Tuesday 23 April 2013

羅洪先 身在公門好積功,莫施巧計害貧窮。 Holding public office, you're positioned to do good deeds;

警世詩  明‧羅洪先 

身在公門好積功,  莫施巧計害貧窮。
爐中有火休添炭,  雪裡生寒莫助風。
船到江心牢把舵,  箭安絃上慢開弓。
當權若不行方便,  唸盡彌陀總是空。


An Admonitory Poem for High Officials
-- by LOU HONGXIAN(1504-1564)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Holding public office, you're positioned to do good deeds;
Never scheme or use tricks to harm the poor and those in need.
When there's a fire in the stove, don't add any more charcoal;
When ice and snow is all around, don't fan up the winds cold.
As the boat is in deep water, hold on to the rudder;
As the arrow's placed on the bow, be slow to draw the string.
If you're in power but convenience to people you don't bring,
It's useless no matter how many times you say your prayer!

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