Monday 8 April 2013

劉禹鍚 陰風振寒郊,猛虎正咆哮。Biting cold winds reverberated in the chilly suburb, (While throughout the dark woods --) fierce tiger's mighty roar was heard.

【壯士行】    唐 • 劉禹鍚


悍睛忽星墮, 飛血濺林梢。

里中欣害除, 賀酒紛號呶。

明日長橋上, 傾城看斬蛟。

ZHUANG SHI XING: "The Fearless One's Tasks" 
-- by LIU YUXI (772-842) 

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Biting cold winds reverberated in the chilly suburb,
(While throughout the dark woods --) fierce tiger's mighty roar was heard.
Slowly walking, O so slow, onto the burnt fallow fields,
With low growls, into the yellow grass, it vanished from view.
Galloping fast on his gallant steed, then came the brave one;  
He stamp'd his stirrups, bent the jade bow as if hold'ng the sun.
The tiger stood on hind legs, as he roared out a loud shout --
His sharp arrow, like a piercing spear, he at once shot out!
The light from the man-eater's eyes fell sudden like comet from th' sky;
The tree tops were stained red, for the beast's blood spurted so high.
The fierce beast's thick skin with striking stripes, his cushion shall be;
Its freshly-slaughtered meat would stock up his kitchen pantry.
The villagers were elated, rid of their greatest pest!
They cheered most loud, and to celebrate brought out their wine best.
Tomorrow, all the townsfolk will be out on the bridge long,
To watch how he shall kill the terrifying dragon strong.

... 劉禹錫 <作於朗州貶謫時的《壯士行》詩,通過塑造一個不畏艱險。射虎斬蛟、為民除害的壯士形象,再一次表達了 劉禹錫 在 "永貞革新" 失敗後不悔恨,不妥協,仍然堅持自己的政治理想,並為之鬥爭不息的頑強精神。 詩曰:陰風振寒郊,猛虎正咆哮。 徐行出燒地,連吼入黃茅。 壯士走馬去,鐙前彎玉弰。叱之使人立,一發如鈹交,悍睛忽星墮,飛血濺林梢。 彪炳為我席,羶腥充我庖。 里中欣害除,賀酒紛號呶。明日長橋上,傾城看斬蛟。

長橋,又名蛟橋,故址在今江蘇省宜興市境內。據《世說新語。 自新篇》和《晉書 周處傳》記載,西晉 周處 為害鄉里,為鄉里所患,後終於悔過自新,曾到南山上射虎,在長橋下斬蛟。劉禹錫《壯士行》運用這個典故,擯棄了周處為害鄉里的情節,只取射虎斬蚊之事,這就使壯士成了為民除害的英雄。


"永貞革新"失敗後,劉禹錫 等人受到貶謫的迫害和謠言的攻擊。 他在《上杜司徒書》中說:"吠聲者多,辨實者寡。飛語一發,臚言四弛",反《舊唐書》卷一六六《無稹傳》。

對派對革新派的攻擊相當激烈。但是,劉禹錫  一直認為 "既得用,自春至秋,其所施為,人不以為當非。他對 "永貞革新" 的一百四十六天的所作所為,直至臨終前寫《自傳》時仍認為是正確的。為了回擊保守派中傷的惡語,劉禹錫 的《壯士行》塑造了一個為民除害的英雄形象,詩中擯棄周處為害鄉里的故事,藉以表示自己原本無錯,仍然堅持自己的政治主張,隨時準備迎接新的鬥爭。...>

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