,進士 李翱,慕名來拜見葯山 惟儼禪師,葯山禪師 正在念經,沒有回頭看李翱。李翱 便不願行禮拜見,反倒輕視地說:“今日所見的 葯山,實不如那傳頌千里的名聲。” 這時葯山禪師叫住李翱問:“難道你相信你的耳朵,卻反而輕視你的眼睛嗎?” 李翱 感悟而向 葯山 道歉、禮拜並請示:“請問如何是道?”  葯山禪師 指指天又指指 地,言道:“雲在青天,水在瓶。” 後來 李翱 成為 葯山禪師 的俗家弟子。>

...<無需執着於是雲積聚成水,或是水蒸發成了雲... 是水,就以水的模樣在瓶中,隨物賦形、安然自得... 成了雲的水,我依然保有我的本質真性,照樣能把廣袤長空當成溪澗深澤,自在悠遊。> 

Sunday, 24 March 2013

王維 孰知不向邊庭苦?縱死猶聞俠骨香。 Who doesn't know it's hard fighting at the country's far-off fringe? Should I die, of sweet fragrant Chivalry, my bones may still tinge!

 【少年行】   王維  




SHAO NIAN XING ("Youthful Adventures") (No. 1)   
-- by WANG WEI  (701-761)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

An elite Imperial Guard, I rode from the great Han palace     
To join, first time, the General's armies brave and callous.
Who doesn't know it's hard fighting at the country's far-off fringe?
Should I die, of sweet fragrant Chivalry, my bones may still tinge!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

辛棄疾 想當年,金戈鐵馬,氣吞萬里如虎。Hark'ning back to the days of old -- Golden halberd on iron horse bold, Like a fierce tiger -- vanquished were the foes!

【永遇樂】京口北固亭懷古  南宋 辛棄疾   



("Forever A-Meeting Happiness") 
TITLE: Reminiscing the Past at the Jingkou North Consolidation Pavilion 
-- by XIN QIJI (1140-1207)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue
'Midst age-old rivers and hills 'round this ground, 
The great Hero is nowhere to be found. 
Alas, gone whereto Had the King of Wu? 
Ornate stage with fine dance and song, 
Whipp'd by timeless rains and winds strong, 
With gallant free-spirited souls were gone. 
Slanting sun shines on grass and trees, 
Open fields, common lanes on these, 
Where the Song Emp'ror lived ere power he seized. 
Hark'ning back to the days of old -- 
Golden halberd on iron horse bold, 
Like a fierce tiger -- vanquished were the foes! 

Due course the Yuanjia Years veered off; 
Half-baked plans, to re-take the north, 
Gained anxious watch o'er the River with sighs soft! 
Ever since long years forty-three, 
In forlorn hope I still remember these 
Battle smokes which over Yangzhou did freeze!
This isn't what I want to recall: 
Inside occupied Fuli Temple tall 
Temple crows and drums are in noisy crawl. 
Now, who would e'er ask (and re-state) 
Of the aging General great, 
“Your appetite -- your fill, do you still ate?”

Translator's Note:

The following extracted from "中國武術詞語手冊" 馬有清編著,第123頁,萬里書店,香港 1987年:


戈又稱 金戈,是古代戰場上主要的長器械。現在武術器械中己很少見到。

戈柄長約七尺。援 (直刃) 長八寸寬二寸,胡 (橫刃,有孔接柲者) 長六寸。
古代的戈製作精美,多鑲金或雕有紋圖。戈在戰爭中能發揮:"刺、斬、挑、勾、剁、撩" 等作用。>

王維 遊人五陵去,宝剑值千金。 Going toward the Five Royal Tombs is my wanderlust friend; For my exquisite sword, a thousand gold pieces I spend.

【送朱大人入秦】   王維            



Seeing Official Chu Off into the Qin District  
-- by WANG WEI (701-761)  
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Going toward the Five Royal Tombs is my wanderlust friend;       
For my exquisite sword, a thousand gold pieces I spend.
I take off my sword, and give it to you as we part,
As a symbol of the great affection of my heart.

王維 天官動將星,漢上柳條青。萬里鳴刁斗,三軍出井陘。As the Marshall's Constellation is moving seen, All the fine willow leaves in Han land are still green.

【送趙都督赴代州得青字】  王維           





Farewell to Marshall Zhao Leading the Armies to Daizhou (Shanxi)
(I drew the character "Green" for rhyming purposes)  

-- by WANG WEI (701-761)  
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

As the Marshall's Constellation is moving seen,           
All the fine willow leaves in Han land are still "Green".
Martial curfews are sounded for thousands of miles;
The great armies march past Jingxing Gate in neat files.
From the palace he makes haste, himself to forsake;
For his country, the Mongul's Sacred Altar he'll take.
O! Him acting like young scholars, you shall ne'er find,
Expending one's energies on a classical work for a life-time!

波浪男兒:歸雁横天逐落霞, 疏林老樹暮棲鴉; 西風落木蕭蕭下, 夾道黄花是我家。Returning geese chase evening clouds across the sky; In the sparse woods the crows perch on the old trees high.

