Friday 15 March 2013

李白 長風破浪會有時﹐直掛雲帆濟滄海。One day, I'll ride the long wind, break the waves (and will be free).

【行路難】三首之一    李白   







XING LU NAN  NO. 1 (of 3)("Journeying Is Hard!)
-- by LI BAI (701-762)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

A small fortune is exquisite wine in bottles of gold,         
And fine food on jade plates is worth pieces of coin untold.
I low'r my cup, drop my chopsticks, my appetite has drain'd.
Unsheathing my sword, I look 'round at a loss and in vain!
I'd cross the Yellow River, but blocked by ice I can't go.
I'd climb Mount Taihang, but the sky's darken'd by drifting snow.
Leisurely, I cast my fishing line into a blue stream;
Yet, how I long to take a boat and in the sun day-dream!
Journeying is hard.
Journeying is hard!
To deal with forks in the road, tell me how.
The detours and diversions, where're they now?
One day, I'll ride the long wind, break the waves (and will be free).
Hoisting my sail to touch the clouds, I'll cross the deep blue sea!


1.  姜尚未遇周文王時,曾在磻溪(今陝西寶雞東南)釣魚。
2.  伊尹見湯之前,夢見自己乘舟經過日月之邊。

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