Sunday 10 March 2013

李清照 沈水臥時燒, 香消酒未消。

沈水臥時燒, 香消酒未消。
Incense was lit before my bed I caress'd,
Now, the fragrance is gone, but not my drunkenness.

【菩薩蠻 】    南宋 • 李清照

風柔日薄春猶早, 夾衫乍著心情好。
睡起覺微寒, 梅花鬢上殘。

故鄉何處是? 忘了除非醉。
沈水臥時燒, 香消酒未消。

TUNE: PU SA MAN ("Buddhist Dancer")
-- Li Qingzhao (1084-1151?) (Southern Song dynasty)

-- Translated by Frank C Yue

Gentle breeze, hazy Sun, Spring is still young.
I put on padded clothes and happy songs are sung.

A little chill lingers when I get out of my bed,
Life from the plum flower above my temple has fled.

O But where is my home town?
I forget not, unless with drunkenness I came down.
Incense was lit before my bed I caress'd,
Now, the fragrance is gone, but not my drunkenness.

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