步韻雅和 Frank C Yue《秋思》一首:


《秋思》 波浪男兒 原創



Autumn Thoughts 
-- by 波浪男兒 "Wave-Chaser Guy"

Returning geese chase evening clouds across the sky;
In the sparse woods the crows perch on the old trees high.
Blowing by the autumn winds the falling leaves fly;
Along both sides of the path to my home mums lie. 

(Chinese and English poems above written by 波浪男兒
"Wave-Chaser Guy")

綠水黄昏染彩霞 香江赤霧困雛鴉 The green water is tainted orange by the setting sun; Brave young Island crows are all engulfed by the fog crimson.

《秋思》 Frank C Yue 原創

《秋思》 by Frank C Yue



-- by Frank C Yue 

The green water is tainted orange by the setting sun;
Brave young Island crows are all engulfed by the fog crimson.
Riding the Autumn wind, red leaves fly around in the sky;
This is my home, where cuckoos cry, spilling blood as they cry. 

from the net:

<古代神話中,蜀王杜宇(即望帝)因被迫讓位給他的臣子,自己隱居山林,死後靈魂化為杜鵑。最早的關於杜宇的神話,就將杜鵑這樣的鳥賦予了文化的意 味,後來的很多詩人都認同了這個說法,在自己的創作反覆引用這個典故。於是古詩中的杜鵑也就成為淒涼、哀傷的象徵 …>

(cuckoo season) ... 「不歸!不歸!就不歸!」(布谷! 布谷! 布谷! )

<杜鵑泣血啼紅,聲聲悲切.. 蜀人將杜鵑叫做望帝、望帝魂、杜宇、杜宇魂、杜魄、杜宇魄、蜀王魄、蜀帝魂、古帝魂、蜀鳥、蜀魄、蜀魂、蜀鵑等,表達了他們對望帝杜宇的追思。又將杜鵑叫 做子規,子規子規,那就是祖宗為孩子定下的規矩,要他們遵循規矩,成為健兒。> 

柳中庸 歲歲金河復玉關, 朝朝馬策與刀環。 The Gold River or Jade Gate Pass frontier, year after year -- On horseback with my long sword forever, day after day.

【征人怨】     柳中庸


("Lament of the (Conscripted) Frontier Soldiers")
-- by LIU ZHONGYONG (? - c. 775)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue 

The Gold River or Jade Gate Pass frontier, year after year --
On horseback with my long sword forever, day after day.
In late Spring, when white snow melts all the green tombs reappear;
Endless Yellow River flows round the Black Mountains, whatev'r may.

Friday, 22 March 2013

釣魚含悲黄岩愁, 東海彊陲幾度秋。 Diaoyutai, Huangyandao are sadly off limits -- Why? O'er occupied East China Sea islands, time flies by.

釣魚含悲黄岩愁 -- by Frank C Yue

釣魚含悲黄岩愁  Frank C Yue 原創


(Chinese and English poems by Frank C Yue) 

Diaoyu Tai, Huangyan Dao are sadly off limits -- Why? O'er occupied East China Sea islands, time flies by.
O! Could we ever find the brave General Qi again?
Quietly, quietly, the Great River's waves rush forth in vain!

戚繼光 一年三百六十日, 都是橫戈馬上行。 Now then, three hundred sixty days out of each year -- I'm riding, spear in hand, my trusted war horse dear.

《馬上作》 明 戚繼光



MA ZHANG ZUO ("Composed on Horseback")
-- by Qi Jiguang (1528-1588)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

For our supreme Emperor, I galloped north and south;
'Midst river flowers, th' border grass, aloud I laughed out!
Now then, three hundred sixty days out of each year --
I'm riding, spear in hand, my trusted war horse dear.

the following is culled from 维基百科: 

< 戚繼光(1528年11月12日-1588年1月5日,即嘉靖七年閏十月初一-萬曆十五年十二月初八),字元敬,號南塘,晚號孟諸,山東登州人,一說祖籍安徽定遠,生於山東濟寧,是明代抗倭將領,軍事家。於浙、閩、粵沿海諸地抗擊來犯倭寇,歷十餘年,大小八十餘戰,終於掃平倭寇之患,被現代中國譽為民族英雄。卒諡武毅。>

戚繼光從小受其父戚景通嚴格教育,戚景通一發現其缺點,會嚴厲批評。嘉靖二十七年(1548年)兵部主事計士元,推薦戚繼光「留心韜略,奮跡武闈。管屯而俗弊悉除,奉職而操持不荀。」,更獲得張居正信任。戚繼光從浙江義烏募集礦工和農民,編練 戚家軍。嘉靖三十九年(1560年),戚繼光創立「鴛鴦陣」,此陣法以十一人為一隊,居首一人為隊長,旁二人夾長盾,又次二從持狼筅,復次四從夾長矛、長槍,再次二人夾短兵。陣法可隨機應變,變縱隊為橫隊即稱兩儀陣,兩儀陣又可變為三才陣,三才陣攻防兼宜,適合於山林、道路、田埂等狹窄地形。嘉靖四十年(1561年),倭寇大舉侵犯台州,戚家軍大破倭寇於浙江臨海,九戰九捷。嘉靖四十二年(1563年),與福建總兵俞大猷、廣東總兵劉顯等創平海衛大捷。從此倭患終被蕩平。戚繼光曾為詩:「南北驅馳報主情,江花邊月笑平生,一年三百六十日,多是橫戈馬上行。」 萬曆十一年(1583年),張居正死後,被楊四畏排斥,被調到廣東任鎮守,鬱鬱以終,晚年家徒四壁、醫藥不備,且被妻子遺棄[1]。 萬曆十五年(1588年)十二月初八日,逝世於蓬萊故里。著有《紀效新書》、《練兵實紀》。... >


文徵明 拂拭殘碑,敕飛字,依稀堪讀。 After cleaning up the old broken tablet, Royal decree for General Yue faintly can be read.

