Friday 22 March 2013

岳飛 遙望中原,荒煙外,許多城郭。 From afar, looking at my Motherland, Beyond the smokes and battle sand, Nervous, numerous cities stand.

【滿江紅 · 登黄鹤樓有感 】 南宋 岳飛  


卻歸來 ,重續漢陽遊,騎黃鶴。

TUNE: MAN JIANG HONG (“All Red the River!”)("Expressing My Feelings at Yellow Crane Tower")
-- by Yue Fei (1103-1142)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue
From afar, looking at my Motherland,
Beyond the smokes and battle sand,
Nervous, numerous cities stand.
Remember the good old times --
Guard'd by willows, shield'd by flower allies,
Phoneix mansions, dragon pavilions did rise.
Emperor Hill, by dancing courtesans surround'd,
From palaces came music and joyful sounds.

Alas, now day-after-day!
Invading horsemen held their sway,
Dreadful wind-blown dusts blot the light of day!
Where is many a fighting man?
O! By cold sharp blades mainly maim'd!
Where's the people I see no more?
Their bodies fill the valley floors!
Enchanting still the rivers and hills same,
But thousands o' villages desolate and lame!
When shall I be granted a royal rope,
To tie up hateful foes with elite troops,
With iron horses cross the Yellow River then?
I wish to return to Yellow Crane Tower again --
I'd like to continue with my Hanyang tour here,
Riding the yellow crane, like the sage o' yester-year.

the following information is copied from the net: 

< 岳飛(1103~1142)






南宋 劉松年 所作的「中興四將」圖(劉光世、韓世忠、張俊、岳飛全身立像)。岳飛... 善以少擊衆。欲有所舉,盡召諸統制與謀,謀定而後戰,故有勝無敗。猝遇敵不動,故敵為之語曰:「撼山易,撼岳家軍難。」張俊嘗問用兵之術,曰:「仁、智、信、勇、嚴,闕一不可。」調軍食,必蹙額曰:「東南民力,耗敝極矣。」.....

西漢而下,若韓、彭、絳、灌之為將,代不乏人,求其文武全器、仁智幷施如宋 岳飛 者,一代豈多見哉。史稱 關雲長 通《左氏春秋》學,然未嘗見其文章。飛北伐,軍至汴梁之朱仙鎮,有詔班師,飛自為表答詔,忠義之言,流出肺腑,真有諸葛孔明之風,而卒死於 秦檜 之手。蓋飛與檜勢不兩立,使飛得志,則金讎可復,宋恥可雪;檜得志,則飛有死而已。昔劉宋殺 檀道濟,道濟下獄,嗔目曰:「自壞汝萬里長城!」高宗忍自棄其中原,故忍殺飛,嗚呼寃哉!嗚呼寃哉!> 

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