Monday 18 March 2013

蘇軾 十年生死兩茫茫,不思量,自難忘 Ten years, by the living and the dead, we'd been set apart!

十年生死兩茫茫,不思量,自難忘 Ten years, by the living and the dead, we'd been set apart! O Such a great void in our hearts!

【江城子】 北宋 • 蘇軾



TUNE: JIANG CHENG ZI ("Fair Lady at River City")
(Record of my dream on the twentieth night of the first month in the year of Yue Mao)
-- by Su Shi (1036-1101) 

-- Translated by Frank C. Yue

Ten years, by the living and the dead, we'd been set apart!
O Such a great void in our hearts!
I tried not to think about that,
But neither could I e'er forget.
A thousand miles away, your lone grave lies;
My deep sorrows, to whom I can confide?
E'en if we met again, you won't know me any more --
My face full of dust, my temple-hair hoar!

In a faint dream, I'm suddenly home, in the deep of night!
By the window fair,
You're combing your hair.
We stare at each other, not a sound --
Only endless tears come streaming down.
O Year after year, where is the source of my heart-break plight?
More moon-lit nights, still...
Grave on short-pine hill.

the following useful information is copied from "":

<這是 蘇軾 為悼念原配妻子王弗而寫的一首悼亡詞,表現了綿綿不盡的哀傷和思念。 全詞情意纏綿,字字血淚。 上闋寫詞人對亡妻的深沉的思念,是寫實。 下闋記述夢境,抒寫了詩人對亡妻執著不捨的深情。 上闋記實,下闋記夢,襯托出對亡妻的思念,加深本詞的悲傷基調。 既寫了王弗,又寫了詞人自己。 詞中採用白描手法,出語如話家常,卻字字從肺腑鏤出,自然而又深刻,平淡中寄寓著真淳。 這首詞思致委婉,境界層出,情調淒涼哀婉,為膾炙人口的名作。...

<江城子 .....



(2)十年:指結髮妻子王弗去世 ​​已十年。

(3)思量:想念。 “量”按格律应念平声liáng “量”按格律應念平聲liáng 。


(5)孤墳:孟啟《 本事詩 ·徵異第五》載張姓妻孔氏贈夫詩:“欲知腸斷處,明月照孤墳。” 其妻王氏之墓。

(6)“塵滿面” 兩句,形容年老憔悴 。


(8)小軒窗 :指小室的窗前,軒:門窗


(10)明月夜,短松岡: 蘇軾葬妻之地,短松:矮松。>

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