【滿江紅】 明 文徵明




-- by WEN ZHENGMING (1470-1559)  

 -- Translated by Frank C Yue
After cleaning up the old broken tablet,
Royal decree for General Yue faintly can be read.
Pity! He was relied on so heavily before;
Afterwards, the General was forsaken all the more!
'On winning, always killed are ablest men clever --
Fait accompli and no words can redeem them e'er!
So innocent, piteous, worthy of adoration --
O! The General's wrongful, woeful incarceration!

How can one e'er ignore the Middle Kingdom's plight?
How can one forget: for th' abducted Sov'reigns' fight?
However, were the two ex-Emperors back to power,
The incumbent would certainly lose his finest hour!
So, ne'er talk of any wrongful southern-crossing,
Nor re-taking lost land, lest there'll be throne-tossing!
At this all I can only laugh --
What could a mere Prime Minister do
But biddings on th'Emp'ror's behalf!

岳飛 經年塵土滿征衣, 特特尋芳上翠微。 In battle uniform, caked with year-old mud and dust still, Sight-seeing at the Pavilion, I rode straight up the hill.

【池州翠微亭】 南宋 岳飛



("Cui Wei Pavilion at Chi Zhou")
-- by YUE FEI (1103-1142)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue
In battle uniform, caked with year-old mud and dust still,
Sight-seeing at the Pavilion, I rode straight up the hill.
All these wondrous scenes, hills and rills, I can't take in out-right!
Now, mounted scouts urge my return at once in moon-light bright.

陳湯 明犯强漢者 雖遠必誅 狡購島嶼者 雖近不恕 Blatantly violating our mighty Han Empire -- No matter how far, they shall be exterminated. Cunningly stealing our Islands by "private sale" -- Though a neighbour, must never be tolerated.

明犯强漢者  雖遠必誅!

明犯强漢者     雖遠必誅
狡購島嶼者     雖近不恕

-- 仿 西漢 • 陳湯 名將上疏天庭

(After the Petition by the Han General Chen Tang)
-- by Frank C Yue

Blatantly violating our mighty Han Empire --
No matter how far, they shall be exterminated.
Cunningly stealing our Islands by "private sale" --
Though a neighbour, must never be tolerated.


「寶劍鋒從磨礪出,'梅花' 香自苦寒來。」

「人生自古誰無死,留取 '丹心' 照汗青。」

岳飛 昨夜寒蛩不住鳴。 驚回千里夢,已三更。 Last night crickets chirped ceaseless in the cold. Awaken'd from my marathon-campaign dream of old, It was already the third watch, I found.

【小重山】   南宋 岳飛



-- by Yue Fei (1103-1142)  

 -- Translated by Frank C Yue

Last night crickets chirped ceaseless in the cold.
Awaken'd from my marathon-campaign dream of old,
It was already the third watch, I found.
Getting up, alone I pace the courtyard round and round.
Silently I stroll (others are sleeping) --
Outside the curtain, the Moon is hazily shining.

My head's now white, all for victories and fame;
Aging are old-hill pines, bamboos with my name.
Obstacles abound on return route same.
O Were I to express innermost feelings through my qin
Too few aud'ence! Sounds of broken string, to listen who'll begin?

岳飛 怒髮衝冠,憑闌處,瀟瀟雨歇。 My helmet is raised in anger by bristl'ng hair As I stand by the railing here. The driving rains cease.

【滿江紅】    南宋 岳飛



Tune: MAN JIANG HONG ("All Red The River!")    
--  by YUE FEI (1103-1142)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

My helmet is raised in anger by bristl'ng hair 
As I stand by the railing here.
The driving rains cease.
I lift up my eyes to see,
Bellowing out a long cry toward the dark'ning skies -- 
My emotions are fierce and high!
Thirty years of honour and merit
Are nothing but dirt and grit.
I travelled eight thousand long miles,
By the clouds and the moon beguiled.
Waiting idly, don't just remain.
Lest youthful heads turn white -- you'll wail in vain!

The shame of Two Emper'rs' Abduction ne'er vindicated!
O When will loyal courtier's lament be eradicated?
We shall drive our chariots en mass 
To crush the foe at Mount Helan Pass!
I resolve to gorge on Tartar's flesh in hunger,
Drink in thirst the Hun's blood amid talks and laughter!
Let's start anew to free our occupied homeland --
We'll report triumphant to the Imperial Court then.

