Friday 22 March 2013

岳飛 怒髮衝冠,憑闌處,瀟瀟雨歇。 My helmet is raised in anger by bristl'ng hair As I stand by the railing here. The driving rains cease.

【滿江紅】    南宋 岳飛



Tune: MAN JIANG HONG ("All Red The River!")    
--  by YUE FEI (1103-1142)
-- Translated by Frank C Yue

My helmet is raised in anger by bristl'ng hair 
As I stand by the railing here.
The driving rains cease.
I lift up my eyes to see,
Bellowing out a long cry toward the dark'ning skies -- 
My emotions are fierce and high!
Thirty years of honour and merit
Are nothing but dirt and grit.
I travelled eight thousand long miles,
By the clouds and the moon beguiled.
Waiting idly, don't just remain.
Lest youthful heads turn white -- you'll wail in vain!

The shame of Two Emper'rs' Abduction ne'er vindicated!
O When will loyal courtier's lament be eradicated?
We shall drive our chariots en mass 
To crush the foe at Mount Helan Pass!
I resolve to gorge on Tartar's flesh in hunger,
Drink in thirst the Hun's blood amid talks and laughter!
Let's start anew to free our occupied homeland --
We'll report triumphant to the Imperial Court then.

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