Wednesday 17 April 2013

中風五種癥狀!面臂腿突痳痺癱, 或短暫無力弱軟; 說話不清理解難... 5 Signs of Stroke! Sudden numbness in the arm, leg or face; Sudden dizziness, or can't find one's way.

中風 五種癥狀!




如有以上任何一種癥狀,應馬電召救護車萬不可遲疑在 "黄" 三小時半獲得適當治療,病者的中風遺症可減至最。 

有關詳情請瀏覽 加拿大 心臟及中風基金會 網頁 ;


5 Warning Signs of STROKE!
(Even if temporary)

Sudden numbness in the arm, leg or face;
Sudden dizziness, or can't find one's way.
Trouble speaking with sudden confusion;
Having sudden trouble with one's vision.
Sudden headache, severe and unusual;
Go at once -- don't delay -- to the hospital!


Call for an ambulance immediately if you experience any of these symptoms. 
When treated in the "golden" first 3-1/2 hours, the effects of stroke can be limited. 

(Beware of and ignore the usual "self-denials" by the patient. 
Above signs based on advice given by
the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada; visit their website:

<中風 之中醫理論:

1. 中風是以半身不遂、肢麻、舌强語塞、甚至突然昏仆為主要臨床病症。其 發病驟然,變証迅速多端,如風善行數變,若風暴之急速,故名「中風」,又稱「腦卒中」。

2. 本病属于腦血管病范圍,常見于現代醫學的腦出血、腦血栓形成、腦栓塞、蛛網膜下腔出血、短暫性腦缺血等病;病位在腦,與心、肝、脾、腎關係密切。病性為本虛標實,上盛下虛。

3. 病因多為以下因素 --

A. 年老體衰,由于氣虛運、血無力,引致腦脈瘀滯;
B. 勞累過度,因陰虛陽亢,而陽升風動;
C. 飲食不節,或嗜酒過度,以致脾失健運,濕聚成痰,而痰郁化熱;
D. 情志所傷,肝氣郁滯,以致氣滯血淤,郁久化火,心火旺盛;

-- 而導致風(肝風)、火(肝火、心火)、痰(風痰、痰熱)、瘀(血瘀),(風火痰瘀四種病機)流竄經絡,為(甲)中經絡;或上蒙清竅,因陰陽逆亂成閉証,因陰陽离決成脫証,為(乙)中臟腑。>

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