岳飛 遙望中原,荒煙外,許多城郭。 From afar, looking at my Motherland, Beyond the smokes and battle sand, Nervous, numerous cities stand.

【滿江紅 · 登黄鹤樓有感 】 南宋 岳飛  


卻歸來 ,重續漢陽遊,騎黃鶴。

TUNE: MAN JIANG HONG (“All Red the River!”)("Expressing My Feelings at Yellow Crane Tower")
-- by Yue Fei (1103-1142)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue
From afar, looking at my Motherland,
Beyond the smokes and battle sand,
Nervous, numerous cities stand.
Remember the good old times --
Guard'd by willows, shield'd by flower allies,
Phoneix mansions, dragon pavilions did rise.
Emperor Hill, by dancing courtesans surround'd,
From palaces came music and joyful sounds.

Alas, now day-after-day!
Invading horsemen held their sway,
Dreadful wind-blown dusts blot the light of day!
Where is many a fighting man?
O! By cold sharp blades mainly maim'd!
Where's the people I see no more?
Their bodies fill the valley floors!
Enchanting still the rivers and hills same,
But thousands o' villages desolate and lame!
When shall I be granted a royal rope,
To tie up hateful foes with elite troops,
With iron horses cross the Yellow River then?
I wish to return to Yellow Crane Tower again --
I'd like to continue with my Hanyang tour here,
Riding the yellow crane, like the sage o' yester-year.

the following information is copied from the net: 

< 岳飛(1103~1142)






南宋 劉松年 所作的「中興四將」圖(劉光世、韓世忠、張俊、岳飛全身立像)。岳飛... 善以少擊衆。欲有所舉,盡召諸統制與謀,謀定而後戰,故有勝無敗。猝遇敵不動,故敵為之語曰:「撼山易,撼岳家軍難。」張俊嘗問用兵之術,曰:「仁、智、信、勇、嚴,闕一不可。」調軍食,必蹙額曰:「東南民力,耗敝極矣。」.....

西漢而下,若韓、彭、絳、灌之為將,代不乏人,求其文武全器、仁智幷施如宋 岳飛 者,一代豈多見哉。史稱 關雲長 通《左氏春秋》學,然未嘗見其文章。飛北伐,軍至汴梁之朱仙鎮,有詔班師,飛自為表答詔,忠義之言,流出肺腑,真有諸葛孔明之風,而卒死於 秦檜 之手。蓋飛與檜勢不兩立,使飛得志,則金讎可復,宋恥可雪;檜得志,則飛有死而已。昔劉宋殺 檀道濟,道濟下獄,嗔目曰:「自壞汝萬里長城!」高宗忍自棄其中原,故忍殺飛,嗚呼寃哉!嗚呼寃哉!> 

崔顥 昔人已乘黃鶴去﹐此地空餘黃鶴樓。 Riding a yellow crane, gone long ago was the sage of old; Here, only this empty Yellow Crane Tower is left (-- I've been told).

【黃鶴樓】       崔顥                 





HUANG HE LOU: "The Yellow Crane Tower" 
-- by Cui Hao (704?-754) 
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Riding a yellow crane, gone long ago was the sage of old;            
Here, only this empty Yellow Crane Tower is left (-- I've been told).
Yellow crane, once departed, has ne'er returned to earth again.
White clouds for ten centuries search the empty, empty skies in vain!

The sunny waters show sharply, sharply Hanyang trees on land;     
How lushly, lushly the sweet green grass on Parrot Island stand.     
O, Where is my home in the setting sun's streaks of gold shiver?
Adding to the dark'ning gloom are hazy waves of the River!

岑参 故园东望路漫漫,双袖龙钟泪不干。 To the east the long, long road home appears; A man of years, my sleeves are wet with tears.

 【逢入京使】    岑参         



("Meeting a Messenger Going to the Capital")  
-- by Cen Can-- Translated by Frank C Yue

To the east the long, long road home appears;
A man of years, my sleeves are wet with tears.
On horseback I've no means of writing though,
Just tell them I'm safe and still on the go!

杜牧 折戟沈沙鐵未銷,自將磨洗認前朝。 In the sand I found parts of a halberd not rusted away. Burnished, it was an ancient relic from the Three Kingdoms days.

 【赤壁】     杜牧            



("The Red Cliffs of (great ancient battle site) Chi Bi") 
-- by Du Mu (803-852)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

In the sand I found parts of a halberd not rusted away.   
Burnished, it was an ancient relic from the Three Kingdoms days.     
If east wind hadn't helped General Zhou Yu burn Cao Cao's fleet down,    
At Bronze Bird Tower spring would find hostage the Qiao ladies renown'd.                                                                                               

杜甫 出師未捷身先死,長使英雄淚滿襟。 On the sixth campaign he died, not having the grand objective met -- Throughout the ages, heroes are in tears, sighing with regret!

