Monday 8 April 2013

王勃 海內存知己,天涯若比鄰。Bound by the vast seas, we two remain bosom friends; We're neighbours though we are apart at the sky's ends!

【送杜少府之任蜀州】 唐 王勃     

城闕輔三秦,    風煙望五津。
與君離別意,    同是宦遊人。
海內存知己,    天涯若比鄰。
無為在歧路,    兒女共沾巾。


Farewell to COUNTY LIEUTENANT  Du Leaving for His Post in Shu (Sichuan)   
-- by WANG BO (650-676)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Link the Three-Qin districts here, the capital's walls;        
Through wind and haze, you'd probably see Five-Rivers all.       
Now, at this spot we have to part from each other --         
Travelling to remote posts, we serve our ruler.           
Bound by the vast seas, we two remain bosom friends;
We're neighbours though we are apart at the sky's ends!
Don't just stand, my friend, at the fork of the road wild --       
And, really, we shan't be crying like a young child! 

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