Friday 11 October 2013

Of precious moving Body parts, “Use it or lose it!” -- Take to heart.

“ "Use it or lose it!" -- Take to heart.”
-- A Poem by Frank C Yue

Of precious moving Body parts,
“Use it or lose it!” -- Take to heart.
Always exercise Body, hands, and feet
And the 'CPU' brain, lest they be weak!
Love yourself, made in His image -- Love well,
For Love comes from above, in our hearts dwells.

From all your confining 'snail homes', break out!
Calling senior folks, get out and about.
Away with lonely, gnawing dark and gloom;
For draining Melancholy, leave no room.
Why shut yourself in? The Sun's shining bright,
And the trees, grass and flowers all smell just right.

Now, vitamin 'D' everyone needs.
But our Body Temple can't indeed
Make it without the vital sun-light.
Germs, pathogens -- 'D' helps you to fight!
Listen to happy birds' sweet songs;
Just tap your feet and hum along ...

In your local park talk to your Friends;
A caring Word does heal without end!
Sometimes I pass by my park this way
At different hours of the 'life long' day.
Out come various kinds of users --
Old ladies on wheelchairs with pushers.

Pale, frail Lady struggles with the cane
And helping steady her is her Man.
They take their time: They are slow going.
Yet, all round, Love is overflowing!
Isn't that wonderful? Wouldn't you rather
Be an Angel to One Another?

Post-storm: the Sun's always there shining still.
Smell the joyous, fine Lilies in the fields.
Fleecy high clouds sail free in the Blue,
Pretty Rainbow bows for me and you!
Look for and observe the most tiny things;
Ever wondered how life bursts and takes wing?

With thankful hearts let's sing our Praises --
To the Creator who all life raises!
Don't allow our Holiness be undone --
Truly a Divine Being: We are, Each One!
Each granted a double-edged sword: Free Will,
Free choice, to win Life timeless fore'er still.

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