【蜀相】    杜甫                  
    丞相祠堂何處尋,             丞相祠堂何处寻,
錦官城外柏森森。             锦官城外柏森森。
映階碧草自春色,             映阶碧草自春色,   
隔葉黃鸝空好音。             隔叶黄鹂空好音。
三顧頻煩天下計,             三顾频繁天下计,   
兩朝開濟老臣心。             两朝开济老臣心。
出師未捷身先死,             出师未捷身先死,
長使英雄淚滿襟。             长使英雄泪满襟。


SHU XIANG  ("The Prime Minister of Shu (Sichuan)")
-- DU FU (712-770)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

"Where is the venerable Prime Minister's temple, please?"        
Outside Jinguan town in the shades of solemn cypress trees.
All by themselves, deep green grass and steps spill Spring colours here;
From behind the leaves, nightingale's sweet songs fall on deaf ear.
For plans to unify the country, three times Liu Bei came;
Crimson heart on sleeve for his two Emp'rors, he wore the same!
On the sixth campaign he died, not having the grand objective met -- 
Throughout the ages, heroes are in tears, sighing with regret! 

杜甫 戎馬關山北,凭軒涕泗流。 Alas! War horses gallop north of the mountains for years -- Leaning by this railing, I am full of sorrows and tears!

【登岳阳樓】 杜甫                   





DENG YUEYANG LOU  ("Ascending Yueyang Tower")      
-- by Du Fu (712-770)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

I heard about the charm of Lake Dongting in the old days;
Climbing the stairs at Yueyang Tower, I'm now on my way.
The beautiful lands of Wu and Chu lie to the south-east;
Heaven and earth float day and night on the waters, it seems.
There's not a word from my relatives or friends for so long;
Beset by old age and illness, I cling to m'boat alone.

Alas! War horses gallop north of the mountains for years --
Leaning by this railing, I am full of sorrows and tears! 

杜牧 胜败兵家事不期, 包羞忍耻是男儿。 Largely uncertain in great battles is to win or lose; Able to stomach immense shame and insults is a true man.

【题乌江亭】   杜牧             



("Brushing a Poem on the Wall of the Wujiang Pavilion") 
-- Du Mu (803-852)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Largely uncertain in great battles is to win or lose;           
Able to stomach immense shame and insults is a true man.       
East of Yangtze are talented, gallant young men from your clan.   
To stage a comeback is the probability you should use!        

杜牧 何處吹笳薄暮天, 塞垣高鳥沒狼煙。 From where are the sounds of the pipes coming at the day's end? Over border wall beacon-smoke swallows birds high in flight.

《邊上聞笳》  杜牧

《邊上聞笳》三首其一  杜牧


("At the Border Hearing the Huns' Pipes')
-- by Du Mu (803-852)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

From where are the sounds of the pipes coming at the day's end?
Over border wall beacon-smoke swallows birds high in flight.
Just hearing the tunes will turn a traveller's head white overnight!
O!Envoy Su Wu's nineteen-year-suff'rings who can comprehend?

李贺 大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩。 The sands of the vast desert gleam like snow; Like a curved sword hangs the Yan Mountain moon.

 【马诗二十三首】其五  李贺


MA SHI  ("Horse Poem")  No. 5 (of 23)        
-- by LI HE (Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue 

The sands of the vast desert gleam like snow;
Like a curved sword hangs the Yan Mountain moon.
When will the fine, gold-harness'd war horse soon
On the crisp autumn plains galloping go? 

韓愈 荊山已去華山來,日出潼關四扇開。 Leaving Jing Shan, toward Hua Shan the armies now on their way; Sunrise over Tong Guan lights up the skies at the break of day.

 【次潼關先寄張十二閣老】北宋 • 韓愈   

【次潼關先寄張十二閣老】 北宋 • 韓愈           



Staying at Tong Guan and Writing Ahead to His Excellency Governor Zhang                
-- by HAN YU (1036-1101)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Leaving Jing Shan, toward Hua Shan the armies now on their way;
Sunrise over Tong Guan lights up the skies at the break of day. 
May Your Exc'llency receive the victors a long way from town;
Premier's return'ng to the capital, hav'ng the revolt put down.

