Thursday 21 March 2013

文天祥 人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。(Tell me, my friend --) Since time began, to die who can decline? O Through history books in glory, let our crimson hearts shine!

人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。(Tell me, my friend --) Since time began, to die who can decline? O Through history books in glory, let our crimson hearts shine!

【過零丁洋】   南宋 • 文天祥




("Crossing LINGDING YANG: Lonely Ocean")
-- by WEN TIANZHANG (1236-1283)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Facing tumult'ous times the Book of Change I divine by;
Our few troops fought for four long years under the starry sky.
Our homeland's shattered, scattered in the wind like puffy seeds;
My life is like the floating plant, hit by rains (till it bleeds).
Fleeing down the Beach of Fear, fear on our faces had shown;
Sailing across the Lonely Ocean, we are so alone!
(Tell me, my friend --) Since time began, to die who can decline?
O Through history books in glory, let our crimson hearts shine!


... 很感動: 金錢地位不能惑亂其心志,貧窮低賤仍不改其操守,不屈服於武力暴力。

some core human values are universal -- they shine eternal like a mighty bright beacon, pointing the way, transcending the barriers of time-space, nations, cultures, etc. just open up your heart and your mind's eye... it is really not too difficult to sense and see what is justice, what is right and wrong.

the following information is copied from the net:

 < 文天祥(1236~1283),南宋政治家、文学家。自幼敬仰历史上的忠臣义士,20岁中状元。1274年,起兵抗元。1278年,兵败被俘。1279 年,元兵把他押解到崖山,途中经过零丁洋时他写下《过零丁洋》一诗,以表明自己视死如归的意志。1283年1月9日,文天祥 从容就义。>


 天祥至潮阳,见 (张)弘范 (蒙古汉军元帅,率部下抓获文天祥),左右命之拜,不拜。弘范遂以客礼见之,与俱入厓山(宋末抗元的最后据点),使为书招 张世杰。天祥曰:“吾不能扞(保卫)父母,乃教人叛父母,可乎?” 索之固,乃书所过零丁洋诗与之。其末有云:“人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青。弘范笑而置之。厓山破,军中置酒大会。弘范曰:“国亡,丞相忠孝尽矣,能改 心以事宋者事皇上,将不失为宰相也。” 天祥 泫然(水滴下的样子)出涕,曰:“国亡不能捄(通“救”),为人臣者死有余罪,况敢逃其死而二其心乎!弘范义之,遣使护送天祥至京师,天祥 在道不食八 日,不死,即复食。至燕,馆人供 张(陈设帷帐及一切用具)甚盛。不寝处,坐达旦。遂移兵马司(主管京师治安的机关),设卒以守之……天祥临刑殊从容,谓吏卒曰:“吾事毕矣。” 南乡(通“向”)拜而死。

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