Wednesday 23 October 2013

李清照 落日鎔金 暮雲合璧 人在何處?The setting Sun, itself smelted like gold, taints all like gold

【永遇樂】       南宋 • 李清照




            "Forever A-meeting Happiness"    TITLE: "The setting Sun, itself smelted                like gold"
-- LI QINGZHAO (1084-1151)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

The setting Sun, itself smelted like gold,                                 taints all like gold; 
Ev'ning clouds close ranks to form piece                               of sculpted jade, like so.
Alas! Where is my dear husband, though?
Willows dyed dripping green,
Thick chimney smokes rising, by all seen,
Plum-blossoms swaying in the breeze                                    there, 
Flute's sad tunes from nowhere --
O! Vibrant Spring is now in the air!
On this fine 'Everyone's Birthday' today,
The weather is warm, people are gay.
Despite all this, the wind and rain may not                           stay away!
I'm thankful for the invitation: Fragrant                                 carriage, precious steeds,
Drinking friends, rhyming companions,                                 come a-visiting at speed.

On this double feast day (this leap year) at                           the Middle Kingdom,
Be idling in their boudoirs, young ladies                               would seldom --
Enjoying bright lanterns and full Moon is                             the common wisdom.
Ladies' new hats adorned with fine                                       feathers and jade green,
Bright, gold-trimmed silk-flower cutouts                              are sharp and lean. 
But, I'm so dreary, 
And I'm so weary!
Of wind and frost, my graying hair has its                            share;
Going out after dusk, I do not care. 
It's better to sit by the curtain, out of sight,
Listening to the people's talks and                                        laughter at night!  

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