氣定神閒 沉肩垂肘 氣沉丹田 形態自然 目視三塔 耳聽八方 當避險境 免戰慎警 斷言解難 靜如處子 受辱不慍 處變不昏




-- Frank C Yue 原創


氣定神閒   沉肩垂肘   氣沉丹田   形態自然
目視三塔   耳聽八方   當避險境   免戰慎警
斷言解難   靜如處子   受辱不慍   處變不昏

知己知彼   動若驚雷   以圓導方   以柔制剛
酌暴制宜   窮寇莫追   强推屈指   後發先至
雙爪封喉   上下標指   捶碎鎖骨   飛踢敵膝

冲拳刺喉   左拉右推   後砸敵頸   弓步墜後
前倒貼掌   下腭連胸   彎臂滾圓   後踢還原
拳毋鎖肘   踢不過胸   近肘遠腿   順勢入虛

敵志奪命   智勇無心   義正我身   置死後生
身步相符   手足肘膝   肩胯六合   意氣力洽
連消帶打   速戰速決   順鬆準緊   尾指脅堅

剛消柔現   快準狠勁   絕不容情   虛實分明
影上打下   開隙入空   連珠銳襲   柔發剛達
發聲驚怪   緩疾莫測   敵倒我踏   走為上策

腰如車軸   手足即回   胯轉肩順   聚焦一瞬
八二攻防   切忌忍氣   口吐鼻納   收張腰立
防援突擊   負傷奮戰   招妙癲毫   一式敵耗

招招如末   洞悉先機   柔注敵睛   三尖相應
腳趾抓地   雙掌拉鋸   離力體重   氣吐力送
時間敵距   恰到好處   拳入四吋   堅催肋斷

步輕靈穩   以両撥斤   閃躍交接   矯靜灑脫
驀然回首   嚴護中軸   手轉身隨   虛步欲踩
拳不離手   勤練套路   幻鬭群英   功夫運應

頭齒眼涎   聲拳背捶   身體武道   貫背手刀
橋肘膝腳   背底踝刀   腿如彈簧   巧防跌蕩
擦膝護陰   急踢即回   提膝脆蹴   目標變奏

空手奪刃   必避來鋒   抓拆直臂   撩陰塌鼻
敵衝棒喝   飛扭曲臂   十字反手   穿心貫喉
拉彼失重   屈膝後仰   撑敵過頂   招變莫停



-- Chinese poem and English rendition by Frank C Yue


The best defence is no offence --
Win without fighting if you can.
Failing that,
Don't be there!
Never find yourself in
Any dangerous scene.

Breathe normally, be still and calm;
Loosely hang shoulders and wrists down.
Direct Qi to two inches below your navel;
Your expressions and postures should be natural.
Take in assailant's whole image in your vision,
With all ears to sounds from all direction.
To shun hazardous situations, it's imperative --
Always be alert, prepared and non-combative.
Against hostility, assertiveness apportion,
Yet be quiet as a maiden before action.
Walk away from insults, douse any teething anger;
Don't be bewildered when suddenly facing danger!

Of your own strengths and your enemy's, be sure;
But move like lightning when fighting is assured.
Circles re-direct linear force;
Compliance controls violence.
Apply minimal force to match the mug;
Ne'er blindly pursue a desperate thug.
When shoved, just bend his little finger;
Leave the first strike to your attacker.
When your assailant chokes you with both arms --
Block strongly with up-and-down ripping palms,
SHUTO his collar-bone with speed,
While kicking into his knee!

When your assailant starts a punching attack --
Side-step, deflect and spear his neck.
Pull him in with left hand and push with your right;
While leaning forward with might
Apply rear-arm choke plus hand lock,
And a forward bow stance adopt.
When you're thrown, place palm inward on the ground,
Bend your elbow, roll along forward round;
Chuck in your chin during your mid-air flight,
Push under-foot, back-kick, turn round upright.
Never punch with locked elbow or just in jest;
Use the leg to block, but kick no higher than the chest.
Elbows for in-fighting, kicks for longest reach;
Smoothly flow into and through openings breach!

When assailant means to kill --
Be sharp, brave and intuitive.
On your side then rightly with Right --
Presume you're dead and fight for Life!
With body and footwork in accord:
Your shoulders and hips should all afford
Your hands, wrists, elbows, knees and feet
For your will, Qi and power to meet.
Strike out at the same time you block --
Fight like lightning to beat the clock.
Be smooth, relaxed, accurate; on connecting
Your small finger, under-arm and fist tensing!

After impact, release tenseness: be supple;
Be fast, decisive, ruthless and forcible --
Never hold back when fully assaulting;
Use substantive and non-substantive footing.
Do employ many a feint --
Create openings and go in!
Attack persistently, each time a new target;
Relax limbs to strike but tense muscles on contact!
With each finishing strike, give out "KAI-AI" shout;
When enemy is down, don't stop the assault.
Vary tempos of attack --
The best plan: Run while you can!

Retrieve your legs and fists like lightning;
Turn your hips and shoulders while striking,
And focus your ALL at the punch --
Like a wheel, your waist should be spun!
Expense eighty percent strength in attack, the rest, defence.
Exhale through your mouth, inhale through your nose;
To withhold your breath, howe'er, is not right.
Your body extending or contracting: Keep your back upright.
From enemy helper, stealth attacks you may attract --
Though you're injured, you MUST carry on the combat!
With perfect technique and might --
"Knock-Out!" with a single strike!

Strike each blow as though it were your very last!
Anticipate your adversary's every move; cast
Your eyes with soft vision round him and at his.
When strike-kicking, align your nose with foot and fist!
In kicking, supporting toes grip the ground;
In punching, the pairing fists come around.
Use own weight and centrifugal force to strike out;
Exhale into your TAN-TIEN and force a hit stout!
In fine timing and distancing,
With accuracy and no lapses,
And the four-finger spear-hand slicing
Through four inches, soft target collapses!

Move swiftly, lightly, flexibly and unpredictably --
Shifting in-coming force with ease and harmony.
Evade strikes, leap, deflect, intercept and pound
Agilely like lightning but without a sound.
Turn head round to check behind,
And protect your centre-line!
About turn with outstretched palm,
Ready to gouge the eyes and "Wham!"
Abruptly attack vital points in chain --
Rain or shine, you should yourself train, train, train.
Fighting at once many opponents visualize;
Sharpening your skills further you would realize!

