Friday 5 April 2013

杜甫 戎馬關山北,凭軒涕泗流。Alas! war horses gallop north of the mountains for years -- Leaning by this railing, I am full of sorrows and tears!

【登岳阳樓】    杜甫
昔聞洞庭水,    今上岳阳樓。
吳楚東南坼,    乾坤日夜浮。
親朋无一字,    老病有孤舟。
戎馬關山北,    凭軒涕泗流。


"Ascending the Yueyang Tower"      
-- by DU FU (712-770)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

I heard about the charm of Lake Dongting in the old days;
Climbing the stairs at Yueyang Tower, I'm now on my way.
The beautiful lands of Wu and Chu lie to the south-east;
Heaven and earth float day and night on the waters, it seems.
There's not a word from my relatives or friends for so long;
Beset by old age and illness, I cling to m'boat alone.
Alas! war horses gallop north of the mountains for years --
Leaning by this railing, I am full of sorrows and tears! 

Translator's Note:

Towards the end of the dynasty and to flee from the invading northern tribes, the poet became a boat refugee. From a joyful description of the pretty scenery, he went on to lament his own hardship, lonely drifting, and the breaking up of his beloved country.

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