Our natural weapons -- the head,
Eyes, teeth, saliva, sound and spear-hand,
The fist, URAKEN, hammer-fist and palm,
HAITO, SHUTO and fore-arm,
The elbow, knee, ball-of-foot,
The in-step, heel and sword-foot.
Like coiled-spring, the kicking leg thrusts fast forth,
Do balance well to avoid a fall.
Before you are swarmed, promptly crush the gang leader,
Soften up nearest fighter, throw him at another.
Apply flying kicks, hand thrusts and lunge punch --
Quickly retreat when it comes to the crunch!

To over-power an edged fray,
Avoid always the cutting blade!
Grab, straighten and break the knife-arm,
Flatten his nose and take him down.
Attacker yells with club wielding --
Rush in and twist the arm bending,
Block and grab weapon hand with cross-palm,
Elbow the head and spear under-arm.
Pull enemy in off the floor:
With foot on his stomach, backward fall,
Throw him over your head wide --
Changing techniques all the while!

以上最後一招: "拉彼失重 屈膝後仰 撑敵過頂"

是 Judo 柔道 的 '真捨身技' Sutemi-waza (Sacrifice techniques) 之一,
名為 Ma-sutemi-waza (Stomach throw, a k a the round throw, rear sacrifice throw --
you sacrifice your own standing posture to go down to the ground with your aggressor).

-- "The Judo Handbook (from Beginner to Black Belt)" by Brian Caffary, pages 90-91,
Gallery Books, NYC, 1989.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

楊炯 寧爲百夫長, 勝作一書生。 O, To be a fighting Centurion is my firm will! It's far better than a mild-temper'd weakling Scholar still.

 【從軍行】    唐 楊炯                     





CONG JUN XING ("Marching with the Armies")       
-- by YANG JIONG (Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

A string of burning beacons slowly toward Chang-an does crawl; 
My heart stirs and jumps up -- my heart is not at peace at all.
With command talisman, the Gen'ral left the palace in haste,
To encircle with iron-clad cav'lry the Mongol's sacred place. 
Beneath snowy skies, paintings on war banners seem unclear,
As the sounds of howling winds and thund'ring war drums draw near!
O, To be a fighting Centurion is my firm will! 
It's far better than a mild-temper'd weakling Scholar still.  

李益 不知何處吹蘆管, 一夜征人盡望鄉。 Somewhere comes a flute's sad tunes ('neath the starry dome); All night long, all the soldiers are longing for home!

 【夜上受降城笛】 唐 李益             

回樂峰前沙似雪,         回乐峰前沙似雪,   
受降城外月如霜。         受降城外月如霜。
不知何處吹蘆管,         不知何处吹芦管,  
一夜征人盡望鄉。         一夜征人尽望乡。

"Ascending At Night (the Battlements of) the City-Receiving-Surrenders and Hearing A Flute"       
-- by LI YI (748-827; mid-Tang dynasty) 
-- Translated by Frank C Yue 

Below the Huile Mountains the sands gleam like snows;
Beyond city-for-surrenders, like frost the Moon shows.
Somewhere comes a flute's sad tunes ('neath the starry dome);
All night long, all the soldiers are longing for home! 


李益 莫遣只轮歸海窟,仍留一箭定天山。Flee back to its old den, shall none of the enemy chariots -- I'll fire the Arrow at Tianshan to vanquish the marauding hordes!

【塞下曲】        唐 李益         

定遠何須生入關?         定运何須生入關?  
莫遣只輪歸海窟,         莫遣只轮歸海窟,  
仍留一箭定天山。         仍留一箭定天山。

SAI SHA QU  ("Border Song")            
-- by LI YI (748-827; mid-Tang)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

A la Gen'ral Ma Yuan, I aim to die fighting as it should be;
Why would an old envoy want to return alive to his country?
Flee back to its old den, shall none of the enemy chariots --
I'll fire the arrow at Tianshan to vanquish the marauding hordes!

戎昱 胡风略地燒連山,碎叶孤城未下關。 North wind sweeps the ground as torches light up the hill; At lone fort Suiye gates are left wide open still.

塞上曲】     唐 戎昱    

胡風略地燒連山,          胡风略地燒連山,   
碎葉孤城未下關。          碎叶孤城未下關。

知是將軍夜獵還。          知是將軍夜狩還。

SAI SHANG QU  ("Border Song")       
-- by RONG YU (780? - Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

North wind sweeps the ground as torches light up the hill;
At lone Fort Suiye, gates are left wide open still.
Hilltop-beacon sentries on relay call out loud -- 
Our Gen'ral is returning from night hunting now!

 Translator's Note:
碎叶城: 唐安西四镇之一 , (一)诗人 李白 出生于此。故址在今吉尔吉斯斯坦

Fort Suiye:  One of the four garrison towns of the Tang Dynasty's Anxi Frontier Command. Poet Li Bai was (allegedly) born there. The ruins are located in 

present day Kyrguzatan to the north of Tokmok. 

張籍 邊城暮雨雁飛低,芦笋初生漸欲齊。 At border town, wild geese fly low in the evening rain As young shoots atop the reeds are growing abreast again.

【涼州詞】         唐 張籍         

邊城暮雨雁飛低,         边城暮雨雁飞低,  
芦笋初生漸欲齊。         芦笋初生漸欲斉。 
無數鈴聲遙過磧,         无數鈴声遙過磧,
應馱白練到安西。         應馱白練到安西。

LIANGZHOU CI  ("Song of Liangzhou")    
-- by ZHANG JI (768?-830?)(Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue
At border town, wild geese fly low in the evening rain
As young shoots atop the reeds are growing abreast again.
Away across desert sands, sounds of countless camel bells fade;
On Silk Road bear'ng precious cargo, caravans go on their way!

王翰 醉臥沙場君莫笑,古來征戰幾人回 ? If we lay drunk on the battlefield sands, do not laugh, m'friend! Since time began, how many have come back at battles' end?

【涼 州 詞】     唐 王 翰                           


古來征戰幾人回 ? 

LIANGZHOU CI ("Song of Liangzhou")     
-- WANG HAN (Tang Dynasty) 
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

O Aromatic, fine wine in glow-at-night jade cups round!
We're about to drink as horseback lutes to mount at once sound.
If we lay drunk on the battlefield sands, do not laugh, m'friend!
Since time began, how many have come back at battles' end?

卢伦 野幕蔽琼筵,羌戎贺劳旋。 A hearty feasting in the soldiers' wild camps has begun; Our army shall return triumphant since the war is won!

【塞下曲 其四】    唐 •  盧倫

塞下曲 其四】    唐 卢伦

野幕蔽瓊筵,            野幕蔽琼筵,  
羌戎賀勞旋。            羌戎贺劳旋。        

雷鼓動山川。            雷鼓动山川。
SAI SHA QU ("Border Song" No. 4 of 4)      
-- by LU LUN (748-800: Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

A hearty feasting in the soldiers' wild camps has begun;           
Our army shall return triumphant since the war is won!
Let's drink and dance in our golden armour till we are numb --
Move the mountains and the rivers with our thunderous drums!

卢伦 欲将轻骑逐,大雪满弓刀。 We're chasing them on horseback burden'd light -- Our bows and swords are covered with snow white!

【塞下曲 其三】    唐 •  盧倫

【塞下曲 其三】    唐 卢伦 
月黑雁飛高,              月黑雁飞高,   
單于夜遁逃。              单于夜遁逃。       

大雪滿弓刀。              大雪满弓刀。

SAI SHA QU ("Border Song" No. 3 of 4)      
-- by LU LUN (748-800: Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

In dim moonlight, soar high th' frighten'd wild geese;      
In th' dark many a Tartar chieftain flees!                   
We're chasing them on horseback burden'd light --
Our bows and swords are covered with snow white!

卢伦 林暗草惊风,将军夜引弓。 In the dark woods, movement in grass startles the night patrol; The great General fires a spontaneous shot from his bow.

 【塞下曲 其二】    唐 •  盧倫

【塞下曲 其二】    唐 卢伦

林暗草驚風,           林暗草惊风,  
將軍夜引弓。           将军夜引弓。     

没在石棱中。           没在石棱中。   

SAI SHA QU ("Border Song" No. 2 of 4)      
-- by LU LUN (748-800: Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue 

In the dark woods, movement in grass startles the night patrol;      
The great General fires a spontaneous shot from his bow.
And lo, of his white-feather'd arrow the morning does show --
Deep inside a piece of rock it has buried itself whole!

卢伦 鹫翎金仆姑,燕尾绣蝥弧。 His golden arrows are tipped by a hawk's pretty feather; Embroider'd swallow-tail'd war banners fly in cold weather.

【塞下曲 •  其一】    唐 •  盧倫 

【塞下曲 其一】    唐  卢伦           

翎金仆姑,         鹫翎金仆姑,    
燕尾綉蝥弧。         燕尾绣蝥弧。 
獨立揚新令,         独立扬新令,    
千營共一呼。         千营共一呼。

SAI SHA QU ("Border Song" No. 1 of 4)      
-- by LU LUN (748-800: Tang dynasty)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

His golden arrows are tipped by a hawk's pretty feather;       
Embroider'd swallow-tail'd war banners fly in cold weather. 
Standing aloft, the General waves high a new command --
Comes a huge cry from a thousand tents as straight the men stand!

李白 明月出天山,蒼茫雲海間。 Full Moon rise' above the Mountain of Sky, With soothing light the sea of clouds to dye.

【關山月】    唐 李白






GUAN SHAN YUE ("The Mountain-Pass Moon") 
-- by LI BAI (701-762)
 -- Translated by Frank C Yue

Full Moon rise' above the Mountain of Sky,
With soothing light the sea of clouds to dye.
The long long wind, blowing thousands of miles,
Past the strategic Yumen Pass just files.
The Han armies serge down Mt. Baideng then,
To fight at Qinghai fierce Hun calv'ry men.
From battlefields afar, since times of old
None returned soldier is seen in the fold!
Those guarding the frontiers gaze without sight,
Longing for sweet home in dire, piteous plight.
Up the high, cold watch-tower this lonely night,
The cruel war endless sighs endless indict!

... ...<汉末古诗中所谓 “十五从军征,八十始得归”。